
Chapter 12

Alex looks at the building in front of him. His eyes glowing in a little excitement. In front of him is a shop with wacky letters above is written in a strange pattern, each of them is painted with a different shade of different colors, it reads: Aigror's Magic Item Shop. The shop looked weird being in the same street as the other reputable and good looking buildings. The building looked shabby and as if it hasn't been renovated at all during the last century. With wood out of place, and the windows were half boarded due to some glass on them being broken.

Alex takes a deep breath and goes to the front door opening it.


The door makes a loud creaking sound, showing that it has been a long time since it was last oiled. When he enters inside, he sees that it is too dark and that it smells dusty.

"Oi! Anyone in here?" Calls out Alex, he is on guard. After all, he is familiar with the owner of this establishment. He was known as an… eccentric man... at best.

"Who's asking?" Comes a voice out of the darkness on the other side of the room, suddenly the sound of another door opening is heard by Alex, and heavy steps are heard as a man smelling of alcohol comes out of the darkness, he has strangely jagged metal teeth. He has a white beard, no hair, and blue eyes. His face was quite intimidating, contrary to his size, who was only a head taller than Alex who is only six years old. He is a dwarf, a humanoid race of creatures who are allied with the humans.

Alex looks at the dwarf and he scrunches his nose in disgust, due to the alcoholic and dirty smell coming from the Dwarf known as Aigror. 

"My name is Alex and I am here to learn Magic Item Crafting." Answers Alex calmly, not showing any fear in front of the century-old dwarf in front of him. Knowing that the little man in front of him has lived as many as both of his lives put together and plus another century or so. 

"Whaddya want kid, someone creepy like you wouldn't come here for nothing." Says the dwarf as he takes out another bottle of alcohol and opens it with his metal teeth.

Alex on the other hand just looked the hundred-year-old dwarf in the eyes and repeated again. "I came here to learn Magic Item Crafting."

The dwarf looks at Alex with a curious look and then a smirk makes its way into the dwarf's face, showcasing his shiny metal jagged teeth perfectly. "Well kid, to be honest with you. That look in your eyes doesn't have one ounce of good intentions behind it. So how about you tell me the truth and we will both be on our ways."

Alex keeps looking at the old man in front of him. He knows this man very well, he is a level 10 Magic Item Maker and a Level 10 Dwarf Rune Magician. He would be dangerous to Alex under normal circumstances, but the man is currently drunk and he is rusty, the last time the dwarf really had a fight was 100 years ago during the Dance of the Dragon. When for the first time in centuries a dragon appeared in the human continent.

"I want the Dragon Horn." Says Alex, getting straight to the point as the dwarf wanted. 

But the dwarf's eyes widened when he heard that, but in the end, they narrowed as he looked at Alex. "How do you know about that kid… I doubt even your great-grandpa was around during that time."

Alex knows that the dwarf has lived a long time and that he will most likely notice when he is trying to hide something. Alex's mind moves at terrifying speeds, his intelligence stat showing its use as it came up with dozens of alternative answers and dropped them in a split second. In the end, Alex just said. "Camilla wants to create some new toys for herself."

Immediately as soon as that name is said the dwarf starts sweating and his pupils dilate in fear. "W -What does she want with m -me?!?!?"

The dwarf's fear of the name clouded his judgment and for a split second he didn't notice that Alex was hiding something, but in the end, the dwarf calms down after a couple of seconds. 

"You lying to me you brat? I can see that you are still hiding something." Says the dwarf, still nervous and couldn't control himself anymore. 

Alex on the other hand is extremely calm and just shrugs. "Obviously I am hiding stuff from you, old man. But I don't wanna piss off Camilla, you know how she can be even to a child like me. A thousands of years old monster like her would kill us both without a second thought… actually she might just skin us alive for entertainment."

Even as Alex says that the dwarf still isn't convinced by this.

 "If it really is Camilla, then it would be one of her vampire servants delivering her 'requests' like this." Says the dwarf, having a certain tone in his voice as he says 'request', he knows that Camilla doesn't request anything of anyone. She orders people and they have to listen or… they might find themselves and their whole family and blood relatives killed and tortured by vampires. 

Alex nods at the dwarf's remark. "I might not be a vampire but…"

He does a hand gesture and a red magic circle appears on his hand, slowly creating a small blood tentacle. "I am a Blood Mage…"

The dwarf looks at this with less daughter but in the end, he still says. "I don't care, if it isn't a noble vampire, one of Camilla's dogs. In no way I will give my Dragon Horn to anyone."

Alex sighs at this. "Ok whatever old man, can you at least give me some books or teach me how to make Magic Items. I will call  Ashaka or someone else to come and get the stupid Dragon Horn."

Under his breath, Alex complains in annoyance. "Those lazy guys, they knew this would happen and they still sent me to do this stupid job."


In the end, the dwarf still seems unconvinced by Alex, so he just goes to the back and takes out a bunch of books and gives them to Alex.

"You can leave now, brat, make sure the door doesn't hit your behind." Says the dwarf as he shooed Alex off. The latter complied and just took the books and left the residence. 

'Damn… I wasn't able to lie to him. He read right through me. As expected of someone who has lived for over a hundred years. You don't live that long by being dumb.' Thinks Alex in annoyance. But he wasn't discouraged by this, he expected that this might happen. Still, though, he needed that Dragon Horn, if he can get his hands on it. It will make him unchallenging by anyone below the legendary level. In his last life, some hundred or so players robbed the Crafting District, and some decided to see what was in that old dwarf's house and they got a dragon horn. Something that is almost impossible to find in the Human Continent.


Alex goes towards the merchants and buys a backpack for himself. So he can put his newly gotten books. As he does so, he can't help but feel a little excited that he at least had some minor success in getting the keys to unlock his new life class. He knows that battle inherent isn't just who has the higher level, there are other factors in it too. Like items and such, also there are some rare perks, like the ones every Hero has. Those guys can easily fight above their levels without even having to try that hard. On the other hand, for a normal person like Alex, he will need to level up his Life Class to be able to fight above his level… or even fight some very experienced people at his own level.

After all, he knows that even though he reached unimaginable heights in power as a player. At higher levels, he would be easily defeated by same level mobs. Because they had decades or centuries, compared to his months or even years of gameplay that is nothing.


Alex then returns to his room in the Magic Academy Mansion. As soon as he enters his room, he takes out the books in Magic Item Making and he opens them and starts reading them.

'No need to waste potential points learning the skills from these books to unlock the class. I can simply read them, I don't have anything better to do either way.' Thinks Alex as he opens the book and starts reading.


Three hours later, and finally Alex gets one new perk and skill.

The perk was...


Beginner Magic Item Crafting Affinity

[Increases Magic Item Crafting affinity]


And the skill is…


Basic Enchantment (Rank 1) Lvl 0/5

[Casts different Basic Enhancements on something (item, accessories, etc)]


Alex laughs a little at this, he can't wait to go to the Magic Academy, he knows that in that place he can get maximum benefits for himself.

But that doesn't mean that he still can't get some things from Gungai City.

Also, he finally got the Life Class that he wanted. Normal people usually have something like Farmer or something like that. But Alex knows which one is going to be the most useful to him.

His new class is:

[Beginner Magic Item Maker Lvl 0/5]



Two days after getting his Life Class class,  Alex only just studied and ate for two days straight. Until…

Knock!  Knock! Knock!

"Mr. Alex you have a visitor." Comes a feminine voice from the outside of his room, and what Alex assumes to be a maid that wells here.

