
Chapter 79

Chapter 79:

" My parents were a Russian and a Filipino, I've inherited both of their ancestry so I think I got both of their good genes. I'm sole child so they spoil me when I'm a kid."

" Unfortunately an accident happens and I just end up alone and learn to survive independently, years goes by and I've been captured or tricked to be a lab experiment. There are many of us experimented to be a superhuman but only three survive including me."

" They didn't know I needed the sunlight to awaken my abilities so I'm almost executed for being a failed subject, I tried escaping but I am still weak so ended up capturing me again to be studied. They easily brainwashed me, implanting some languages I learned and technique to become a tool for them, fortunately Avengers attacked the based and rescued most of us."

" While brainwashed, I got to fight Thor , Iron man and Captain Steve, they noticed my situation and decided to just knock me out since I look like a young man that have been victim of brainwashing and experiments. While we fought, my powers overloaded erase my brainwashed state while Mr. Stark imprisoned me on an ice coffin."

"By the way, I slept for a long time in that ice coffin and when woke up, got drag to fight an army of evil robots so I learned whats my abilities are."

" I can absorb solar energy and release through my eyes and i can fly and Lyla's abilities are light manipulation and conjure things with it and also teleport to where her light was placed to."

" Are you satisfied with my story? The rest are history after that, I fought with the Avengers on the first day of using my full strength while brainwashed and erasing my brainwashed state in the process so the languages I learned can only be understood but not spoken, weird but that's what happened."

Aunt Helen " So you are no longer brainwashed and did you suffer while being experimented?"

" Yeah Apparently, and I did not suffer when being experimented as there is no torture or every other time being dissected or pumping liquid into our bodies, nothing like that since I've been cooperative and the scientist did not make it difficult for me."

We are now getting up from the pool and walking to the room where shower and change of clothes is stored. Aunt Helen was leading us to get back now to go home as the night is getting deeper and we need to have dinner.

I look around in the room and saw that its simple and modern looking with no luxury design as that's what I prefer, the black and wood colour theme of the room gave me the feel of simple but luxurious instead of decorating it fully with all kinds of expensive things.

We directly goes to the bathroom, there is two bathroom where we can shower and one is for Aunt Helen and the other is going to Lyla's turn. I chose to wait them to finish so I get my turn to shower, getting in with Lyla seem inappropriate with Aunt Helen with us so I just have to be patient.

I look around the city at the top of the rooftop, people are still walking around.. if the war is really coming, what should be peacefulness now will get disturb by it.

The world only experienced war between civil war, cold war, revolution and world war but a real extraterrestrial invasion happen in New York because Loki brought the Chitauri fleet, the people knows that if not for the Avengers, New York would be gone and nuclear power will radiate around and cause destruction even to cities around it.

While the nuclear missile may destroy the building where the portal device mounted to… but it has a shield of its own that an infinity stone provides. The missile launch by them is supposed to sacrifice New Yorkers along with the Avengers.

That's why I just let Tony make do a plan, he has the brain, influenced, connections and reputation to have a word on US government and the United Nation.

Thanos armies will target Vision and Dr. Strange who have both the mind stone and the time stone, hiding them is not a good plan as infinity stones can sense each other and Thanos already have the power stone.

Loki might have the space stone but I hope they escape instead of die fighting. Thor and the others who are aware that Thanos might attack them will give a fight instead of being defeated in a short time because of being caught off guard.

I wonder if the timeline is the same as what I watched in the pst, what if something changes, Gamora had to die for Thanos to get the soul stone and the fight with Thanos army will get divided.

Thanos seems to plan already to get the Avengers unassembled and take them down one by one.

I just need to fight the battle, no need to lead itself. My thoughts still wandering of being on the sidelines as I have no interest on leading the heroes as I myself did not have the purest purpose of saving, I just follow along the others and fighting is also training for us to get stronger.

I feel my power has more potential the same as Wanda who can use chaos magic to bend reality, her potential can even be said to be a threat to multiverse and if Pietro have the power to be fast enough to bend time and space similar to Flash then his powers meant a serious threat like his sister.

Should I test if I can try to absorb energy from infinity stones?

My brain might go in overload state because the energy from infinity stones is different from solar energy and touching it will have the same effect of charging a device with high voltage. Overcharging and it might explode and I never felt the need to use the full power of Overload State.

The Overload State is the state where I step foot on the other side of the line and the control of my body and sanity only have thin connections. Every time I use overload state, I only walk the other line with the maximum of like 5 steps but I feel there must be 10 or 20 steps to reach the maximum level of overload state but let's not try it now. There will be time in the future as long as we're alive.
