
Chapter 3: Dungeoneering!






*Quest Received*

[Finish the Tutorial]

Objective: Reach Level 10

Rewards: [?]

.... What?

*Bonus Quest Received*

[Speed Run!]

Objective: Reach Level 10 as fast as possible.

Time Limit: 4:00:00

Reward: [?]

Okay, not only am I in the middle of some big ass cemetery. I also received two sudden quests and one with a time limit!? Not cool System.




What the hell!?

I turned to my left where the sound came from, and low and behold a freshly made decaying zombie rising from one of the graves. Groaning and Moaning.

[Undead Lvl. - 1 <Zombie>]

[HP - 100]

[MP - 15]

As the now identified and confirmed zombie finishes crawling himself out of the grave and begins to shamble towards me. I walk up to it dodge a swipe from its right arm and shove my [Simple Steel Dagger] right up under its chin, going all the way through with around an inch of steel sticking out from the top of its skull.


[Undead Lvl. - 1 <Zombie>]

[HP - 0]

[MP - 0]

* -- You have earned 20XP from [Zombie] -- *

After I finished reading my newest set of notifications, I spin around looking away from the now disappearing corpse and start to gag. Truth be told, the shit smelled atrocious.

I continued to gag until I noticed that nothing was coming up, so I swallowed the lump in my throat, calmed myself, strengthened my resolve and pressed on.

Deciding to hold on to the 'pressing on' part for a moment, I think 'status.'


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Level: 1 (20/100)

Race: Devil / Longinus Class Sacred Gear User <Currently Sealed>

Rank: None

Title: Red Dragon Emperor of Domination <Currently Sealed>

Okay... so for every one zombie is 20 exp. good to know.

When I turn back around to where the zombie was located, I notice that it's gone, and there's a small, what looks to be bronze or copper chest sitting there in its place.

I reach down and grab the chest, that is the size of my palm and use [Perverts Gaze] on it.

[Bronze Chest]

Info: Items dropped from monsters can be found in small palm size chests such as this. There are multiple rarities including - Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Ruby, Diamond, and Adamantite.

Reward: [?]


I grab the chest lid and slowly pry it open only for the thing to shoot open and dispense the item right into my hands while the chest vanishes into motes of bronze colored light.

I threw that shit on the ground immediately. I'm sorry, but what the fuck am I supposed to do with rotting flesh! If the shit isn't useful in Minecraft, it's not going to be here!





I spin around and bring my dagger up to bear to find 4 zombies shambling towards me.

'Perfect!' It's just the amount I need to level up. Nice!

After dodging some of their pitiful swipes I stabbed two under the chin, the same way I took out the first one, and the other two by stabbing the the side of their skulls next to the ear.


* -- You have earned 20XP from [Zombie] -- *

* -- You have earned 20XP from [Zombie] -- *

* -- You have earned 20XP from [Zombie] -- *

* -- You have earned 20XP from [Zombie] -- *

*Level Up!*

'Nice!' If it's all like this, I think I'll be smooth sailing from here on out.


'This is boring.'

When I first started out in 'My War Against the undead' it was easy and fun. Now though it's just tiresome and boring.

Most zombies only spawn in a group of 5, if I'm lucky there might be 7 or 8 of them. Also, every single one of them drops a bronze chest filled with rotten flesh.

Cool. I don't want it.

After killing another group of zombies, I decided to check my stats. 'Status'


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Level: 6 (500/600)

Race: Devil / Longinus Class Sacred Gear User <Currently Sealed>

Rank: None

Title: Red Dragon Emperor of Domination <Currently Sealed>

After looking at my stats I remember that I was given a Quest with a time limit.

*Bonus Quest*

[Speed Run!]

Objective: Reach Level 10 as fast as possible.

Time Limit: 1:20:37 remaining

Reward: [?]

Damn, I'm running out of time! I need something to close the gap.

At that thought, the tomb like building that I was walking by, exploded. Launching me thirty feet away, causing me to crash through some of the stone graves that filled the cemetery grounds.

"Uhh.... what the fuck?" I muttered as I leaned back against one of the cross shaped cold stone grave markers.

