


Thor's eyes shot, quickly taking in light as his body jumped in the air, as if waking from a nightmare. "M-Maegor! I-I t-thought-"

The mentioned god interrupted him. "Have we learnt our lesson yet?" His calm voice asked once again. And this time, this time would be his final time asking.

Thro gazed upon his friend. He was no longer on the planet they had done battle…

What he saw in front of him was impossibility made real.

Chaos Personified.

Countless temples across the cosmos rose from centuries long prayer. A hum of pure warmth flooded their bodies. Billions in sync asked "I-is it time?" The radiance of their god finally beckoning them.

Odin's jaw clenched in fury.

What he felt was a Godwave- nay. A Celestialwave. The energy released when a cosmic being is born, and this one just happened to be beyond the universe. Theories ran through his mind in an instant.

"Brunhilde.-" he called to the Valkrie Commander. She took his gaze seriously, preparing herself for his order. "Ready the War Siren. We ride for battle." He commanded, the butt of Gungnir, his spear, slammed into the ground. "Where is my son?"

Created of the First Firmament. Witnesses to the birth of all. They watch each civilization, from primordial to transcendent. They test. They prod. They observe. And then, as voiced by the most coldly impassionate of their number, Arishem...they pass judgment.

And now was such a time.

Arishem and his host felt the energy of a great being coming into existence. This is wrong.

No Celestials were to born during this time.

{Host.} Arishem "spoke" to the various Celestials at his command. {This. Being. Requires. Extermination.} his "voice" carrying across the galaxy to his host. They didn't respond, they didn't have to.

They remembered the last threat to the cosmos, the King in Black, Knull.

If this one was to prove as powerful, everything they built was in grave danger.

The Great Devourer's haze turned to the edge of the Universe. His eyes widened at the being who locked with him. Inevitability.

To say Galactus was afraid would be a criminal understatement.

In an instant the call for his heralds resounded outwards.

He would need every inch of help he could get.

As the personification of multiversal law. It was his job to safeguard the multiverse from the imbalance of mystical forces.

The Living Tribunal is The One Above All's personal representative. To allow such a….being to appear from nowhere baffled the judge.

His abstract personalities battled for control as a new threat arose. {Calm.} it commanded itself. {We Will Monitor.} And for the 3rd time in the history of all 7 iterations of the Universe, The Living Tribunal's multiversal gaze shifted to one being.

(1. The Black Winter

2. The Beyonders

3. Maegor/???)

Faded grey eyes rose from the street he was driving on. The rambunctiousness of children going on and on about what they did in class dominated the school bus.

The driver's gaze was distant however. He heard every word though, every thought.

He sucked his teeth and grinned before shakinh his head lightly. "Children…why cant you all just be nice to each other?" He asked himself. His eyes returning to the road.

He pulled his mirror down and what appeared was a man with striking resemblance to Stan Lee. In fact it was him, his mustache wafting majestically in the breeze.

"Groovy…..I guess."

Short chapter setting up the next arc(?) idk what to call it.

Anyway, have a good one.
