The Corridors, Hogwarts...
Buzzing filled the ears of Severus Snape as he made his way toward the great hall. It had been converted into a ball room for the Cupid's Ball. He had been dressed in his usual teaching attire with his raven hair in it's usual lank curtain about his face and his emotion-less expression that forever looked like a blank mask on his pale face. He had been dreading this day since Dumbledore made the announcement. To make matter worse, both he and Lupin were to be the chaperons for this. A long night of policing hormonal teenagers and guarding the punch bowls was definitely in the works.
The Potions Master made his way down the corridors his ebony robes billowing behind him. The holiday décor was enough to make him sick. The only good thing about all the floating hearts and pea-brained teens was that Hermione would be there. He didn't doubt that she would endeavor to look her best in the hopes of obtaining any gifts from Sebastian.
It was quite the celebration despite Snape's misgivings. He had not seen Albus Dumbledore go all out for a holiday since The Yule Ball. He suspected that it was due to Voldemort not being able to sustain love and this had been the crazy old wizard's lame attempt at promoting it as well as celebrating the end of the second wizarding war.
Of course Snape believed that Minerva McGonagall had a lot to do with his amorous nature as well. It was a little known fact that Albus Dumbledore and The formidable Head of Gryffindor house had been seeing each other as of late. The Potions Master couldn't really say that he had been surprised when he first found out.
It was like watching two people that were more like his parents getting together. He supposed near death would make a man say and do crazy things. He should know, he gave his memories to Harry Potter of all people.
Shaking off the last of his thoughts Snape ventured into The Great Hall.
He could not wait for Valentine's Day and this ridiculous Cupid's Ball to be over.
The Great Hall, Hogwarts...
Inside the Great Hall had been just as terrible as the corridors. Banners of red, pink, and white were all over the place. Snape had never wanted to vomit so much in his life. The entire place was nauseating. Small tables were present with decorative cloths and candles, confetti fell from the ceiling in steady streams. The ceiling had pictures of little angels with fluffy white wings flapping in bliss. Everywhere little hearts floated uninhibited in various Valentine's Day colors. The scent of chocolate from an overly stocked chocolate fountain filled the air. Snape could not have been more uncomfortable. Some of the students had been dancing to some noise they referred to as music. They were all dressed up in neat suits and sparkling but colorful dresses. The low color changing lighting had not made it any better.
"I may vomit." said Snape in an emotionless tone.
"All in good time, Severus." came the voice of Remus Lupin.
"Could this day get any worse?" asked Snape. "Chaperoning teenagers and I'm stuck with you."
Lupin gave him a big smile. He had been dressed in a ridiculously lame brown suit, accompanied by a very out of style yellow long sleeve shirt unbuttoned at the collar with unpolished brown dress shoes and his hair slicked back. He looked every bit the unkempt professor he was despite the occasion.
"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Severus." he said pleasantly.
"Sod off Lupin." replied Snape annoyed.
A scowl of disgust filed across his pale face as he continued to look around.
"All it needs is a bloody disco ball." he said.
Lupin laughed.
"Just wait until the end of the night." he said. "I'm sure Dumbledore thought the same thing."
Snape shook his head.
"This is going to be a long night." he said with disdain.
Lupin put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yep." he replied.
Snape glared at him murderously.
Harry Potter arrived in a basic black suit with a white dress shirt and black tie as well as shiny black dress shoes. His unkempt hair had been combed back and his glasses were shining. The green eyed wizard had a wide smile spread across his face, possibly because he had Ginny Weasley on his arm as he entered The Great Hall. She wore her hair long and at her shoulders with a black head band to keep it in place. Her dress had been white with a black belt across the middle with a heart shaped buckle as it's center piece. She wore white shoes with black trim and carried a white rose that Harry had given her. They looked pretty good together as they strolled in.
Draco Malfoy arrived in a forest green suit decorated with silver snakes similar to his father's style with shiny black dress shoes and an equally black tie. His short blond hair had been neat and he walked in with Pansy Parkinson on his arm. She wore a black dress that seemed to reveal just enough of her figure in all the "wrong" places with a forest green strap tied around her waist in the shape of a sizable bow. She wore black heels and carried a small black hand bag. The junior Malfoy entered the hall with a confident strut. Snape smirked recalling just how much Draco reminded him of Lucius at that moment.
Ron Weasley arrived wearing a Merlin awful red suit with a cream colored long sleeve shirt with ruffles at the sleeve and collar and dark red dress shoes. His hair had been shaggy and he looked like something out of a bad Muggle comedy. The red head had a sly smile on his face as he entered accompanied by Susan Bones. She had been a sizable girl and wore a silk pink dress with white lace which had been a direct off set to Weasley's ruffled look. The dress had appeared a little snug but she pulled it off well enough. On her feet were comfortable flat pink shoes. The couple made their way inside with less grace than Draco and Pansy.
