
Chapter 19

He had been staring at his phone for a while. He had promised his dad that he would call and apologize. Well not like he said he would do it. He didn't promise it. Dad expected it of him. He already failed him once with the dinner, he couldn't do it again. He glared at his phone more and groaned. Why couldn't the phone just dial the number instead of him having to scroll through and dial? He picked the phone up and turned it on. He dialed the number and held it up to his ear.

Well he really didn't. He just held it sideways with his eyes settled on the ceiling as it rang. It rang three more times before there was the click showing that she had answered. He couldn't believe that he still had her number saved. He wanted her out of their lives.

He bit his lip. That was harsh. But if she wasn't here then he wouldn't have to…

"Matthew? Is that you?" came her voice that was always deep for some reason. When he was younger he used to love being close to her. Leaning against her was the best. She would lightly scratch his scalp and talk to him about whatever topic he had brought up. The reverberations that came from her always made him laugh and that usually lulled him to sleep.

He was tongue-tied now.

"Matt if you're there please say something" she said softly.

"I'm here M-H…I'm here" he settled for just that.

"It's good to hear from you. Even if I'm the only one that calls" there was a little annoyance in her tone.

"Yeah…" he scratched his slightly tender scalp and that made him hiss.

"What was that?!" Helen exclaimed in surprise.

"Nothing. I just kicked a stool" good thing she couldn't see him. She always knew when he lied. He had never done it over the phone before, but he was certain that she wasn't that good. He cleared his throat. "Sorry I haven't called. I'm just so busy all the time. With school, and work. I also got another job so it's hard to keep in touch sometimes. I'm in the same house with dad and we rarely see each other" he shrugged and took a seat on the stool. He dropped his phone on the counter and just placed his chin on his folded arms looking around the kitchen in a bored manner.

He heard her scoff. "I understand".

He pulled a face. "In regards to the dinner…" he rolled his eyes so hard, silently releasing air from his mouth. "I went out of line with everything I said that night and I'm calling to apologize".

"It's alright Matthew. I know when your dad talks" she said dismissively.

He groaned loudly, not caring if she heard or not. "I have eyes m-I have eyes. Dad didn't put me up to anything. I'm smart enough to tell things the way they are!" he was affronted that she thought he was some dumb child that could be easily influenced.

"Matthew" she called his name once. Dad wasn't here so there was no one to stop him from saying what he wanted to say at the moment.

"I know you didn't want a child. Why are you taking it out on him? You could just have sent me away. I highly doubted that I would still remember you guys now. Why do this? He's not the one you're mad at" his voice cracked at the end. He scratched his burning eyelids now.

She was silent for a while that he thought she was no longer on the call. He tapped his screen and then he heard her sigh. "It's not that simple".

"Yeah right" he replied sarcastically. "It's not".

"Let's meet up Matthew. So we can talk about this?" she suggested.

He was slapped with a past memory. Before they adopted him it was quite tough on him. Being in a new environment, a new school, around new people. Being the new quiet kid was the worst. He had no friend and would spend most of his time at home instead of being at the park or playground. Those were the times he would lean against her and she would partake in his conversations.

They would also have personal mummy time. There was a themed restaurant she would take him to. A medieval themed restaurant. She would take him there and do an accent when they wanted to order. The menu was themed too. While the other kids he knew went to the more colorful restaurants with pizza, a mascot and robots who played instruments, he enjoyed personal mummy time with her doing a bad British accent while they tried to finish their full chicken.

"I don't want to see you" he rasped.

"I know it's hard for you now, but it'll make sense soon. Just call when you're ready to talk".

"Yeah talk about how you want to bleed my dad dry. No thanks. I already apologized. Bye!"


He already ended the call before she could finish that. He placed both elbows on the table and buried his face in his palms. He released a hoarse sound and then his fingers were in his hair scratching his already tender scalp. He didn't stop when the red flowed.


He had been wondering when that mysterious tipper would show up again. He had honestly thought that it would be a onetime thing. All those things one thought were too good to be true to happen another time. When he saw the massive tip, this one bigger than the last one he grinned hugely. Well not like they could see his mouth. The mask he wore today covered his lower half. He continued the stream feeling a bit excited.

In this line of work shame was something that was meant to be nonexistent. Trisha had seen everything, so what if the guy had seen part of him? There were guys that had seen him without pants in gym and he hadn't been the talk of the school.

When the stream did end, Anonymouse238 stayed behind and he made it just the two of them.

"Welcome back" he drawled, trying to sound seductive.

'I missed you' seemed like he was only going to type today.

"I missed you too. You just disappeared on me. Not really nice" he leaned on his stomach, placing his hand under his chin.

'I'm sorry my angel'.

Lord. He was being called angel now. "It's alright" he tried not to gag. "I can't be mad at you" he really couldn't be mad at him. With his tip and also what he had earned from the guy watching him just play with himself. He was glad that he left him wanting more. He gained a regular.

Was he good or was he good?

"Do you want to have more fun?" he giggled.

'Something like that'.

"Oh" he smirked. "That sounds interesting. Tell me what you have in mind" he sat straighter.

'I want to see you take it off'.

He blanched for a second. "What?" he made sure to keep the smile in his voice.

'I want you to take everything off' he typed again.

He bit his lip under his mask. All bare in front of some guy who was already turned on and doing who knows what to himself. He was so close to hyperventilating. He was 'this' close to having a panic attack and tossing his laptop.

'I still have your details. Do I send the same or you want something higher?'

That question did ground him a little. That made him focus on his environment. The current situation happening. He had learnt to be less generous when asking for money. They wanted to see his body for perverted reasons. It was hard for him, so he wouldn't make it so easy for him.

"I don't know" he purred playing with hand of his long-sleeved shirt. "How much do you think I'm worth?" he teased.

"You're priceless and I can't put a price on that. But how does fifteen thousand sound?"

He got on his feet making a show of it. He gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it slowly up his body, then over his head before tossing it to the side. His heart was pounding in his ears. All he could hear was the blood flowing through his veins as he tugged the laces of his sweats and pulled it down to his ankles.

He faltered for a few seconds when he got to his underwear. Fifteen thousand dollars on the line. With everything he had made all combined, mum wouldn't be a problem in their lives for a while. He exhaled deeply as he pushed it to his ankles and stepping out of it, kicking it away.

He had said everything.

'Mask too' he read. Well tried to. Everything was blurry. Or it was just his eyes that were wet.

No one would know. It was just the two of them.

He reached for the strap behind his ears with shaky fingers and took it off. He felt lightheaded and was so close to tipping, but the vibration of his phone kept him still standing there.

'It was worth it' he told himself.
