
Chapter Four


I figured I would have been killed by now for being rogue by someone but since my mate is the Alpha that must have been a perk, I guess. He has come and checked on me twice a day everyday since being in here. I can sense the sadness behind his gorgeous slate gray eyes, I just did not know why he was sad. Willow was intrigued by our mate, yes hurt over what happen but her wolf side knows his duties of being alpha and holds no ill will. My stubborn side was still furious over being almost executed to death.

The doctor notified me that I could be discharged today with a set of rules and guidelines. Number one on the list was eating more and trust me willow and I did not object to this. We could use a nice juicy steak right about now because no offense in human hospitals or pack ones the food still sucks.

I did not have any extra clothes or anything so the hospital was looking for me some sweats I could wear out of here. Suddenly, the door opened by a woman with long auburn brown hair and dark grey eyes. She was tall about five foot ten maybe eleven. She was so pretty but a stranger, so I was on my guard. "Hi there, my name is Georgia, female Beta of the pack, my brother is the Alpha." Oh, now I get it she was his sister hopefully she is friendly I am too hungry to be fighting right now.

"Hi, I am River, River Rose." She gave me a wave, "I know my brother told me. I figured you would like some comfortable clothes and maybe so good food." That was all it took, "Clothes I can deal with anything you had me at good food because I am starving, and willow will not stop being hangry with me." She cocked her eyebrow at me, "Willow is my wolf." She made and oh I see face and laughed. "Well go get changed and come with me I know an amazing stop up the road." I hopped off the bed and did just that I needed food like now.

As I was getting dressed, I seen the marks from the taser were healing but would leave a noticeable scar but that did not bother me I have plenty of those. I just really hope this girl is not a vegetarian or something. Nothing against them it is just not for me.

After a few minutes of driving, she seemed like a nice lady. She was telling me about the pack and their rules and their training schedule. They seemed to be very strict with their rules, "Why are you guys so strict with curfew and things like that?" she was shocked by the question, "I think that is a story for another day lets go in and order our food."

It was a small diner looked like an older one, but I was not judging unless their food sucked then that would be different. The place was light brown outside with red stripes, with a big sign saying, "Harpers Meats". I see they like puns.

When we got inside, she chose to sit at the booth by the window, it was a very cozy feeling in here I really liked it. A waitress came to take our order as I was looking over the menu, I heard Georgia tell me to order whatever I would like that it was on Bain. Deep in my mind I still needed to do something to get back at him for allowing me to be tasered somehow. He is probably rich so it will not have influence.

Georgia ordered a double bacon cheeseburger plain with an order of fries and a chocolate shake. I smiled in her direction "I will have two double bacon cheeseburgers with everything no tomato, add coleslaw onto it please, also a small salad, an order of onion rings, a larger peanut butter, chocolate shake," I looked over the menu at people in the diner there were a two older couples and then a young woman and two small children, "also without telling them put those two couples and that little family on our bill as well, also get your self-something to." She smiled "Yes, ma'am", and headed back to the kitchen.

When I looked over to Georgia, she was staring at me like I had two heads and I was on fire. "What, Bain can pay for their meals since he let them electrocute me." She nodded and let out a small laugh. "You are going to be a delight to have around I can tell you that for sure." I laughed.

Our food finally arrived, and I began chowing down. "Hey River, can I ask you a personal question?" she asked very nervously, I knew what it was 'willow do you think we should tell her at least a brief description?' 'yes, a brief one because when we are ready we need to tell Bain, her, and Beta at the same time.' "You want to know why I chose to be rogue." She nodded and was eyeing me trying not to upset me. "Okay but a brief one because when ready I will tell you Beta and Bain all together okay." She nodded and sat back listening and eating her onion rings excited to hear my story which was weird.

"The pack I am from changed the day my parents were brutally murdered; I was abused every day because they needed someone to torture, I guess. It was bearable until my friend left about five years ago after finding their mate at the ball. After shifting alone for the first time, the abuse began getting worse because my healing improved. Five years down the road a member of the pack got plastered drunk he beat me, tried to rape me so I kicked him as hard as I could in the balls and began running."

I began panting very hard from barley breathing and Georgia's sadness and disgust was written all over her face. "I am so sorry you had to endure all that, I will be patient and wait until you are ready for the full story to be told. I will say though if we are ever around that person, please let me know so I can cut his buddy off and feed it to him." I shook my head agreeing with her chuckling as well. "You say I am a delight I beg to differ." She waved me off as we paid for our meal and headed back to the pack.
