
RM Vol 4: War – Chapter 16: Case Yellow (Day 3 - Warehouse) - Edited by Yovis

Author Notes:

Not gonna lie, JTAC Yuki is fun.

Enjoy the story and the pictures! Gonna head back to do chores and work kek.




P.S: Edited by Yovis


"Get down!" Someone shouts as a 25 mm shell impacts a Class B Puma, hitting directly on its left drive sprocket. The high-velocity armor-piercing shell, fired by a Panhard 178 armored car, damaged the drive system of the Class B Puma badly enough that it was forced to skid to a halt after veering off-course.

The sudden development forces the whole Belkan Mechanized Platoon to stop and suppress the Loyalists' ambush position. Panzergrenadiers either dismount or spread around the Pumas, utilizing environmental cover to return fire at the forest blazing with muzzle flashes. More 25 mm shells hit the disabled Class B Puma, shattering or bouncing off the sides of its composite armors. Fortunately, the Pumas are very resilient in the contemporary era, however, it's unwise for them to keep taking the hits. The Platoon Leader controls his own Puma to act as a vision blocker, intercepting the hits meant for his immobilized Platoon Member. As rounds and shells harmlessly impact the commanding vehicle, the Platoon Leader surveys the ambush, seeing well-hidden machine gun nests, dug-in vehicles, and infantries in foxholes or behind heavy natural covers. Even the Loyalist armored cars, otherwise known as Pan-Pans, are made into heavily reinforced stationary bunkers.

It's easy for him to notice that, even with the 57 mm autocannon on his Class B, the enemy is too entrenched to be eliminated by long-range firepower. While approaching closer may do the trick, they will have to cross a killing field made by Loyalist machine guns and armored cars. The forested area, while not dense, offers enough covers for more potential ambushes. The last thing they need is for the entire Platoon to be isolated and eliminated one by one. Instead of splitting his force for an attack and defense, the Platoon Leader commands his Pumas and advises the Panzergrenadiers to heavily suppress the Loyalist positions. It's here that the airburst munitions from the 57 mm and 30 mm of the Pumas shine. While not able to knock out the main guns of the Pan-Pans hiding behind logs and compacted rocks, the prodigious amount of aerial fragmentations going every which way is more than enough to temporarily stun the Loyalist vehicles. The sheer quantity of projectiles filling up the targeting sights of these Loyalist crews and soldiers makes them unable to see clearly. As for the unluckier ones that don't have protective roofing above their heads, one can only imagine just how bad will their bodies become after being put under a proverbial meat grinder. While both sides are exchanging fire, the Belkan Platoon Leader takes to order some gift for these particularly stubborn Loyalists.


Bryn, who is attentive to the ongoing battles being fought across the Warehouse front, is quick to alert me of the details. She quickly points out the area that needs my immediate attention with her eyes gazing through her rangefinder. "There. Switch to IR to see them, Yuki."

I turn my laser designator, switching it to the IR setting instead of the previous Owl setting. Unlike the Owl setting which is a fully colorized night vision mode, the IR setting allows me to better see the IR laser pointing upward at the night sky by the CAS requestee. Now that I have my eye on them, Bryn informs.

"Ally units in contact with Loyalist ambush. 250 meters away from Friendlies IR beacon at bearing 240. Estimate hostile firepower to have four Pan-Pans, at least an Echelon worth of dug-in infantries, and multiple machine guns. The Platoon Leader requests a danger-close to burn out the ambush."

I nod, taking a mental note. "Copy that. Guess we now know where those armored cars went. See if you can spot anything else in that area with the drone, Bryn."

"Wilco." Bryn replies, using her own wrist tablet to command the camera on our scout UAV.

While my Valkyrie is trying to spot more targets, I communicate the airstrike request to Lightning.

"Lightning 1-1, Overseer 1, requesting immediate CAS."

"Overseer 1, Lightning 1, immediate CAS request." The female pilot replies.

"Target one Infantry Echelon dug in and one Pan-Pan Platoon in bunkers, circular target 100 meters radius. Grid 1771 tack 0240." I give her the target profile.

The pilot reports. "Target one Infantry Echelon dug in and one Pan-Pan Platoon in bunkers, circular target 100 meters radius. Grid 1771 tack 0240."

I send the last item. "Marked with laser. Friendlies at IR beacon DANGER CLOSE East 250 meters, BREAK. Engage until destroyed, push when ready."

"Marked with laser. Friendlies at IR beacon DANGER CLOSE East 350 meters, BREAK. Engage until destroyed, push when ready."

I immediately bark. "Negative! Friendlies at IR beacon DANGER CLOSE East 250 meters."

Thankfully, Lightning 1-1 catches it correctly this time around. "Friendlies at IR beacon DANGER CLOSE East 250 meters."

I say. "Correct, Out."

Due to the expedient nature of the request, the information I relayed was sparsed. This means the pilots will have a lot of freedom in engaging the target.

