

Percy huffed as he sat in the bottom of the bay. He decided to lay low after the Blue Hawk incident. If he had known the man was a biggoted racist he would have thrown him throught the window on sight.

It bugged him, in the heat of the moment he never actually thought about it.

When he and Annabeth fell to Tartarus and caught her. His girlfriend was attached to a giant spider woman and a freaking car. And he caught all of that with a single hand, but he was too busy trying to figure out a way to survive to actually think about it.

Porphyrion was a 40 feet tall giant, and yet Percy had enough strenght to not only stop his charge, but also slam the tip of his spear into the ground hard enough to make him flip on his back.

Percy looked down at his hands. Those hands helped him fight beings that could shake entire mountains, and yet as hard as they tried, not hit that actually landed managed to put him down for long.

The giant meant to take down Zeus of all people back handed him into a pillar with the intention to kill. Yet Percy just got up dazed and with a nosebleed.

Maybe it was time to realise his powers aren't the only thing that makes him a danger. Perhaps he could try to find his limit? But how? It's not like regular gyms had equipment for people like him... Or did they?

Kicking off the ground Percy sped off like a torpedo towards the surface.

It was hard, but the son of Poseidon managed to find a special gym in Queens. It had Homelander's face plastered all over it. Luckily he could still manifest enough mist to cast an illusion on his face.

Now he looked like a blonde haired boy with freckled cheeks and deep brown eyes. To the untrained eye at least.

"Hey you mind if I try out the enhanced trainings?" The woman at the front desk snorted and sarcastically told him he could.

Percy ignored her and did just that.

He saw the dumbell labeled 700lbs it was the heaviest offered, so he grabbed it.

He didn't feel the weight in the slightest. He threw it in the air like a ball and easily caught it back in his hand.

"Is this a joke?" Percy wondered out loud.

"Bro!" A slightly older Man exclaimed setting down the four hundred pound deadlifting bar he was holding.

"What's your routine?" He demanded puffing a little.

"I don't have one." Percy replied on reflex. Mentally cursing himself, now he seemed even more suspicious.

"Nah no way gimme that it's gotta be empty." The buff man denied.

Percy dropped in his hand, the man nearly falling face first when trying to catch it.

"Awesome!" He cheered. "Hey wanna see how much you can lift?"

"I came here for that." Percy deadpanned.

"Come on then there's a free bench press over there, i'll spot you." He gladly offered. Percy didn't deny, but the 1000lbs label on the weight didn't reassure him.

When he went to lift it attracted a lot of looks. An older man even called for him to stop. Protesting that Percy hadn't even stretched first. He fell silent when Percy casually lifted the thousand pound without an ounce of efforts.

More and more weight kept adding, some even giving him they'res until there was no place left. Now bench pressing over six thousand pounds Percy somewhat felt his muscles burn as he lifted the thing for the fifthieth time.

After that he tried the cement filled punching bag. Keyword tried, since he punched clean throught the bag and the solid concrete. Percy blinked at his fist, the achilles curse always made him feel like he was unbelievably fragile after loosing it.

Now it as it turns out he can punch throught concrete like it's made of cardboard.

He pulled his hand out of the bag. Only dust marred his skin. Chips of concrete spilling out of the hole he made.

Percy found himself smiling. The more he knew what he could do the more he knew how much he needed to hold back.

Or how much he needed not to hold back. Percy's expression turned a little sour. He didn't want to hurt anyone, but if things were that bad he wouldn't hesitate. If someone like Blue Hawk could just do what he wanted with fairly limited repercussions and with how weak he was. He couldn't imagine what more famous and notorious super heroes could get away with.

Of course there's a mandat for his arrest, again. From what he knew Blue Hawk was in the ER for a cracked vertebre a major concussion and internal bleeding. Luckily he was a super hero and didn't need to pay the horrendously large amount of money for his treatment.

Aparently bad American healthcare was universal.

Percy tried nearly every machine to be tested. Pulverised several records of the gym and finally decided to go back to his corner of the bay. For a day well spent in his opinion.

Sadly the distracted son of Poseidon didn't notice that he had accidentally dropped his illusion as he neared the edge of the bay.

Nor the phone aimed his way.

Billy Butcher was deep in thought. There was much to do,

Ship Kimiko's dipshit brother to the feds and figure out if that kid was actually useful all the while trying to stay alive. MM sure seemed to enjoy what happened to Blue Hawk.

Well so was he, cunt got what he deserved, but that didn't mean they had an ally on they're hands.

Hughie on the other hand seemed convinced.

