
Chapter 10: New Toys

Satoshi stared at the child that was facing him, it was a child that had not awakened its chakra meaning it was younger than four year old.

Satoshi was certain it was the same child he had seen earlier in the clan meeting, however, here the child was unleashing ninjutsu.

Once the other Karatachi shinobi left, he would end this quickly.

He got into position so that he could move at his fastest speed.

However, it was for nothing as Ritsu threw kunai's tagged with explosion seals.

Sensing the danger from those kunai Satoshi did his best to dodge, however his left arm was burnt and damaged from the explosions.

Satoshi gritted his teeth, "Wha-what was that?"

'Are those the famous explosion tag from the Uzumaki Clan?'

'Are they being helped from outside but why would the Uzumaki Clan help them.'

"Oh that, it was explosion tags personally crafted by me. After all, I'm the only one in the clan who can create them.

Honestly I didn't expect you to come out of that, I expected you to be more tired."

Ritsu remembered the man from his earlier meetings, it was Yuto's son.

He had a child with him, and there is no wife next to him but a child, she must have given birth on the battlefield.

Ritsu confirmed it as a matter of fact, as he saw the growing anger on Satoshi's face.

Recalling the scene where explosions resounded through the compound, and one particularly close by harm his Wife.

Anger rose within him.

"It was YOU!!!You killed Maki. You took her away from us."

Satoshi screamed as he dashed in an instant.

Ritsu didn't manage to see in which direction his opponent dashed to, so he took his katana out in his right hand, and a kunai in his left.

Within a fraction of second, Satoshi had appeared to to left as he used his katana to hack down with pure strength

However to his amazement, a child, a mere child, had blocked a strike with the strength of an adult.

It was not time for amazement, as Ritsu had slashed with right hand aiming for the child in Satoshi's arm.

Satoshi's paternal instincts came into play as his full attention was at the sword, threatening to take his child's life, he parried the kunai away.

Intending to block the enemy katana with his.

Ritsu was waiting for this as with the flick of his wrist he threw the kunai towards Satoshi's eye piercing it.

Ignoring the pain of losing an eye Satoshi held his blade firm as he blocked the katana, before releasing a flurry of strikes pushing Ritsu back, making Ritsu defend defend.

It was all for naught, it was a dead man's struggle to eliminate all nearby danger for his son.

The flurry of strikes caused Ritsu to defend seriously, as some managed to bypass his sword causing minor wounds to appear throughout his body.

He was dealt a slightly deeper slash on left side of body aiming to bisect his heart.

Ritsu had to take the hit while minimizing the damage, by attacking the child in Satoshi's arms leading to hesitation causing the blow dealt to him to be weaker.

Seconds passed, seconds into minutes, till an hour had passed.

The surrounding area was filled with Karatachi clan members as they approached after clearing the rest of the compound.

Arriving here since it was the only area filled with sounds of battle.

They watched as their young fought that man of a monster,

To the Karatachi Clan members who have regressed the past sixteen years.

To them Satoshi, and Ritsu were both monsters.

On one side there was man dodging strikes most of them couldn't see as he was protecting a child fighting a hand down.

The man had fully comprehended the Yua Clan swordsmanship, which caused Ritsu to defend more than he could strike, but the times he struck were when he narrowly dodge his opponent blade.

At times he allowed the blade to strike him as he believed it would lead to only minor scratches.

The clan members hesitated; they wanted to go in and attack the man, but they felt it the moment they stepped closer… they would die in an instant.

The man had such concentration that he would end them in a single strike if they had gotten in his range

So they stayed their hand believing their young master was capable of defeating him.

Ninjutsu would distract both fighters causing one to benefit from the situation.

Eventually the man was slowing down, the excessive bleeding from the kunai punctured into his eye had clearly managed to penetrate deeper than one thought.

It was an amazement how the man managed to keep fighting.

Satoshi struggled to take one final slash to this devil in front of him, it was so weak and slow that Ritsu simply slapped it aside.

Seeing his final slash pushed aside like nothing, he felt his body feel heavy.