Snape had been ready for the next circus act to made it's way through the doors when Hermione Granger entered. She had been alone but she did seem at all bothered by it. The bushy haired Gryffindor's trade mark hair had been curly and down to her back with red highlights. She wore ruby red lipstick on her normally pink lips. Her slender frame was wrapped in a silk green dress with silvery swirl patterns that gleamed in the lighting as she moved. Her feet had been in black heels with straps that seemed to wrap around her ankle much like leather snakes. She fit them pretty well and it appeared she had been comfortable in them. The ring Sebastian had given her had been promptly displayed on her finger as she made her way to a nearby table.
Lupin smirked as he watched Snape when Hermione entered. The Potions Master had been slowly consuming a cup of punch and not appearing to be paying any attention to anything in particular since Weasley strolled in. Then his dark eyes fell on Hermione and he nearly choked to death. The DADA Professor laughed when Snape recovered but he had been unable to close his mouth since.
"See something you like Severus?" asked Lupin.
Snape narrowed his eyes at the werewolf.
"I don't know what you're talking about." replied Snape bitterly.
Lupin continued to smirk.
"So it was someone else's heart I heard about to beat out of their chest when Miss Granger arrived." he said teasing.
"Sod off werewolf." replied Snape turning his attention back to his punch.
Lupin shook his head as he watched Snape steal another glance at Hermione.
Hermione sat quietly at an empty table. Draco had venture over with Pansy. Harry and Ginny joined them after that. Ron and Susan followed. The group found themselves stunned by Granger's new appearance. None had been more surprised than Draco, well with the exception of Snape. The young albino wizard shook his head in disbelief.
"Damn Granger." he said observing her. "No wonder Sebastian always shagged you."
Pansy elbowed him in the chest.
"What? was a compliment." said Draco in his own defense.
Ron smirked pleased that it wasn't him being harassed this time.
"T-Thanks I think." replied Hermione skeptical.
Harry shook his head.
"D-Do you feel like a dance Mione?" he asked. "I-I'm sure Ginny wouldn't mind."
Hermione smiled at her friend sweetly.
"No thanks, Harry." she replied. "But I appreciate the offer."
The green eyed wizard nodded understanding. She wanted to dance with Sebastian. He couldn't help but look over at Professor Snape who seemed to be watching them.
If only she knew.
"We'll sit here if you'd like Mione." said Ginny.
Hermione shook her head.
"No, that's okay." she replied. "You lot came here to go and dance."
The couples got to their feet.
"I'm sure Sebastian would have been here if he could." said Pansy taking a shot at being supportive.
"He would never have missed this." said Draco sympathetic to her plight. "Not if it meant dancing with you, Granger."
"Yeah the bloke was crazy about you." added Ron. "No way he'd miss this."
"I'm sorry he's not here, Hermione." said Susan.
"Me too." replied Hermione a bit sorrowful in her tone. "Now off you"
The dance went on and Hermione found herself looking in Professor Snape's direction. She steeled herself as she got to her feet and walked over toward him and Professor Lupin. Both Professors chatted casually and looked around the room in search of trouble-makers. The young Gryffindor witch approached the ever polite Lupin first.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Professor Lupin." she said with a sweet smile.
Lupin returned her smile.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Granger." he replied.
Hermione turned her attention to The Potions Professor. He had a scowl on his notoriously pale face and leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. It didn't take one long to realize that he had not been having a good time and was more than a little bitter about having to attend. Still, Hermione continued with her plan.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Professor Snape." she said sweetly.
Snape glared at her and seemed as if he were on the verge of saying something particularly mean when Lupin narrowed his eyes at him.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Granger." grumbled The Potions Professor.
His return of her greeting made her treat him to a warm smile.
Lupin looked at the two of them for a moment and then turn his attention to his empty cup.
"I-I'm going to get another refill." he said. "I'll talk to you later."
Hermione waved at him.
Snape rolled his eyes.
The Gryffindor witch stood next to Snape against the wall and watched everyone else dance.
"Might I ask why you have decided to forgo the teenage festivities and endure my company, Miss Granger?" he asked not taking his eyes off the students.
"Guess, I didn't feel like dancing." replied Hermione.
Snape scoffed.
"So why did you attend?" he asked no more sensitive to her situation than he'd ever been.
"Beats sitting in my room alone." she replied honestly. "You don't seem to like being at the dance either."
"I would much rather be reading." replied Snape.
"So does that mean you can't dance?" asked Hermione out of curiousity.
Snape turned his attention to the young witch.
"I assure you Miss Granger, I am very well adverse in the matters of dance." he replied.