If there's a supe against the rest we should try and get him to join us." Is what he managed to say before Billy shot him down. God knows he likes the kid, but his naïvety was going to get him killed.

They couldn't just trust any super powered asshole the moment he started infighting with other super powered assholes.

But he could figure out all of this when this current task was done. Maybe he could teach Hughie a little bit about goddamn priorities meanwhile.

He smirked as the chopper approached. Sadly it wasn't what he expected.

"This is NYPD, this boat was reported as stolen. You are all under arrest."

"I thought you said that boat was a friend's." Frenchie hissed.

"Well, let's just say, a stranger is just a friend you ain't met yet." Butcher casually replied reaching for the boat's radio.

"Don't fuck this Up."

"I won't fuck it Up." Butcher replied to MM's frustration like it was obvious.

"We're almost home free Man!" Grouched the voice of reason.

"Hello gentlemen, I believe there's a misunderstanding here." Billy called his voice carried by the megaphone atop the boat.

"I have the papers from the owner of this vessel, stating I could borrow it."

"Put your hands up and get on your knees!" Barked the police officer.

"Now you just wait here-"

"Watch out!" MM yelled tackling Butcher down as the anchor flew towards them like a whip.

"Get his hands!" Butcher barked seeing Kimiko's brother climb out of the deck.

Kimiko did so, but her hesitance was clear. It cost the police offciers as Kenji thrusted a single hand forward. Crushing the side of the helicopter and sending it flying down into the water before exploding.

She managed to restrain her brother before he could cause anymore destruction.

"Get in the speed boat, this one is compromised."

"What about the Pilots!" Hughie's bleeding heart cried out.

"They're already dead, we have to get to the emergency extraction point or we're fucked! So get your ass back in the boat!" Billy commandingly snapped back.

Hughie obeyed, but not before hopefully throwing a lifesaver down in the water, but it was depressingly clear that his kind hearted attempt was fruitless as they sped away back towards the shore. Not even a single bubble rising up to the surface.

"See I told you it would be fine." Billy smugly told MM as they neared the shore.

As if God wanted to bust his balls further, a sperm whale burst out of the water next to them. The Deep riding atop the animal in what looked like a heroic manner.

The Whale stopped near the shore like a barrier. Billy glanced at the pointy end of the boat and smiled a bit madly.

"Butcher." Hughie worriedly trailed off as the boat got faster and faster.

The Deep's stern and heroic demeanor cracked like glass when he noticed that fact.

The boat was about to pierce the poor beast like a giant harpoon before it suddenly happened.


An eighty feet tall geyser burst out from underneath the boat. The liquid churning and twisting unnaturally until it morphed into a giant hand.

The boys nearly fell out of the boat. All screaming in confusion. The usually collected Kenji included as the vehicle was hefted into the air.

Hughie was convinced he was about to die. Until the boat was gently set down on the beach.

Suddenly Perseus Jackson slowly stepped out of the water. Walking on the now violent tide that responded to his emotions. Clouds above him darkened, the wind picking up faster than naturally possible.

"Who in the name of the gods, just tried to use a Whale as a meat shield!" He thundered lightning actually clapping to accompany his wrath.

Percy loved whales. The gentle giants never bothered anyone and they were always happy to lend a hand.

The Deep shackily raised his hand.

Percy's head snapped towards him. He started stomping towards him while the boys looked on incredulously. "Did that motherfucker just walk on water?" Butcher asked genuinely surprised.

"I think he did." MM replied "let's get the hell out of here."

"Agreed." Uncharacteristically agreed Frenchie.

Hughie wasn't far behind. He threw a glance at Percy and called out "thank you!"

Percy momentarily forgot his anger and threw an inquisitive look at Hughie. Whom suddenly felt like an ant. Percy gave him a small nod before looking back up at the Deep.

"Listen here you Aquaman wannabe. I don't mind sea life listening to other people, but if I ever see you trying to use them as your personal meat shield, I will have your fucking head!" He barked.

His loud voice snapped him out of his stupor. The Deep suddenly remembering that he had a reputation to uphold.

"I had the situation handled."

Percy casually jumped next to him on top of the whale.

"Yeah sure you did, you definitely weren't about to be responsible for the death of an innocent whale!" Percy snapped pocking Deep in the chest.

"Hey lay off Bro!" The sea themed super hero shot back shoving Percy, but the demigod didn't even budge.

Next thing Deep knew he was getting back handed accross the face off the whale.

"Idiot using a Whale as a shield, what's next using a turtle as a sled." Percy grumbled as he jumped off.

"Go home Lucy." He told the animal. Making the tides carry away the 45 ton whale into deeper waters.

