
Cutting off the head (2)

"Mother, why didn't you tell me you were going to visit us? Did the two of you plan this? I could use your help," Kate said, feeling relieved now that her mother was present. 

"We did not," Simon replied as Katrina's presence ticked him off. The former Baroness required a hobby to pass her time instead of seeking out Kate.

Simon had too many secrets for Katrina to be showing up unannounced. He disliked how Kate hung onto her mother's every word instead of only his. To completely control Kate, he needed to cut her mother loose. 

"I was out in town buying a few things and thought I would pay a visit on my way back home. I hope I am not intruding," Katrina said, specifically to Simon. 

Contrary to his thoughts, Simon replied, "You aren't. You are always welcome here. You will be my mother-in-law in one week."

Katrina entered the house and touched Simon's arm. "I hope you can one day think of me as your mother."
