
New Pieces

CRASH. Severus Snape, one of the youngest and most sought-after potions masters in Europe is frustrated. He just threw his latest potion at the wall. It was not the wall's fault but he has a hard time concentrating on his latest research. There was a delay in his ingredients which affected the quality of it, rendering his current project worthless. He will have to deal with the apothecary's deception later. How dare they delay it? Do they not understand the delicate process of potion-making? Well, he wasn't really sure it would work that well yet. But still. His potions require ingredients to be fresh at a specific time in a specific condition and because of this predicament, he will not be able to achieve his goal.

Ugh. The man collapses on his favorite chair. His home was getting smaller and smaller as he has been slowly trying to find a bigger workspace to do his experiments. He could use an expansion spell but it requires significant permits from the ministry due to his location living in the middle of a muggle settlement (older families who already settled in muggle communities before muggles even arrived are often the exemption). Severus can't help it. He finds the place more soothing and it is the perfect place to get away from his other Slytherin friends. More like acquaintances. But if he lived in a magical settlement, he'll be bombarded by visitors, especially Lucius Malfoy who does not believe that intruding on other people's homes is not normal. But since the man would rather kill himself than get caught even walking in this place, it is very peaceful indeed.

"Sevvy! Oi, Sevvy!"

Severus lifted his head in pain. No. No, it can't be! The man peeked at his curtains and look at his front door. Sirius "The Idiotic Mutt" Black is at his door. Why? Why is the moron at his house? How did he get the address of his house? Oh yeah, Narcissa Malfoy.

Five years ago, Godric Charlus Potter defeated the dark lord. No one really knew how but it was all Severus' fault that the dark lord went after the Potters. He overheard Trelawney and Dumbledore in the pub and during that time he was seeking recognition. So, he relayed the prophecy, not aware that it wasn't just complete nor was he aware of what it really implies. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that the Potters were to be targeted. He may hate James, but he still has some attachment to Lily. She was his childhood friend after all. So, he sought out Dumbledore for help, and because of his connections to the Death Eaters, he became his spy. Unfortunately, he never knew that he traded one master for another one. This time, the master is not showing his colors, just a wolf in sheep's clothing. Everyone sees him as a man of dignity and fairness yet even Severus admits that the old man is biased. So biased towards the old ways and the old blood despite being one himself.

While Severus does have some loyalty to the dark lord, he doesn't fully like the man and some of his ideals. In fact, over the years, he questioned it and the only reason he joined is that he wanted to find purpose in a world that only judged him for his house, his blood, and his life. He was young and he wanted to belong. He never fully realized the horror he will encounter as a Death Eater. He still has nightmares of that life. Yet, he knew the dark lord is not fully gone. Rumor has been going around that he has done something forbidden to prolong his life, even after death. After all, how was he able to live so long? His reign of terror was said to have started a few years after Grindelwald and that was back in the 1950s (where many of his followers were even parents of his own classmates) and it was believed he was a young man at the time. Nobody really knew. The man doesn't even look like a day after thirty (of course with his deformed features, it is hard to tell his actual age). His mark may no longer be visible on his arm but he can still feel it. All the former and current death eaters knew. Some waiting, some choose to ignore it, and some deny that the dark lord is coming back.

Albus Dumbledore wanted the knowledge about Voldemort's potential return to be silent. It was a stupid move. Why does he want the whole world to think that the dark lord is dead? Ever since the war ended, changes were happening in the magical world. They were more open, and lax, and with the travel restrictions lifted, more and more wizards and witches from other corners of the world joined the British magical community. Britain has long been known as the center of magic, with vast magical resources that attracted many individuals to the country. Because of the rise of globalization in the muggle world, also brought in more diverse muggle-born witches and wizards as well.

Unfortunately, Severus has noticed the vast differences in the quality of education, policies, and social structure between different countries including the muggle world, and realized that magical Britain seemed to be behind. Yet many people here still believed that they are at the top when it comes to magic. It didn't help that the country's strong stance against dark magic created a lot of divisions not just between wizards with different opinions but with other magical individuals, blood status, and ethnicity as well. Many have traveled to Britain for the opportunities, but some of them were disappointed with the level of magical potential wasted due to the barriers and restrictions on some magical areas and either decided to go back to their country or pushed their children to study in other schools or private tutoring.

To Severus, he was relieved because it means he will have to deal with a lesser population of students in the class. He did receive many teaching offers from other schools. If he wasn't magically bound to Dumbledore, he would have left this place and taken off. They pay a much higher wage and provide better opportunities for him to expand his field.

As for Sirius "the Mutt" Black, he got into a row with James Potter that ruined their relationship and for some reason wound up becoming his friend. Severus calls it an acquaintance. Black was the godfather of Potter's eldest son, Harry, but Dumbledore believe they were squibs. Even the healers back at St. Mungos believed that they were more likely to be squib in the future. A backlash from the dark magic they say. Which is a shame. However, the Potters decided to send the children away not just to protect the children but also "so they can live a normal muggle life" according to Lady Potter.

