

{18} I woke up by a cold feeling and ran my hands up and down my arms, sitting up. I held the sheets secured around my chest and ran my other hand across the other side of the bed, freezing when it was empty. Again. He did it to you again Rebekah. I'm so stupid. I brought my legs to my chest and leaned my head down as I ran my hands through my hair, sniffing as I leaned my head back. I put my hands on my mouth as sobs escaped my throat in a row.

I shook my head continuously as I sobbed over and over, cursing at myself for being so stupid and naïve. Thought he'd change after I broke up with him, but I guess not, he was just like Jackson, thinking he could get me anytime he wanted. I wiped my tears away sniffing, tossing the sheets aside to stand up and put my clothes on. I walked out of the house and back to where my car was parked, unlocking the doors and yanked the driver door open.