Percy turned back to the still downed Deep, who was trying to recover after having his brain rattled like  maracas.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Percy heard the crackle of electricity and looked up at a few people flying down. Some carrying each other.

It was the seven.

Starlight in her revealing outfit, Black Noir in his dark tactical armor. Queen Meave in her amazon like outfit. Stormfront in her body suit. A-Train in his Nike sponsored suit of armor.

And lastly Homelander who confusedly looked on at the scene. Deep rose to his feet and stumbled towards the blonde Man. Hugging him tightly.

Homelander surprisingly hugged back. "Oh it was crazy man, they almost killed Lucy."

"Who?" Starlight muttered to Queen Maeve.

Far away the cry of a Whale and a small water spout echoed in the distance.

"And then there's this kid who showed up out of nowhere."

"Hey, hey buddy it's okay. Where did the fugitives go?" Homelander asked clearly not caring about the Deep's plight, but hiding it fairly well.

Percy studied the seven as they mostly studied him. Maeve didn't look like she cared. A-Train looked like he was waiting for Percy to do something. Like how the gods often expect mortals to grovel in they're presence.

"Oh they went in the tunnel." Deep turned to Percy feeling confident now that he could rely on other people.

"And that little shit helped them!" He exclaimed pointing an accusatory finger at Percy. Who promptly cracked his neck glaring at the group. If they dissapointed him they could kiss they're kneecaps goodbye.

"We can deal with one rowdy teenager later. Black Noir Stormfront cover the tunnel exits. Starlight A-train with me, we're going in the tunnels. Maeve." Homelander gestured at Percy with his head.

"Keep an eye on this young man please." He said easily recognising him by the viral videos. A-Train ran into the tunnel at high speed, looking like a blur except for a few exceptions. Percy included.

He and Homelander shared a look. Percy trying to guage him more easily, but the man only put on a million dollar smile and casually strolled into the tunnel.

His confidence was that of a predator who already had it's prey between it's claws. It was almost playful, hiding his true intention.

Percy saw that smile a lot in his first summer at Camp Half-blood.

It was the same Luke always sported to reassure him. After that summer, his grin only left shivers to run up his spine. He understood where the son of Hermes came from, but it didn't stop Percy from hating his guts. No last minute sacrifice could fix everything he mercilessly shattered. Not that he'd ever tell Annabeth how he felt. He had no idea how she'd react to this, and neither of them needed to talk about it.


Realising that he had zoned out, Percy turned his head to Queen Maeve. Her tiara nearly reminded him of Thalia's, except it was clearly steel, a much less purer metal than silver.

"What's your name?" She asked in a tone that left no room for argument.

"What's yours?" Percy snarked.

"Assaulting a super hero is a great offense. Besides you know who I am, i'm Queen Maeve and acting like this isn't a big deal won't make it smaller."

"One I dont care, two never heard of you." Percy replied making the super hero look more than a little miffed.

She sighed annoyed. "Come with me, there's bound to be a police offcier to take you."

Percy went for another snarky response before the sound of an explosion rang out in the distance. Percy glanced between Queen Maeve and the tunnel several times before she figure out what he wanted to do.

"Don't even think about it." She said warningly.

A wave shot up like a riptide sending the super hero flying several dozen meters away and down into the water.

Percy ran down into the tunnel following the subtle sounds of voices, until his ears caught the more than clear sound of chaos.

He saw a hole in the ceiling leading to the surface. He saw the young man who thanked him earlier at the end of a path. He didn't linger for a conversation. He lept up several feet in the air into a busy street. Where an appartment building was being shredded by the powerful bursts of electricity. Probably Stormfront, she was trending a lot so finding basic informations about her was easy.

Super strenght electrokinesis some from of telekinesis with the latter, flight and supposed invulnerability.

No one is invulnerable, that Percy is well placed to know.

Not too far away a fire hydrant burst open at Percy's mental command. The water gathering under his feet, propelling him up in the sky.

The son of Poseidon landed on the roof and saw no one. Instead he heard the sound of flames and the heart broken cries of families who just lost they're loved ones in the battle.

Percy smelled smoke and with a flick of his hand sent a wave of water from the fire hydrant into the building extinguishing most of the flames.

He looked around and noticed Stormfront standing over a clearly defeated man, half responsible for the damage most likely. His hands hung limply, the bones piercing out of his wrists like daggers.

She grabbed his neck with the clear intention to kill him. Percy noticed the woman from the boat, battered and bloody desperatly trying to reach for the man.

Percy isn't sure why he did what he did next. It was merely one impulsive decision amongst many.

