


My subconscious decided to leave me be, she was silent. No matter how hard I stare at the mirror, she wouldn't come out. At first, I thought it was mostly because Ivan was with me but that wasn't the case. I told Ivan to leave me alone, so I could get some time with her. I was ready to talk to her now that I finally figured out that Arthiana was me. I was ready to talk but it seems she doesn't want to.

It's been a week now, a long exhausting week without sleep and with my friends tiptoeing around me after they found out about what I was and now, the subconscious trapped inside my mirror decided to mess with my head by not saying anything.

"WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME DAMMIT?" I yelled in frustration as I scattered the contents on the dressing table allowing everything to crash down to the ground.
