
Chapter 94

Someone was honking insistently and it was pissing Bella off. Now she wasn't paranoid. That was Matthew's forte, but she felt that the honk was for her. Immediately she stepped onto the parking lot it had started. There were a lot of honks don't get her wrong, but this wouldn't stop. And when she did stop, it would proceed to two honks. So she stopped to survey and the honk was coming from Mackenzie herself. In the parking lot reserved for her. Even had her name on it.

"Yo! Loser!" she yelled and honked again. It seemed her 'partner' was beckoning her over. Just her luck that her lackeys were with her. She sighed as she trudged all the way to her. She still didn't stop honking. She had to be cooperative. She didn't want her going to report back to the teacher. Since everyone loved Mackenzie Smathers, she would be the one at fault.

"What is it?" she asked conveying all her disinterest in that question.