Bryn, hearing that the CAS request was sent, passed me back the control to the UAV while she communicated to the Platoon Leader who requested the strike.

"CAS is on the way, Lieutenant, brace for danger close. Brace for danger close."

Lightning 1-1 chimes in seconds later.


"Continue." I give them the green light.

"Ten seconds."

"Roger." I respond, turning on the laser designator and pointing it at the edge of the Loyalists-infested forest. This will allow the pilots to both know where the target is and where not to have a blue-on-blue.

"Lightning 1-2. Tally, in from the North." A male voice announces.

I add. "Cleared to engage."

Knowing what to look for, I glance to see a Phantom diving down. "1-2, guns."

Right after the announcement, something that can only be described as a lightsaber plunges into the ground from above, carving up a canal of death. Trees are obliterated and I won't be surprised if some of the Pan-Pans are outright destroyed just from the 30 mm shells alone. And really, that's a lot of shells we're talking about here since a Gunfighter Phantom has four 30 mm Gatlings at its becks and calls.

After the strafe, 1-2 flies away before doing the battle-damage assessment himself. "Egressing South, multiple casualties."

I acknowledge the report. "Roger."

Right after that, I see Lightning 1-1 also taking a dive.

"Tally, in from the North. Pickle. Pickle."

I can barely see 1-1 dropping something, the objects flying fast toward the forest that 1-2 just finished strafing. Slamming onto the forest and exploding in a multitude of fiery flashes, I then realize that 1-1 just dumped her incendiary bombs on the poor Loyalists. Being so entrenched and stunned by the aerial strafe earlier, I don't think the Loyalists are in any position to handle multiple napalm payloads burning their asses. Being stationed in a wooded area only exacerbated the issue. Honestly, I don't envy their fate of either being burned alive or suffocating as the oxygen is consumed by Hellfire.

A moment later, Lightning 1-1 reports. "Egressing South, all targets destroyed."

"Roger. Lightning 1-1, standby for further tasking. Out."

"Overseer 1, Lightning 1-1, standing by for further tasking at CP Hotel. Out."

I tune out of comms channel 80 for now, watching as the fiery torch that has been my call-in shines bright, illuminating a patch of the battlefield. With an impassive face, I see Loyalist soldiers, with flame gluing to their bodies, run out of the hellish woodland. They roll on the ground, screaming something as the Belkan Mechanized Platoon approaches. I do not fault the Platoon Leader for ordering the immediate execution of the survivors. I used these incendiary bombs before, and I know just how bad their effects are on living beings. Truthfully, you don't want to survive a napalm blast only to live a life of disabilities and disfigurements. As cruel as it sounds, killing the napalm victims is the ultimate mercy one can give.

Sensing my thoughts, Bryn pats my shoulder understandingly. I nod at her act of silent comfort. We both know that no words can express whatever just happened earlier. We may feel bad, yes, but the fighting has to continue one way or another. Let's say that the sacrifices and losses of the present are for the Greater Good of the future, as hypocritical as it sounds.

After cleaning out a few other ambushes, the 7th Company, led by Major Muller, breaches the perimeter defense of the Warehouse. Escorted by Ravens of Noble Team that run side by side with the Pumas and at speed, the 7th Company swiftly dismantles Warehouse's internal garrison. What's left of the Loyalist command structure swiftly falls apart with Belkans in their rear perimeter. Ten minutes after the first Class B Puma drives onto the airfield's tarmac, the Loyalist Commander broadcasts his surrender. Ironically enough, the Loyalists are much more spirited about dropping their weapons and raising their hands high up. Apparently, they seem to have figured out who attacked them moments earlier by the 404th's Ironblood emblem on the side of our IFVs.

It's not known to me just yet but in the post-battle procedures, I will learn that the Loyalist Commander would have surrendered faster had I outright announced that the 404th would be seizing Warehouse. The reputation of the Ghost Division had preceded its notorious speed and a night battle wouldn't have been necessary as the Warehouse garrison was honest to Yggdra bloody terrified of the 404th. Both sides basically fought an unneeded battle...

Should I laugh or cry about the absurdity of this situation?

Regardless, with the Warehouse secured, we can airlift some supplies to set the place up to be a proper FOB. By the coming dawn, Army Group A will be needing this place as a logistical hub for their push toward the Channel. Before these can happen, however, Bryn and I need to pack up. It's about damn time we hit a nice bed.

Chapter is up, and with it comes a plea. Due to medical ailments and the prior harsh, stormy conditions in Vietnam, things aren't going well for my mother and me. As such, I am asking for staunch support from the readerbase. If you are able, please help the story climb the leaderboard for it to get more views and ratings. Should you have the money to spare, please consider funding us throughout the months.

The income goal will be to acquire around 200 USD so that I can fix the roof of our house and purchase medicine for my mother. If I can meet that income goal, I will push for the release of my second passion project, which is a Warhammer AU.

150/200 USD

Thank you for reading thus far, and please, do enjoy the story and the new pictures at least.




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