
Not what I want (1)

"Mother, look what Simon sent for me," Kate said with excitement as she entered the dining room for dinner.

"They are pretty," Katrina complimented the bouquet of flowers in Kate's hands. "They almost match your beauty. He is smitten with you. Well done, Kate. We should be planning a wedding in no time."

Kate placed the bouquet on the table to show off. "I always preferred a summer wedding but the ones in winter are still beautiful. I  can't wait to start my wedding dress most of all. It will make everyone jealous. At least I will get to wear a wedding dress, unlike someone who got married at the church in the middle of the night."

Katrina sighed, annoyed by the mention of Alessandra. "Kate, do not bring that girl up to me. She has done nothing but stress me out these days."