"But, I've never seen you do it?" replied Hermione shocked by his reply.
"And you never will." replied Snape bitterly. "Don't you have someone else to pester, Miss Granger another teenage boy perhaps?"
"No." replied Hermione evenly. "H-Have you heard anything from Sebastian?"
"No." replied Snape. "Haven't you been writing him letters?"
"Yes." replied Hermione. "Haven't you been delivering them?"
"Yes." replied Snape. "Perhaps, the lad is busy."
Hermione sighed.
"Maybe." she said half-heartedly.
Snape caught sight of a student misbehaving. He had never been so happy to be a teacher in all his life. Hermione was standing too close to him and he didn't trust himself not to react especially in her current state of dress.
"Excuse me, Miss Granger." he said dismissing himself. "Duty calls."
Hermione sighed as she watched Professor Snape billow over to some unruly students and escort them out by the collar. The night had been pretty quiet as she made her way back to her lonely table. Snape watched her in silence. He knew that she missed Sebastian and seeing her in this state hurt him a great deal more than he would ever let on. He decided to rectify his negligence once and for all. With an unseen wave of his hand, Snape summoned fireworks into the great hall.
Lupin grinned as he watched from afar.
The fireworks flew toward Hermione put on a vibrant show catching the attention of everyone at the party. When they exploded in a shower of letters Hermione had to fight back tears.
{HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY INSUFFERABLE GRYFFINDOR.} had displayed in red and yellow.
{I LOVE YOU...SEBASTIAN PRINCE.} had been in green and white.
The other students oooed and awed at the sight. Harry looked over at Professor Snape as the letters faded into a soft white smoke. He smiled in the dour man's direction and Snape nodded in a subtle manner.
Lupin made his way back over toward Snape with a warm smile filed across his face.
"That was a very nice thing you did for her, Severus." he said in a low whisper.
"Sod off Lupin." replied Snape.
Lupin took his place against the wall near Snape and they continued to watch the students dance all night. Hermione had been in a considerably happy mood after the firework show. Sebastian had not forgotten about her after all.
The Corridors, Hogwarts...
Night fall had brought with it a bone chilling cold that only seemed to get worse the later the hour. Hermione had left the dance shortly after the display and ended up wondering the castle for a time. She had no idea how long she had been walking when the dour Potions Professor tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to face him shocked at how he always seemed to move without a sound.
"Professor Snape." she said.
"Going somewhere, Miss Granger?" asked Snape with a raised eyebrow. "Perhaps someplace special?"
"Not particularly." replied Hermione smiling at her use of Sebastian's usual turn of phrase when asked a question.
Snape smirked at this.
"What about you Sir?" she asked.
"What about me?" asked Snape answering her question with a question.
"Going anywhere special?" asked Hermione.
"Not particularly." replied Snape using her turn of phrase.
Hermione shook her head. He had reminded her so much of Sebastian it was difficult not to burst out laughing.
"Quite a cold night for you to be wondering the halls." said Snape.
"I was thinking the same thing." replied Hermione.
An easy silence passed between them.
"I believe you issued me a sort of challenge back in The Great Hall." said Snape finally breaking the silence.
"Did I Sir?" asked Hermione.
"I believe you wanted to know if I can indeed dance." he replied.
Hermione couldn't help but smile at this.
"S-Sir I didn't mean to imply..." she started.
Snape held up a hand.
"You have issued the challenge and it seems I have no choice, but to show you." he said.
Snape waved his hand and a soft classical tune played in the distance. He extended his hand to Hermione who giggled nervously before taking it. She never would have imagined dancing in the corridor with Professor Snape of all people. He proved to be as graceful in his movements in dancing as he had been in everything else that required a certain finesse.
The cool breeze didn't seem so pressing as Snape whisked the young Gryffindor witch to and fro in a short waltz . Hermione could not stop herself from smiling as they moved seeming to glide across the stone floor. Snape spun Hermione and caught her in an elegant fashion a look of utter concentration on his face. If she had not known any better she would have thought his movements to be seamless the way he danced with her.
When it came to an end Hermione had almost been saddened by it.
"I concede Professor." she said sweetly. "You can dance."
Snape scoffed.
"Naturally." he replied.
Hermione giggled once more.
"If you don't mind my asking..." she said. "Where did you learn to move like that?"
She had remembered Harry telling her that Snape grew up at Spinner's End. There was no way he learned any of that with his upbringing.
"Hogwarts." replied Snape simply.
"Hogwarts?" asked Hermione in disbelief.
Snape smirked.
"You think you and your little friends are the only ones that had to deal with The Yule Ball?" he asked. "McGonagall worked us senseless."
Hermione laughed picturing a young Snape dealing with Professor McGonagall. And her forcing him to dance with her with everyone watching as she had done Ron.
