
Travel (Part 2)

"OG, please introduce yourself to them." Kaizen asked.

Og'tharoz, now on the same level as everyone else, stepped forward. He was a simple-looking man with long black hair, old clothes and an unshaven beard.

"Hello, new companions, my name is Og'tharoz, I'm co-owner of this store and I'm also a demon who has lived for over a thousand years."

The information that Og'tharoz was a demon traveled through the hall like an echo, until it hit the shop windows with swords and came back.

He wasn't a demonic-looking creature, the kind with deep red scaly skin, nor did he have curved horns coming out of his forehead or glowing yellow eyes. Still, he was a demon.

Xisrith and Andrew watched Og'tharoz with a mixture of fascination, apprehension and fear. It was the first time they had met a demon in the game world. Andrew swallowed, while Xisrith adjusted his grip on the sword at his side.
