
Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Jamie gasped exasperatedly. His eyes were wide like saucers scandalized by what Yeongjun just said to him. He blushes purposely choking on his own saliva. He put his hand to cover his face out of embarrassment. Never in his entire life said that barbaric thing to him. He means that Jamie has never received indecent proposals before or maybe his friend is gatekeeping him from that side of the world. Jamie has no desire because he was so busy proving himself to everyone. He also deliberately ignores any blind dates that his mother asked him to. He has zero experience in that area of expertise so hearing it raw and directly toward him was like a foreign language he just learned. 

"Okay," Jamie says to save face but his flushed face is already in the view of two men, and Jamie just wants to get out of this room right away. 