"Blasted woman always found a way to make me her dance partner." said Snape still in the memory.
"I believe you and Ron have something in common." said Hermione.
Snape shook his head.
"Well, Miss Granger I believe that concludes the demonstration." he said. "I don't suppose I have to tell you what will happen if you mention this to anyone."
Hermione shook her head this time.
"N-no sir." she replied. "Your secret is safe with me."
Snape scoffed as if he did not believe her.
"I will deny this until the end of time." he said for good measure.
"Understood Sir." replied Hermione. "But who's going to believe it anyway?"
Snape considered this for a moment. It was getting late out and he decided since he had kept the girl later than she intended to be out it was only right that he would escort her back to the tower so she could avoid detention. Hermione was pleased to have company even if it was silent company at that.
Outside Gryffindor Tower, Hogwarts...
Snape had walked Hermione as far as the Gryffindor tower stairs. He had no wish to escort her further and loathed to be anywhere near Gryffindor common room. They had ventured in an easy silence for the rest of the trip and it seemed to suite them both just fine. He had been nice enough to give the girl a dance despite it being at the end of the night.
"Thank you, Professor." she said as she reached the bottom step.
"You are welcome, Miss Granger." he replied.
"Tonight was the most fun I've had in a while." she said.
"I wouldn't doubt it." he replied. "Well, good evening Miss Granger."
"Good evening, Professor Snape." said Hermione.
Before Snape could say anything more, she bolted down the stairs and pulled him low enough to give him a kiss on the cheek. Then she headed up the stairs as fast as she could while calling out her final parting.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Professor Snape."
Snape grumbled about her being an "insufferable Gryffindor" and made his way back to the dungeons with red lipstick on his cheek. This was the last time he would fall prey to this nonsense holiday.
Head Girl Room, Gryffindor Tower, Hogwarts...
Hermione couldn't help but giggle when she returned to her room. She had never expected to have so much fun. Her giggles died down when she caught sight of a gift sitting on her bed. Ginny had not been back yet from the dance with Harry so she knew for sure her friend had not put it there. She inched closer and saw that it was wrapped in red wrapping paper with a green ribbon tied around it. It was clear who sent the gift but she found herself surprised none the less.
She unwrapped a book with a worn red cover as thick as three wood boards and filled to the brim with pages. They smelled old and contained a great deal of knowledge. A smile filed across the face of the Gryffindor witch when read the title.
The Complete Guide To Charms by Ivan Klaus.
She opened the cover and read the note inside.
{ For an Insufferable Gryffindor witch who is fond of silly wand waving...Happy Valentine's Day, Love Sebastian Prince.}
Hermione pressed the book close to her heart and smiled. It appeared that he really hadn't forgotten about her. She took some time to get into her night gown and pulled back the covers on her bed. Her potions book that Sebastian brought her had still been under her pillow. She leaned back on it with her new charms book curled up to her chest and let her thoughts drift to her boyfriend in the darkness of her room.
Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...
Snape was barely inside his rooms when he felt Hermione trying to get his attention. He sighed after calculating correctly that she had stumbled upon her gift. The red lipstick had still been on the side of his cheek. The Potions Professor saw no real reason to remove it since he had been inside of his quarters. It was the only physical representation of his night with Hermione. He couldn't take her sadness any longer and made sure she knew just how much she meant to "Sebastian".
First the fireworks.
Then the dance, only he had not expected her to respond to him so well being that he was not "Sebastian" in person.
With the Book he had completed the trifecta in good boyfriend behavior regarding Valentine's Day.
{"Sebastian."} said Hermione's soft voice in his mind.
Snape sat down in his arm chair with a glass of fire whiskey before a warm fire.
{Yes.} he replied.
{"Thank you."} she said sweetly.
{You are very welcome.} he replied.
{"I miss you."} she said.
{And I miss you as well.} he replied.
{"Are you safe?"} she asked.
{I am.} replied Snape.
{"Good."} said Hermione.
{You worry too much.} he said.
{"Happy Valentine's Day."} said Hermione.
{Happy Valentine's Day.} said Snape. {Now go to bed you Insufferable Gryffindor.}
{"You first, Slytherin Git."} she replied.
Somewhere in Gryffindor tower Hermione had been fighting sleep with her new book in her arms. Snape finished off his fire whiskey and he went to bed. As he sank into the covers of his black four poster bed. he heard one last reply from her mind.
{"Good-night."} she said sweetly.
{Good-night} he replied.
And then there was nothing.
Both Snape and Hermione had fallen asleep in the darkness of their respective rooms.
It had been quite the eventful Valentine's Day for them both it seemed.
{A/N: Yesterday, I typed Snape in the google translator on the English side and got Remus as the Latin counter-part...guess that explains why they are so similar.}