He fell onto his knees as he puked blood, devolving into a bloody coughing fit.

Satoshi was the genius of the Yua clan, he mastered the way of the sword by twelve years, killed countless geniuses from other clans, led a mission that should have resulted in failure to success, yet why could he not deal a fatal blow on the killer of wife, the killer of his clan.

The boy was a monster, he didn't flinch when his blade left cuts onto his body.

He showed no hesitation to take strikes to deal a fatal blow to him.

The fact the child showed no emotion as he targeted the baby he had with him.

'Is this what a true genius was, or was he simply too weak in his mentality?

Maki I'm sorry, it seems like I won't be able to take care of our son. Please forgive this powerless husband of yours.' thought Satoshi as he eyed the rising blade of the child.

He closed his eyes accepting his fate and the embrace of eternal darkness.


Ritsu raised his blade to deal a final fatal blow upon Satoshi, relieving him from his misery, but it seems that he has already gone to the pure land.

Ritsu had used his identify on Satoshi earlier when he first launched the lightning bolt at him.

He was nothing special, simply a small increase in all aspects as he was using fear of extinction to push him to a higher level.

That was all it was, he would have gotten weaker quicker, that's what Ritsu thought, however the man lasted an hour longer than he should.

People showed frightening tenacity in the eyes of death.

Now Ritsu eyed the child that was held in place close to Satoshi's chest. The forearm had multiple cuts upon from Ritsu's countless strikes at the child.

Some made it clear to bone, yet not a single cut made it to the baby's body.

'Amazing, very well I had planned to end this child as it would provide hope to the remaining Yua clan members if they ever found out that this was the lineage of the main family. Hopefully he can be as strong as his father.'

Activating Identify, Ritsu froze upon seeing the screen, reconsidering his decision.

[Takao Yua

Age: Less than a day

Affiliation: Ex-Yua Clans heir

Loyalty: none

Kekkei Genkai: none

Bloodline: 65%

Talent: Swordsmanship S, Chakra B, Water A, Earth A, Wind C

Summary: The blessed child of the Yua Clan, meant to signal the rise of the Yua Clan, allowing them to absorb the Fuji, and the Toru Clan. This child has the potential to be a Kage level ninja, but now that decision is in your hands. Don't taint this child you evil bastard.]

Now Ritsu was in a dilemma, he had gained a powerful subordinate however, whether he was from the main lineage or not it would provide hope to their captives because of his extraordinary strength if they ever figured out his origins.

It is unknown whether people could escape his cursed seal, after all it was made in a hurry, not all kinks could have been worked out.

Ritsu thought and thought, before coming to a conclusion hiding the child from prying eyes of his clan members.

From now on this child shall be a child born from this man and a Karatachi Clans woman, it will be his younger brother though in name.

He has around six months to devise a seal that would permanently change his hair, and possibly his eyes.

Riku tore off a sleeve in an attempt to hide the child's features.

Luckily the child's appearance was covered in a cloth, the sleeve was used to hide the child's face.

He walked with the child in hand, not allowing the clansmen to see or take the child away heading to his father's location.


"Lord Nao, we gathered all the captives together, bound them and we have placed a chakra suppression tag on every single one."

Nao took a look at their captives from many ages, they had either no combat ability, were a child, or they had been poisoned or paralyzed from the substances made by Shin, the doctor of the Clan.

They were either unconscious, crying, or had a face of disbelief that their clan numbering around four hundred had been decimated by less than a hundred shinobis.

Nao was conflicted however what is done is done.

He, too, understood that it was either them or his clan.

"Father, we need to talk."

There he saw his son, oh how conflicted he was regarding his son.

One second he is acting like a child, other times, he is working as hard as an adult.

Trains like a maniac.

As long as he acts in the clan's interest, all is fine.

As he turned to see his son, his expression froze.

Seeing the wounds on his son's body caused him to worry and anger at who had done such a thing to his child.

However, he held those emotions within himself as he eyed the baby that was wrapped up in Ritsu's arm.

