

I pushed the grocery door open and greeted the owner as I made my way inside. I picked up a cart and scrambled through my bag to grab my grocery list. I put my bag in the cart and grabbed a pen with the grocery list, pushing the cart through the aisle.

I hummed thoughtfully as I tapped my pen on the list. "Milk." I drove my cart through the aisle as I looked for milk. I opened the fridge and grabbed a gallon of milk, putting it in my cart. I closed the fridge and scrapped milk from the list.

I continued to do the rest of the grocery until everything was scrapped from the list. Well almost everything. I gritted out bitterly as I glared at the cereal box on the top rack of cereal. How am I supposed to grab it?

I huffed angrily as I put my list and pen in my bag, going back in front of the rack and tried to grab it but with no luck. I groaned furiously and was about to give up when a hand appeared from behind me and picked up the cereal box I wanted.

My breathing spiked up as my heart started to beat loudly against my chest, his manly perfume making my head dizzy. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and turned slowly to glare at him. "How dare you pick my cereal?!"

"Oh. I didn't see you there. Was this your cereal?" He replied back teasingly as he put the cereal in his cart. I gasped shockingly as I stared at the cereal box in his cart. Oh hell no! He didn't just put my cereal in his cart.

"It is my cereal." I gritted out pissed off as I grabbed the cereal box from his cart and put it in mine. "You can't do that. I grab it first." He replied as he grabbed the cereal box back and put it back in his cart, crossing his arms to make his point.

"What! You saw me reaching for it first!" I stomped my foot and grabbed the cereal box again from his cart, putting it back in mine. "But I grab it so it's mine. Why don't you get another one?" The dickhead reached for the cereal box in my cart but I was faster than him and closer so I grabbed it first, clutching at it for my dear life.

"How about this. Why don't you grab another one?" I glared at him and slapped his hand away when he tried to grab it from my hand. Douche! "Why don't you grab one?" He glared back at me the same way. "I..ohm excuse me?" I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. "Wow, real mature dickhead."

"Excuse me?"

"Shut the fuck up!" We yelled at the grocery assistant in unison and went back to our bickering.

He chuckled humorlessly as he shook his head incredulously. "Who are you calling a dickhead? You're the one going with the cereal box that was in my cart." He put emphasis on my as he pointed at himself. "So tell me, who's being a dickhead?"

I put the cereal box in the cart and put my hands on my hips, glaring at him. "Clearly it's not me." I barked back sassily as I moved my finger in front of him. "Pardon? It's visibly that the one being a dick here is you." He opened his arms and moved his head with an attitude as he pointed at me.

I rolled my eyes at him with a fake laugh. "I'm not a dick because I don't have one, If you haven't realize, I am a girl."

"Oh, now I realize that, only stupid girls fight over a box of cereal."

"So if I'm making a big fuss about it, why don't you grab another one?" I raised my shoulder with a duh look on my face. "Because I don't want to."

"Well I don't want to either.

"Well me neither.

"I don't have a problem with staying here all day."

"Me neither."

I fisted my hands in frustration and shouted out. "You know what? Take it, I don't want it anymore!" I took the cereal box from the cart and pulled my arms out. "Well I don't want it either."

"Now you're being childish." I put my arms back to my side and shook my head at his childishness. "Do you want to see how childish I can be?" He slapped the cereal box from my hand and made it fall from my hand.

"Asshole!" I picked the cereal box from the ground and slapped him with it, damaging the box of cereal. "Look what you did now." He said looking at the pieces of the cereal box on the ground.

I ran my hands through my hair and cursed under my breath. "Ugh! It's your fault!"

"You have to pay for it now."

"What! I'm not paying for anything!" I shouted loudly as I tossed the remained cereal box in my hand at him. "Well you have to."

"Well I won't."

"You're such a meany."

"Do you want to know how much of a meany I can be?" I grabbed the gallon of milk inside of my cart and popped the cap open, bathing him in milk.

