

[The Undercity]


Dirty filthy streets, thick cigarette smoke air, dirty polluted water, muddy slimy roads.

The Undercity, a population of society's rejects hiding in the dark holes under Desper, was the personification of the Dark Web. In this area, one could find almost any counterfeit or illegal item on the market for a somewhat reasonable or unreasonable price.

From expensive, military-grade prosthetics, to high-end narcotics, to even body organs from Mutants, Normals, and, on rare occasions, Neveahians, this truly was the place to find whatever you needed. The only trouble with it was finding and keeping connections.

Yes, the Undercity had those things but one couldn't waltz in and simply ask for them. Doing so could get them killed or even worse. Instead, craftiness, deception, and a little touch of trust were needed when shopping for items down here but yet again, trust was one of the many currencies that weren't given out easily.