"Grrrrr....!" My head shoots up at the sound, causing my now head-splitting headache to amplify itself two-fold.

My eyes go wide at the sight of the beast in front of me.

[Undead Lvl. - 5 <Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 175]

[MP - 45]

Elder scrolls?

Before I can think much further about where the monster in front of me came from, I'm forced to dodge as the Hound lunges at me.

I quickly rolled to my left causing it to smash through the grave I was leaning against as well as a few behind it. I jump up and bring my dagger to bear in preparation for a downwards stab towards its neck, but before that. I yell, "Sacred Gear!"

An emerald, green light soon envelops my right arm, blinding me and the Hound in the process. I look towards my arm that is now covered in a scarlet red steel gauntlet with a small green gem in the middle.

"BOOST!" The green gem booms.

I bring down my dagger towards the back of its boney neck and decapitate the mother fucker.

[Undead Lvl. - 5 <Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 0]

[MP - 0]

* -- You have earned 100XP from [Skinned Hound] -- *


*Level Up!*


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Level: 7 (0/700)

'Nice!' All right time to loo-....



[Passive Skill Created!]

[Sense Bloodlust] <Passive> - Lvl. 1 --> 5 (Novice)

Info: Able to sense the Anger, Hate, and rage a target directs at you. The Higher the level the farther the range.

Current Range: 10 meters

* --> Bloodlust Detected <-- *

I turn my head to look at the now decimated tomb where the [Skinned Hound] came from. Only to see two more of them, their golden colored eyes blazing with anger for their fellow fallen undead.

[Undead Lvl. - 5 <Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 175]

[MP - 45]

[Undead Lvl. - 5 <Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 175]

[MP - 45]

I twirl my dagger in my hand and point the tip at them.


'Bring it.'

The two [Skinned Hounds] accelerate in a burst of speed that you wouldn't think they'd be capable of with those twig-like legs. The two-sprint side-by-side towards me until the one on the left breaks off and goes to get behind me.

The Hound that is still sprinting at me leaps from a few meters away towards my arm with my dagger and twice critical. It latches onto the scarlet red gauntlet and attempts to bite through the metal.

'I don't think so!' I dropped the dagger in my right hand into my left hand which was waiting to catch it. I quickly change it into a reverse grip and slam it down onto the hound's skull ending it.

[Undead Lvl. - 5 <Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 0]

[MP - 0]

* -- You have earned 100XP from [Skinned Hound] -- *

"HOWWWWLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!" I hear a howl of pain, anger, and sadness erupt from behind me. I spin around to face it only to be left startled.

The normal 4'0 foot tall [Skinned Hound] is now shaking with anger and rage. It begins to grow until it reaches around the 5'2 mark. Its spine elongates and forms a sort of spine similar to the likes of Spinosaurus. Its tail turns into razor sharp barbs and is now long enough to whip the ground beneath it. Lastly, its normal blazing yellow eyes have now been replaced with a deep crimson, pulsing with rage.

[Undead Lvl. - 8 <Enraged Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 280]

[MP - 75]

Info: Due to intense emotions or anger and rage the target [Skinned Hound]'s level and stats have now been amplified for a certain amount of time.

Rage Duration: 00:03:30

'.... Oh shit!' I screamed in my head as I side rolled to dodge another lunge. I get back up and turn towards the [Enraged Skinned Hound] that is now coming for my ass. I break out into a sprint towards the opposite direction. Hoping that I'll be able to come up with a plan.


After running with this thing on my ass for the past few minutes, I'm starting to grow irritated and desperate especially since every now and then the Hound is able to get a bite in on my ass. Not a big bite mind you, but that shit hurt and would still if not for the HP regen potion I had used.

Then I spot it, my savior the dark cobblestone wall that surrounds the cemetery that I'm in. Only to notice that the hound was right on my ass. If I wanted my plan to succeed, I needed to slow him down somehow.

As I was running past another tomb, I saw what I needed.

I sprinted forward and ripped the iron bar that was being used for fencing right out of the ground before spinning and throwing it right at the Enraged Hound. The Iron bar soared through the air and struck the Hound in the right thigh. Causing it to collapse for a few seconds before it gripped the Iron bar in its massive K9's and tearing the thing out.