"Oh. You didn't just do that." He gasped incredulously as he wiped the milk from his face and pulled at his wet shirt, shaking his legs. "Well I did." He turned around and picked a bottle of soda, opening it as he turned around. "Don't you dar.." I was cut off by soda pouring down on me from head to toe. "Oh. It's on." I grabbed whatever I had in my cart and started to hit him with them while he did the same.

"Oh my God! My store!" We heard someone shouted behind us. "Look what you two did!" The grocery owner glared at the both of us as he stared at the sight in front of him. "Both of you leave my store right now before I call the police!"

I stepped away from Justin and pushed my hair behind my back embarrassed. "Mr. Hook I'm so sorry. Look I'll repay you all the damage I caused." I picked up my bag and walked out of the store ashamed.

"Hey Sarah! Sarah wait up!" Justin jogged out of the grocery store hurriedly and grabbed my arm, preventing me from leaving. "What do you want Justin? I'm bathed in soda and without the groceries my mother asked me to buy." I sighed tiredly as I stared at Justin with an annoyed look on my face.

"I'm sorry for being a dick back there." He looked up at me apologetically. "How can I make it up to you?" He grabbed my empty hand and rubbed it slightly.

I took my hand away and put my bag on my shoulder. "Look Justin, I...I I can't, I'm sorry." I turned around and walked to my car but stopped halfway. "You know what? You can make it up to me."

"Mom! I'm home. I brought the groceries!" I shouted the moment I stepped into my house and went to the kitchen, putting the bags on the counter. I sighed tiredly as I kicked off my boots, picking up my boots from the floor and walked out of the kitchen.

"Hey honey, how was grocery shopping?" My mother asked the moment I crossed the living room, she was sitting on the sofa watching scandal. She took off her glasses as she stood up and made her way toward me. "Wait? What's that smell?"

"Nothing!" I rushed up the stairs and went inside of my room, slamming the door close. Phew! Almost. I took my clothes off and jumped right away in the shower, scrubbing my body until I was soda free and other things.

I came out of the steamy shower and put my bathrobe on, my hands twisting my wet hair as I made my way out of the bathroom. I slumped backwards on my bed with a loud thud, a groan escaping my throat as I recalled what happened today.

A stupid grin appeared on my face at the thought of Justin, who would have thought? I knew him, well only by name and from a distance for so long and I haven't, well we haven't realized that we were mates.

I turned on my belly and picked up my phone, unlocking it and scrolled through the messages. Dinner tonight at eight? I smiled as I bit my lips thoughtfully. I mean if you want to.

Okay? Where? I replied back with a grin on my face, my insides fluttering with butterflies. I put my phone on my bed and stood up, walking toward my walk in closet. My phone beeped and I flied from the closet and slumped back on my bed, unlocking my phone and clicked on the new message.

My house? I think it's perfect for us to talk about you know and maybe we can cook something together? What do you think? I squealed girly and turned on my back, typing back.

No problem, pick me up or? Was my reply to him before putting my phone besides me and went back inside of the closet, scanning through my rack of dresses for something to wear. Nah. Too short, too long, too boring, too casual, too flirty, too sexy, too serious, too slutty and too perfect. Perfect

I walked out of the closet just as my phone beeped and put the dress on my bed, slumping next to it and grabbed my phone, unlocking it and clicked on the new message. I'll pick you up...If you want to that is.

Seven thirty is okay for you? I replied back as I bit my lips nervously. I look like a high school girl who's about to pass a test. Perfect, see you later then? I'm sure he had a grin from China across his handsome face. Yours isn't any better. A teasing voice sang in my head, and I rolled my eyes at it, but grinned widely.

Okay, see you later. I pressed sent and closed my phone as I turned on my back with a dreamy sigh. So that's what having a mate feels like. I squealed again and jumped out of my bed, preparing for my date tonight.

Move away bitches my ass is going on a date tonight. I laughed at my own thought as I made my way inside of my closet with a happy dance.