The son of Poseidon remembered the day he lept over the Acheron while carrying Annabeth. He had sailed several hundred yards from the opposite bank of the river of lamentation. This jump was nothing in comparaison.

But Percy wasn't filled with confidence nonetheless.

He took a running start and jumped. The demigod sailed throught air and landed straight into Stormfront. Tackling her to the ground. The two rolled over the roof swapping punches and kicks.

They broke apart Percy instantly rolling to his feet in a fighting stance. It seemed that Stormfront wasn't used to someone getting the jump on her, because it took her a few moments to shrug it off.

She touched the fresh bruise on her cheek in shock.

Kimiko who managed to heal enough, dragged her injured brother to safety. Which didn't go unnoticed by Stormfront.

"You just cost me my fun you little bastard!" She snapped her eyes turning black.

"Gods I hope you 'heroes." Percy spat the last word venomously. "Aren't all psychos. That's a lot of people to put in the ground." He shot back coldly.

His words painted a nasty smirk on Stormfront's face. Powerful arcs of electricity burst forth from her fingers.

Percy raised his arms flinching by reflex, but all he felt arching throught his body was an annoying tingle. Like a randomly spasming muscle or a tiny cramp. Thalia and Jason wielded lightning like forces of nature.

This electricity was the equivalent of a dollar store knock off.

Seeing the lack of reaction, Stormfront upped the intensity, Percy's annoyance rising just as fast.

"Tickles!" He called smirking at her enraged look. She flew towards him at top speed, Percy side stepped and latched onto the back of her cape. He swung her over him like a hammer and slammed her into the roof. The concrete yielding easily.

Sending the murderous heroïne flying throught three floors until she stopped.

Percy was about to jump down and finish her off, but he heard the sound barrier breaking. Something was coming his way fast.

Not knowing the limits of all his ennemies yet, Percy decided to wisely step down. Beside it's not like he's in any danger at the moment.

And now he knew for a fact that he could take out one of them.

Only six more to go.

Kimiko came back to the boy's hideout. Her brother following her, his bloody hands hanging limply. She briefly hugged Frenchie before pulling away.

She started signing wildly.

"What is she saying?" Butcher asked Frenchie as Hughie kindly helped Kenji down on the dirty couch. His hands worriedly hovering over the broken hands. Unsure of what to do.

"One minute" Frenchie grumbled barely able to keep up.

"Deep breaths mon cœur."¹ He said gently putting his hands on hers. Kimiko nodded dragging in shaky breath.

"She says that Stormfront destroyed nearly an entire appartment complex trying to catch her brother."

Kimiko started signing more agressively.

"She nearly killed him, calling him yellow bastard." Frenchie translated with a frown.

"What happened?" Mother's milk wondered gesturing at the clearly still alive, but pained Kenji.

"She's getting to that." Frenchie impatiently shot back.

"Oh Boy." Frenchie managed throught his smile.

"What? What is it?" Billy demanded.

Frenchie turned a smug look at Butcher.

"Le petit hughie a encore eu raison."²

"What?" Hughie wondered confusedly only catching his name inside the phrase.

"The boy from earlier, the one who nearly killed Blue Hawk."

This earned a twitch of the lips from MM.

"He's the one who saved them, he jumped all the way from another building and tackled that pute."³

Billy begrugingly turned to Hughie, who managed a small smile.

"Told you so, by the way we really need some help with this." He added gesturing at the suffering supe.

"The feds will have everything needed to fix his hands. I think a testimony after that wouldn't hurt as much as two broken hands." Butcher stated the last part a bit louder, making sure Kenji heard him.

This earned him a slap in the side from Frenchie.

"What about the boy?" MM asked ready for the next phase of the plan already.

Butcher shrugged.

"Hell if I know we Buy him a coffee kiss his ass a bit and just make first contact. That'll get anyone to join us."

MM rolled his eyes.

"You do make some great ass kisser." He replied earning weak chuckles all around.

Butcher smiled with his signature wickedness.

"Well then, let's adopt us some super teenager?"

A/N (I know Frenchie doesn't learn sign language until a bit later on, this was for plot purposes and yes Percy can use the mist. He used it to trick countless people into thinking that Appolo's singers were a limousine escorting an important politician. He's not the best at it, but he's easily efficient with it.

Also does anyone know how to write frenchie's accent?)

¹(mon cœur) taking it Word for words it translated to, my heart, but it's used to say my love in french.

²(le petit hughie avait encore raison) little hughie was right again.

³(pute) bitch fun fact there's a bunch of french words that mean bitch.