As I look back and watch this all play out, I can only think of one thing.

'Damn that was badass!'

I turned back around to face the incoming [Enraged Skinned Hound] when I reached the wall.

With my back to the wall, I prepare myself for what I'm about to do and-


'Fuck me! Now of all times! Really!' Nah I don't need the Boosts for what I'm about to do, just reaction time.

'Fuck it'

I break out into a sprint towards the Hound intending to ram straight into it. A second before we're about to collide, I quickly slid underneath. Barely missing its exposed ribcage.


I stand back up and turn around. The Hound had smashed into the wall easily going up to 10-15 mph. I walked up beside it and used [Perverts Gaze] on it.

[Undead Lvl. - 8 <Enraged Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 37]

[MP - 75]

I can hear it whimpering even with its skull caved in against the dark cobblestone. I don't feel bad, it tried to kill me. I can understand why though, so I do the only remaining thing left to do. I angle my dagger, so it'll be a clean pierce through the neck and spine, and thrust.

[Undead Lvl. - 8 <Enraged Skinned Hound>]

[HP - 0]

[MP - 0]

* -- You have earned 200XP from [Enraged Skinned Hound] -- *

I reach down and grab the silver chest that is emanating from the now disappearing corpse of the Hound and promptly open it.

[Skill Gained!]

[Rage of the Berserker!] <Active> - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Info: Obtained from the [Enraged Skinned Hound] Berserker allows for your levels and stats to be doubled for a specific amount of time.


Using the berserker skill will result in a loss of common sense for the duration of the skill use.

Duration: 00:01:30

This skill can be both useful and harmful for me. It's good to have it at least.

With that in mind I think 'Status'.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Level: 7 (300/700)

Race: Devil / Longinus Class Sacred Gear User <Currently Sealed>

Rank: None

Title: Red Dragon Emperor of Domination <Currently Sealed>




Oh, Fuck me.


*One Hour Later*

*Quest Received*

[Finish the Tutorial]

Objective: Reach Level 10

Rewards: [?]

*Quest Completed*

Rewards: [Gamer Credit Card] - System Item

Info: In need of cash? No need, for the Gamer Credit Card is here! Only for groceries though everything else is on you!


*Bonus Quest Received*

[Speed Run!]

Objective: Reach Level 10 as fast as possible.

Time Limit: 4:00:00

Reward: [?]

*Quest Completed*

Time Remaining: 00:18:45

Reward: [Undead Pet Summon] - Consumable

Info: Due to clearing the tutorial within the selected amounted time you have earned a pet summon. Summon any random Undead creature as a Pet.

Chances: Common: (75%), Uncommon: (20%), Rare: (7%), Legendary: (1.5%), Mythical: (0.5%)

That's not what I was expecting at all, but as I leaned up against the main crypt in the center of the cemetery. Exhausted and injured I'll take anything, I guess.



Name: Issei Hyoudou

Level: 11 (160/1100)

Race: Devil / Longinus Class Sacred Gear User <Currently Sealed>

Rank: None

Title: Red Dragon Emperor of Domination <Currently Sealed>

After looting the hoard of 16 [Skinned Hounds] and 33 [Zombies] that had rushed after killing the one that gave me the berserker skill.

I acquired - x4 rusted daggers, x2 rusted short swords, x10 K9 Teeth, and x33 rotted flesh. The Rotted Flesh I threw away as well as the rusted daggers.

The rusted short swords I kept to learn the skill [Swordsmanship] and the K9 teeth for materials.

After a few more deep breaths, I get back up and head to the entrance of the Crypt.

[The Lair of The Twins] - Lvl. 15-20


--Redacted --


*You are about to enter the Dungeon Boss's Lair are you sure you want to do this*

'What the fuck? Redacted?!'

'Inhale... exhale....' After doing that a few more times to calm myself I press 'Yes'.

The large stone doors that were in my way slid in on themselves revealing a pitch-black staircase that was only lit up by a torch every ten steps or so.

I sigh and begin my downwards decent with the lingering thoughts in mind.

'What does it mean by twins?'

