

I laid on Blue's back reflecting back on my mother's words. Even though I hated to admit it, I knew there was some truth to what my mother said. No one could help me, no one one except from me. There was no way I could get Tag'arkh out of me, but there was a way I could stop her from controlling me. Apparently, it involves me talking with her.

How do I even go about that? I asked myself as I released a wary sigh.

"Arianne, you okay?" Blue asked me softly as we treaded into the woods in the evening.

I released another sigh. "I don't know what to do Blue, I really don't know."

"You know you could try talking to her like your mother suggested." Blue says and I looked down at him.

"I know it's a good suggestion but I don't even know how to." I whined in frustration, "Or are you an expect in communicating with goddesses who are trapped inside humans and seek vengeance?" I asked Blue teasingly.
