
Dragon Armies - [ Chapter - 96 ]

So Seong-Min flew into a lesser known area on the second floor with Blacky and Snowy then once they got there Seong-Min asked the two of them to show their new abilities and skills that they learned before.

Once he said that Snowy's eyes started to show a white light surrounding his right eye and he lifted his hand up as a circle appeared and he created many different elements and there wasn't even some time before it happened.

Unlike when he uses the authority, there would be a few minutes before the authority that he uses appears but for Snowy, it was now instant and he could even use multiple authorities even faster and it was also stronger.

After seeing that now Blacky activated her ability and her right eye was then surrounded with a black light and then a black see through orb appeared around the three of them and then Blacky looked at Seong-Min.

Then she said, "Please try and attack me, so that I may demonstrate my ability." when she said that Snowy then launched all of the attacks at Blacky but once they hit her black orb, it all dissipated into nothing.

Blacky then lifted her hand and then multiple black spikes appeared and then launched all of them to the nearby trees and once she did, it created a perfect hole right through whatever it hit, without fail.

Seong-Min was really impressed with Blacky and Snowy's abilities since they were extraordinarily power and Blacky was actually more powerful than Snowy although it was a given since she was the elder sibling.

While they were demonstrating their abilities, Seong-Min got the idea to try and help them grow their armies since it would make him even more powerful as well and so he then went to his map and started checking.

He started looking for a good place with high level dragon species since it would be great and once he checked there was quite a few spots that he could pick from so he decided to visit all of them since it would be better.

When he decided, where he would go first and the place he first headed to was full of Wyverns which were a weaker species of dragons but were still extremely powerful especially when they have high numbers.

Next the second place they visited was a place full of Cockatrice which were extraordinarily powerful as well and they have a unique look as well as it's head was that of a rooster when it's body is that of a dragon.

The third place was a nest full of Wyrms which were actually a really close subspecies to Snowy since they had the abilities to control all of the elements and they even have an extraordinary intelligence to think for themselves.

Lastly was a cave fill of drakes which were even stronger than the one he visited before where he got Snowy but there were no dragons in the cave like the one he visited before so he was able to get quite a lot of extra summons.

Which after he got all of the dragon species that were on the second floor, he was really happy with the new summons but there were also some changes to them when they became Snowy or Blacky's summons.

Right after making the dragon species their summons, they all now had the color of an aura corresponding to Snow or Blacky, whichever made them their summon and their stats and abilities were also boosted by this.

So Seong-Min was really surprised and also the scales of the new dragon summons changed a bit darker or whiter depending on who made them their summon so it was really weird but it also looked cool in Seong-Min's opinion.

Once Seong-Min was able to help get Blacky and Snowy some summons, he decided to test them out with a little battle and he wouldn't join them in the fight and he also picked a twin boss for the two of them.

They would be able to fight against the boss one on one while also their summons would fight the minion of the boss as well, the boss they were going to fight were Twin Golem, Iceberg and Meteor.

Both of them were pretty similar to Snowy and Blacky since they both had opposite elements and they also had loads of minions and their habitat was right in between the lava region and ice region.

After deciding whete Seong-Min was going to let Blacky and Snowy test out their abilities and their new summons to the fullest, he started heading with them to the location of the twin boss and he also decided to live steam it.

Then once he got to the boss location, he then started his live stream then said, "Hey Guys! The Godly Tamer here and this live stream will be showcasing Blacky and Snowy's power when they fight the twin boss here!".

He said as he showed the sleeping Iceberg and Meteor and so he then said as he stepped into the range of the boss to awaken, "Then now let's start!" once he did that both of them started to move now and they summoned their minions as well.

Seong-Min then told Blacky and Snowy to fight now as well as how they see fit and when he said that both of the then activated their Dragon King's authority and once he did a pure white and black portal appeared behind them.

Their new summons started walking through the portals and then they started attacking the minions of the bosses and Blacky charged to fight at Meteor while Snowy went to charge and fight Iceberg.

Snowy created multiple fires around Iceberg and created loads of fire spears as he blasted them all while this was happening the boss tried to block it by making walls of ice but Snowy just burned through it with ease.

It was extremely difficult for the boss to fight against Snowy since he was using its attributes weakness and Blacky was removing the fires of the boss and whatever attack it used was just immediately dissipated into nothing.

The twin bosses even though they had the advantage of higher level, they were being easily overpowered by both Blacky and Snowy and their minions were being destoryed by Snowy and Blacky's summons as well.

So it wasn't even a fair fight anymore and the viewers were asking loads of questions since it was their first time seeing a summon having NPC AI so they were extremely curious about it as well.

But Seong-Min ignored it and just showcased the whole fight and in just a while they were able to overpower the twin bosses and easily defeat them and their minions after a while of fighting against them.