It seems that his son still has some humanity in himself to keep the baby alive, although it seems that his son is showing no pain with the many cuts on his body.

There was even a long gash going from down his left shoulder to his waist.

Seeing how his son isn't panicking, he assumes that the cut wasn't too deep.

Nevertheless it threw away any thoughts Nao had that his son was a child, no child would casually ignore such a wound.

He eyed Ritsu, asking a critical question that will change his perception of his son,

"So what do you plan to do with the child, Ritsu?"

Ritsu stopped in his tracks not to the question asked by his father but rather the tone his father said it in, concerned, on the fence.

His father was questioning him, it doesn't matter his father doesn't have much sway in the clan, if anything it's just traditional, until he can take over his mantle.

"Father, I have a plan," Ritsu paused, eyeing his father,

"It concerns this child, you see I can't explain it much but recall when I went around beating the kids from our clan.

I selected a few kids and started to train them alongside me," Ritsu paused once again, seeing the shift of tension in his fathers body.

Nao recalled how Ritsu went on a brawling spree after his sister was born.

A couple of days later some would follow him around, "Does that mean the kids from our clan are just tools for you?"

"No, they aren't tools, I simply saw something that no one else had, I will show you later.

I started training them because I felt that our clan's teachings were redundant, we were training the wrong people after all."

"The clan doesn't have enough resources to train everyone, Ritsu, those people you chose showed no talent."

"That's where you are wrong. They showed no initial talent to be shinobi however, there's this thing called late bloomers.

Talent is like a flower, they are planted within us, some bloom faster than others but one thing remains the same among all of us.

A flower does not announce its arrival to the world, it just blooms.

I believe that every child that I have chosen to train will one day be a pillar to our clan, some more so than others.

Hence the plan that concerns this child."

Nao, still pensively thinking on his son's words, asked, "What's the plan for the baby?"

"I plan on him become a Karata—"

Seeing how his son evaded prying eyes of the Clan members Nao assumed the worst.

Ritsu couldn't end his sentence, before an angry expression bursted from his father, "The Clan will never accept a half-blood like him, it will dilute our bloodline. Not to mention the evil blood within him"

Ritsu sighed as he looked at his father, "I will talk to the rest of the clan about this, however, I need to hide this child from them, because this child isn't even half-blood.If I can make sure that he looks just like any other Karatachi then it should be acceptable."

Nao simply stared at his son as the words uttered from his mouth shocked him.

Nao whispered to Ritsu in a hushed but urgent tone, "What!? He's not a half-blood? It's too risky! Should the captives learn that a full blooded members of theirs is walking free without restraint they would try to influence, he would be their hope.

Not to mention the opposing thoughts from those in our Clan"

"Father I will be making his appearance appear as a half-blood, using–"

"You can't one mistake and the clan will know, dyes won't work, his face doesn't match, his eyes are too different."

Nao was exasperated seeing his son's calm face,

"One word Father, Fuinjutsu."

"What! Fuinjutsu can do that?"

Ritsu simply smirked, "What can't I do with Fuinjutsu, well at least in the future. Father I need time, to make the child seem a half blood until no one can no about him."

Nao received the child, holding it close to his bosom.

His feeling conflicted.

A child wanted to raise a baby into a weapon, just when years ago the clan planned to make him into a weapon.

Nao clenched his fist, feeling his anger rising clouding his judgment.

"Of course, this is for the better of the clan, the talent of this child surpassed the majority of our clan, with the exception of four, of course if I was included it would be five."

Ritsu words resounded again and again in Nao's mind.

Nao anger subsided just as it had quickly clouded his mind.

If Ritsu called the baby within his arm talented then it must be so, but the question was how did he know?

Ritsu said they had four, and with this child it will be five, and six with Ritsu included.

If the other five even had a fraction of Ritsu's talent then… then…

Breaking Nao out of his thoughts, "Father it's time to leave, the clan members have sweeped the compound, and I still need to set up the formation."

'A pity I will have to sacrifice around four test subjects for this amount of people.'

Ritsu felt sadness as he eyed the his mater—-prisoners of war.