The moment the bell rang, I shoot from the stairs like a rocket, almost tripping myself on the bottom of the stairs. "Chill honey. He isn't going anywhere." My mother stated amusingly as she stared at me from the living room. "Whatever mom." I grinned with a roll of an eye as I smoothed my dress and hair before opening the door. "Hi." I waved shyly at him as I leaned on the doorway awkwardly.

"Hey. I bought you these." He cleared his throat before pulling a bunch of red roses from behind his back. "I hope you like them. If you don't, I can buy you other ones." I brought my hand up to cut him off. "I love them." I leaned forward to plant a kiss on his right cheek. "Thank you." I couldn't help but blush and look away as I cleared my throat.

"Ohmm. Are you ready?" I nodded my head and stepped inside the door, putting the bunch of red roses on the table next to the door. "Mom! I'm leaving. Put the roses in a vase with water for me." I shouted in the doorway before stepping out of the house, closing the door behind me. "Yeah let's go." He linked our arms together and walked us toward his car.

"You look beautiful by the way." I blushed a bright shade of pink and bit my lip nervously as I tugged my hair behind my ear. "Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." I blushed even more after I said that.

Get it together Sarah.

"For a person who feistily argued with me in the grocery store for a box of cereal you sure blush a lot." He teased me as he opened the door for me. I ughed at him playfully and got inside of the car, closing the door for me he rounded the car and got in the driver seat.

"Ready for our date?" He interlaced our hands together and brought them up toward his lips to kiss my knuckles. "Ready." He started the engine and drove away.

The drive to Max territory soon came to an end as Justin parked the car in front of his house. He turned off the engine and got out, pushing the door close as he rounded the car. He opened the door for me and stuck his hand out for me to take. "Thanks." I got out of his car with his help and closed the door behind me.

He put a hand behind my back and led me toward the door of his house. "Turn around." I gave him a confused look but did as I was told. "Close your eyes." I groaned loudly but did what he asked.

"Patient." He put a blindfold in front of my eyes and wrapped it behind my head. "What are you doing?" I giggled as I touched my blindfolded eyes, but he slapped my hands away. "Hey!"

"No touching. It's a surprise." I rolled my eyes but groaned at the thought that he couldn't see it. "Whatever." I playfully said as he guided me inside of the house, the sound of the door closing could be heard as he continued to walk us further.

"Ready." I nodded my head and took a deep breath as I felt him taking the blindfold off. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped softly at the sight in front of me. "I did my best.... Well my sister helped me with the feminine touch." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "You like it?"

"Oh okay. And I love it by the way." I smiled at his shyness and walked closer to him. "I found it extremely cute, never expected it from a childish boy." I teased him as I brushed my fingers through his hair.

I wowed as he pulled me abruptly against him, his arms wrapped around my waist. He gave me a breathtaking smile and leaned forward, licking his lips. "Sorry to burst your bubble but dinner first." I pushed him away slightly and swayed my way to the dinner table.

He hurried behind and pulled the chair for me. "Thanks." I sat down as he pulled the chair close to the table. He rounded the table and took a seat himself. I took the plate cover off and gasped at the sight of my favorite dish in front of me. "How did you..." I trailed off as I looked up at him slowly.

"I have my ways." I rolled my eyes at his beaming face and snorted playfully at him, making his grin widen. "So, you're a stalker now?" I leaned on the table with my elbows after pulling the plate cover back on the dish, interlacing my fingers.

He chuckled loudly and leaned forward on the table with his elbows, hovering over the table. I hovered more and stopped when our lips were inches apart. "Only for my mate." He answers back cockily, his eyes wandering from my eyes to my lips then back to my eyes.

I took advantage of that to bite my lower lip on purpose, making him groan in frustration and capture my lips teasingly. I went to deepen the kiss, but he pulled way. "Dinner first." He shot me with my own words and grinned from ear to ear.

I shook my head and leaned back into my chair. "Your words, not mine." He replied again as he took the plate cover off. "You're an asshole." I laughed at him and sat straight, taking the plate cover off. I picked the fork and dug in, humming in delight. "This is delicious. God bless the hands that made this." I licked my lips and moaned in delight.

