
CHAPTER 9- Lion's Den part 1

Daemon POV

267 AC

The sun was setting as we entered the rock. The Lion's Mouth, the main entry to Casterly Rock, is an enormous natural cavern reaching two hundred feet high. Its steps are wide enough for twenty riders. It truly was a marvel . As our procession continued I was anxious as well as excited to meet the Lannister family.

As we came to the courtyard there they were , The Lannisters. It seemed that all the blonde people of Westeros were gathered in one place. I had known that the Lannisters had may branches but still they were a lot and when I thought about my family there were some things to do especially increasing the members and creating a few branch families in case something drastic happened to the main line since currently there were only five Targaryens in the world.

Standing right in the front was the main branch of House Lannister. Tywin looked regal in the red and gold doublet , man was he handsome and when I saw the person standing next to him my jaw was left hanging open. Joanna Lannister was a fucking beauty . Fuck , now I understand why Aerys still lusted after her . Even me being prepubescent did not matter since I had a crush on her.

As Aery's got down from his horse the whole courtyard went down on one knee along with our entourage . Only me and my father were standing . He had told me before that now matter what happens a dragon never bows to anyone , especially to lions . He really drilled that into me. It felt amazing that people many years older to me bowing just because of the blood in my veins. It really felt satisfying. Having power is really something else.

As father approached Tywin he put his hands on him and motioned for him to stand up. Aery's really had a smug smile on his face knowing that he could order Tywin Fucking Lannister around. While he was busy measuring how big his pp was I was busy staring at Joanna. After greeting tywin father went to Joanna and truly looked happy . He gave her a kiss on the cheek which lasted for more than a few seconds.

"Its a good thing that your breasts still look good , I had thought that feeding your children would ruin them".

I fucking could not believe it , Aery's truly was a mad bastard. Saying that to the wife of the most powerful man in the entire continent and that too right in the same man's backyard. Tywin was silent but he truly looked that he wanted to push him from the top of Casterly rock as many time as possible. But Joanna came in clutch saying," Many thanks your grace , it is not eveyday that a king praises my teats". And started laughing which made the King of Wetseros laugh nervously . It was a good thing that they were speaking quietly. Then he went and greeted the other members of House Lannister after which the others finally rose up.

It was my chance to make an amazing first impression on the entire Lannister family and I would kill myself before ruining anything.

" It is nice to see you , my prince" . "Nice to meet you too Lord Tywin, Its been a long time since since I last met you" ,I said with a coy smile. Just for a moment he looked perplexed on how good of a vocabulary I had . Reading and practicing to speak for the past year was a good idea. He just gave a small smile and then moved forward introducing his wife.

"My prince this is my ....", before he could finish I just gave a small bow and said , "Greetings lady Joanna it is a pleasure to finally meet you , you truly look like the maiden in flesh". My father beamed happily probably being happy that at least one of his sons was interested in something other than books.

She looked a bit taken aback but quickly composed herself," You truly our a little trouble maker ,my prince just like Rhaella wrote in her letters". I could not believe it , my mother snitched on me. tough life man. I quickly kissed her hand and moved forward. Aery's quietly chuckled probably thinking along the lines, 'That's my boy'. She looked amused but when I saw into her eyes , It put me off somehow.

Tywin quietly put his hand on my shoulder motioning me to go ahead. As I went forward , I saw a man with broad shoulders and short blond hair. He was about a few inches shorter than Tywin and also had a mustache. Before Tywin could introduce him I shook his hands saying," Nice to meet you too Ser Kevan Lannister". I have heard about what a good administrator you are whenever The Lord Hand is in Kingslanding. He just said his thanks but It surely made him happy that someone complimented him , since I was pretty sure Tywin never did that.

As I moved forward I saw a young woman with the classic features of House Lannister. It felt like she would threaten to overflow her bodice, but I enjoyed the view. " I kissed her hand too and said flowery words and she laughed heartily when I said That when I would grow older I would ask her hand for marriage but then show would become too old for me to try anything . She pulled my cheeks and said what a cheeky brat I was . Genna Lannister truly was an amazing woman. The entire courtyard laughed when I told her that a dragon can give more gold than the toll keepers. She laughed harder when she heard me say that since she was stuck with her husband who was a frey. It seems that if you ever wanted to make the people of Wetseros laugh just make a joke about the Freys . As I moved forward I greeted Tygett Lannister, the man who would always resent his brother for casting such a large shadow on him and his brothers.

Finally It was time to meet the Lannister who I was awaiting to meet the most. None other than the only Lannister who could take a joke without spilling your guts the next second. The man who had balls of steel and went to explore the ruins of Valyria In search of the ancient Valyrian Longsword Of House Lannister " Brightroar". The Laughing Lion reborn " Gerion Lannister".


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