

Sandra wasn't having all of Jesse's feeble excuses. Then she asked him, "Be honest with me, why won't you fuck me?" Then Jesse replied, "You don't know how bad I want to, but-" Before he could finish his statement, Indigo came in and threw multiple punches at Jesse. Sandra was left agape. She wondered how Indigo must have gotten to Jacob's place on foot but most of all, she wondered how Indigo knew she was at Jacob's.

As he threw punches directly at his face, Sandra begged for Jesse's life. Little did she know that even a gunshot at him couldn't kill him. Then Indigo warned him saying, "Don't, You, Ever, Come, Near, Sandra, Again, Or, You'll Be Sorry!!!!!" By the time he was done, blood gushed out from Jesse's nose, and Indigo's knuckles were bruised. Indigo was still on top of Jesse when Jesse laughed, "She didn't tell you?"

Sandra remained quiet, she couldn't say a word. Meanwhile, Indigo was left confused, "What didn't she tell me!" He yelled, demanding to get a response from Jesse. He didn't respond, instead, he kept on laughing. "Tell me!!!!!" He demanded as he shoved his hands deep into his chest, aiming to remove his heart if he doesn't respond.

Sandra watched all that was happening and was left in total shock and emptiness. She was terrified, she couldn't understand what she saw, nothing she witnessed since the arrival of Indigo was human. Meanwhile, Jesse, choking on his own blood said to Indigo, "I'm her fucking guide." Indigo was left pale and heartbroken when he heard what Jesse said. He turned to look at Sandra and bowed his head down in disappointment. He forcefully removed his hands from Jesse's chest and speedily went over to Sandra.

Sandra was engulfed with fear, she began to breathe heavily when Indigo came close to her. He looked her in the eyes and began to compel her, "You never saw any of these happen. I saved you from Jesse, he wanted to rape you." Immediately after he said this, Jesse fought back, "Hey dude, you can't do that! I wasn't going to rape her!"

Indigo turned a deaf ear then he continued, "You called me and told me where you were, and I came to pick you up. Forget about all the bad things that happened to you this night. Forget about the alcohol, and most of all, forget about the feelings you have for Jesse Noriega." As soon as he completed compelling her, she fell to the ground. Jesse was mad at Indigo, "Come on dude! You have to fix this! You have to fix this!"

The party was still young and wild. Sandra had not gained consciousness yet so Indigo stylishly carried her through the crowd. Jesse was directly behind him. It was a rowdy place, and no one paid attention to either him or Jesse. "Barnsley wait!" Jesse yelled. Indigo didn't listen, he fastened his pace to avoid Jesse catching up to him.

Meanwhile, outside the party, Elliott swerved with his car through Jacob's patio. The screeching sound caught most people's attention. He was accompanied by his human friends. They barged into Jacob's house and Elliott shot a gun in the air aiming to catch everyone's attention, instead, he left most people terrified.

Indigo ducked with Sandra in his arms. The loud noise created by the gun made her regain consciousness. "What, what happened?" She could barely see. "It's alright Sandy, close your eyes. Go back to sleep." Indigo said in a hushed tone, urging her to stay quiet.

"Jacob!!!!" Elliott said at the top of his voice. He carried the body bag where his sister was contained, over his shoulders. Jacob was far gone, he was high on weed. He came out with a white singlet and a pair of free jeans. "Elli, Elli, seems like you want another beating," Jacob said as he staggered towards Elliott.

Everyone watched Elliott as he slowly dropped the body bag on the floor and opened it. Everyone was in shock to see that it was Hailey, his sister. She had marks all over her body. "I'm not here to fight, I just wanna know who did this to my sister!" Elliott pleaded.

Indigo watched all these unfold and kept on trembling. "What's going on In, why are you shaking?" Sandra asked him. She was concerned. "Sandra I'm begging you, stay quiet," Indigo said. Meanwhile, Jesse couldn't find Matthew, he was adamant that he killed Hailey. So he tried to find him in the crowd.

"Fuck you man, this is my fucking party! If you wanna fight, let's fucking fight." The inebriated Jacob said. "I know my sister hangs out with most of my classmates, and you are no stranger Jacob, so please, I'm begging you," Elliott said trying to control his anger.

"I fucked her at the summer party, and it was good. She's a bad bitch. Too bad she's going 6 feet under the ground." As soon as Jacob finished his words, Elliott landed him a blow to the torso. "You haven't learned your lesson have you?" Jacob said as he fought back. The whole party became scattered everyone was running helter-skelter trying to find a place to hide.

As everyone ran, Jesse managed to ask them if they'd seen Matthew, the ones that could reply said that they hadn't seen him. While the others said they saw him leave with the rest. "Fuck!" Jesse cussed.


At Collins Home,

Collins was at home, getting ready for bed when he forgot that he left his curtains open. He went over to close them when he heard a knock on his window. It was Matthew! "Unexpected," Collins said. "Are you gonna let me in?" Mathew said indifferently. Then Collins decided to let him in. "Let me guess, the stray wolf doesn't have where to crash and decided that he could crash in his number one enemy's layer?"

"You're not my number one enemy," Mathew said as he chuckled. "Then who is?" Collins asked. "I like to think it's me," Matthew replied. "I knew you were gonna hit that reverse psychology bullshit," Collins said. Collins was on boxers and Matthew couldn't stop staring at his ass. Then he asked Collins, "I don't know if it's okay with you but uh, can I crash here for tonight?"

Collins found it absurd that Matthew would ever ask him for such a favour after what he did to his uncle, but he let it slide and said to him, "Sure, but my parents can't see you. They'll sense what you are, and it won't end well." After that, he told Matthew, good night, and they both slept.