"Stop doing that." Justin gritted out between his teeth, his hands tightening around his knife and fork. I dropped the fork on the plate with a loud clank as I curled my lips into a smirk.

"What am I doing?" I played the innocent card as I grabbed my fork again, guiding the delicious meat toward my mouth. I made sure to part my lips slowly, wrapping my juicy lips around the fork with a hum as I pulled at it.

I closed my eyes with a moan as I chewed the delicious meat, gulping down slowly. "That's it!" He pushed himself out of the chair, making it fall backwards with a loud thud. I dropped my fork just as he pulled me out of the chair.

He put his hand on the table and removed everything with his hand, making everything fall on the ground with a loud crash. He grunted as he grabbed my sides, putting me on the table and slip between my legs.

"Justin..." A soft moan escaped my throat, and he silenced me with his lips, claiming mine into a fierce kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer, my fingers tangle in his hair. He nibbled on my lower lip and tugged on it gently.

He growled and covered my lips with a big smooch, swallowing my lips. I moaned into his mouth as he pulled away, leaning me backwards on the table slowly. He rested my back on the table and traced his sharp nails from my heavily breathing chest to my belly button, his nails tearing my dress in a long line.

He grabbed the back of my head and sat me straight, removing the dress from my shoulders. He kissed behind my ear down my neck, leaving trail of wet kisses down my shoulder. He moved his hands down my back and grabbed my butt, lifting me off the table.

I wrapped my legs around his hips and climbed on him as I pressed my chest closer to his, my fingers tugging at his hair with my mouth moving in sync with his. He moved us from the living room and walked us toward the stairs. "Justin...Wait."

I pulled away from him to catch my breath. "What?" He asked breathless, his chest that was pressed against mine moving up and down heavily. I shook my head and went back to kissing him. "If you don't...." I cut him off by crashing our lips back together and pulled back a little to unbutton his shirt, removing it eagerly across his shoulders.

He chuckled against my mouth and walked us upstairs, kicking his half open door in the process. We fell on his bed in fits of laughter and eagerness to remove each other's clothes. Well he had to remove only my undergarments but whatever.

He unclasped my bra like a pro and tossed it to the side like a disease, going straight for my breasts. If you looked at me now, you'd think that I was chained on the bed. My arms were extended and crossed above my head and my legs were parted, oh joy.

I arched and let out a moan as he sucked on my perked nipple, rolling his tongue around them. I tossed my head back with parted lips as I breathed out shakily. "Hmm....Justin." I grabbed a hand full of his hair and tugged at them.

I felt a vibration on my thigh as Justin pulled away, moving his hands toward his pocket. He grabbed it and looked at the I.D then back at me. "Sorry it's Chris, I have to answer this." He rolled on the side and sat on the edge, sliding his phone open. "Hey, what's up?"

I sat up straight, bringing my sheets to cover myself and crawled toward him, kissing the crook of his neck. "What? I'll be right there." I pulled away from him with a frown as he stood up from the bed. "What happened?" I kneeled on the bed and stood in front of him.

He sighed deeply and looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry for that." He moved his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it awkwardly. "Alexandra's in labor." My eyes widened at the news. "Is she okay?" It must be bad if they called him.

"For the looks of it...not so sure." He walked toward his drawer and put a shirt on. "I'm sorry for ruining your dress." He said not really sorry for ripping my new dress but I don't mind, not at all.

"Are we going to see her?" Justin nodded his head with a sigh. "Well you have to find some clothes for me. I don't think you'll like them seeing me with only a sheet covering my body." I teased as I got out of the bed, walking toward him.

Justin pouted. "They interrupted our moment." I rolled my eyes at his childness and put my hand on his cheek, rubbing it softly.

"We can always have one of these moments again." I replied back with a wink, giggling at his stormy eyes. "Don't make me drag you back to that bed and have my way with you." He pushed me forward by my hips and pressed me against his bulge. "Can't do that. We have a labor to go to."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

anais_baromeocreators' thoughts