
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

It's been two weeks since Gongyun (Jamie) went missing. He uses cash to have things delivered, like a new TV, laptop, and microwave. He feels like he's on a planet similar to Earth.

Right now, he's eating pizza while playing a game that's almost like one he created. He won't admit he's impressed by this game. He rolls his eyes and starts another level. He's close to finishing the game, and his name is becoming popular. Many people are messaging him, asking about the top player. He laughs, enjoying the attention. It feels familiar and comforting, like his old achievements.

Even the game master sent him a congratulatory email. He smirks and doesn't reply, focusing on the game. He's been famous before, and this isn't a big deal compared to his past successes. He predicts the game's layout and is proud of his new skills. While he enjoys the attention, he still prefers a quiet life (even if he doesn't admit it).

Gongyun decided to go by Jamie from now on. He doesn't like it, but he has no choice. He sighed as he applied for courses online and updated his wardrobe to fit his taste: dark-colored tees, cardigans, jeans, slacks, long sleeves, turtlenecks, and hoodies. His shoes are the latest designs—his fashion is like that of an idol, though he never admitted it before.

Jamie sighed after cleaning up his trash.

As days passed, he never used his old phone, which he thought was pathetic. He bought the latest model and installed high-level security he developed himself. He's very focused on privacy, especially since hacking is common in his world. He smirked, enjoying the ability to use his bank money without leaving a trace after transferring it to a new account. He has millions of dollars that his stepfather and mother might question if they cared enough to look for him.

However, he soon got bored. Staying in his room and playing games felt like being a hermit, even though he enjoyed it. He realized he needed to return to university. Being an art student excites him.

Gongyun loves art, but Jamie is struggling with the course. He's good at analytical subjects like medicine, law, and business, but art is his weakness. His mother and sibling forced him into this course, which he finds foolish, while his stepfather doesn't care, which Jamie is actually pleased about.

Aside from the failed assassination, Jamie had no reason to stay in his cave. He tried to hack into some people based on his memories of those he had met before, but they were all useless. He considered hacking the mafia but changed his mind, knowing it would complicate things.

He needed to find the person who tried to kill him—who had, in fact, succeeded—and finish them off himself. He would show no mercy.

Gongyun is a high-ranking military officer who has killed during missions. The government tried to recruit him, but he preferred playing games to killing people he didn't care about, unless they targeted his family.

His nickname is Al Shadow. He kills quickly, like a trained assassin, and has never left evidence behind during a mission. He is extremely careful and meticulous.

Another option he considered was exposing the people who killed him (Jamie) and earning money while doing it. He would never forgive them.

He lost the kind-hearted boy he once was in this parallel world.

What a pity, he thought.

Indeed, what a pity.

End of chapter 5