So they dedicated themselves to training the golden boy. Training my arse. That boy is being spoiled to the bone if he is going to be an overbearing child when he enters Hogwarts. Too many public appearances, got many ads with his face plastered on them and even has children's books written about him. A boy who is not old enough to even make a name for himself. This will all go to his head and he will be insufferable when he enters Hogwarts. Snape groaned at the thought.

As for Severus, he just found out he became a godfather to Potter's third child, Iris. Because of Peter Pettigrew's being now known as a death eater, invalidates his claim as a godfather. Everyone in Great Britain was informed about him and how he is an unregistered animagus who can turn into a rat. This makes things complicated for people because it is hard to find a rat. In the beginning, there were a lot of wizards and witches hurting rats for no reason claiming to have killed the death eater but there was no verification of it. That man is still at large.

However, knowing that he is a godfather has brought nothing but problems for him. Severus got into another fall-out with Lily and their relationship continues to plummet. He couldn't understand that the woman he once had fallen in love with was willing to abandon her two children just because they were squibs especially leaving them in the hands of Petunia. Everyone knew how horrible Petunia Evans was and they left their own children with her? Squibs or not, that is crazy. Dumbledore even pointed out that with the children away from the Potters it will reduce their chances of being kidnapped by the enemies and used against Godric Potter. Also, with Voldemort prophesied to rise in the future, they must focus on training the young boy without any distractions. Those children were a distraction to the eyes of the old man. How despicable.

Sirius Black wasn't very thrilled about it either. When he found out that the Potters dropped off Harry and Iris with Lily's sister Petunia, he was furious. He and James Potter almost got into a duel. Luckily, Dumbledore was there to stop them. Sirius Black wanted to take the children if the Potters deemed them too busy to take care of them. Apparently, his favorite uncle (Marius Black) was a squib. Even if the children are not magical, as the godparent, he is entitled to their care. But Dumbledore gave him the same excuse as what he told Severus. He was surprised to learn that the reason the old man didn't want Sirius's guardianship over the children is because of his behavior during the war. He was deemed unstable (even though the mind healers deemed him sound of mind) and the Potters and many of the Order members believed he was still too dangerous, let alone fully equip to raise two children. "I did what I had to do." Sirius once defended and Severus could not blame him. When fighting with someone from the dark side, often the best counters are also dark spells.

"I don't want my children raised by such a man who practices dark magic," James said.

Severus enjoyed it when Sirius punched James Potter on the nose and called him a hypocrite. Now he understands why Dumbledore and Potter didn't want them anywhere near their children. They were both dark, even Sirius no matter how much he fought for the Light, and even though he was literally James Potter's best friend and cousin, still face discrimination due to his dark heritage. While it is not illegal to come from that background and the Ministry will still count Sirius as the godfather of Harry Potter, with Dumbledore's pull in Wizengamot there will be some legalities that will be overlooked or ignored. This is why for the past five years; Sirius did not make any progress to gain custody of the children.

Black even tried to find the children on his own but the wards Dumbledore placed around the location prevented any magical being from finding the children. Black may be powerful in his own right but he was no match for Dumbledore's magic. Remus Lupin, who was the godfather of Godric, was also not happy with the decision and relinquished his position as godparent until the Potters come to their senses. Even if he is, Severus knew the claim is still void. After all, he was a werewolf. He has no claim towards a magic child even if he was named as a godparent. And the Marauders are no more, after that. They practically ignore each other whenever they are in public.

Severus was even surprised that Black and Lupin apologized to him for all the pain they have caused when they were in school. Severus wishes that he could watch them grovel, in chains, and beg for his forgiveness or even hex them out of the earth if it was possible. But during those times, he was either not in the mood or did not have the opportunity to do so. Either way, Severus was even more surprised that he forgave them. Forgave them. He still could not believe it. He really needs to have his head checked.

Of course, how Black apologized was unconventional as he winds up drunk and brought by Narcissa Malfoy into his home. She told Severus he found the man drunk in a public bar (a muggle bar no less and why was Narcissa there?) while he was depressed over Harry Potter. Severus, then later found enjoyment when he watched Narcissa curse the man multiple times after he woke up with a hangover and scold him for acting inappropriately as a member of the House of Black. Waking up with a hangover was bad, waking up with a hangover and being tortured by Narcissa Malfoy was even worse and Severus enjoyed every minute of it. He has been at the end of Narcissa's wand multiple times. It is not pretty. Who knew Lady Malfoy had a very feisty and scary side? Sirius apologized after that. While he is not technically "friends" with the Black or Lupin, they decided to maintain a civil relationship with one another.

"Sevvy! I know you're in there."

Maybe he'll leave if I ignore him.

"If you are going to ignore me. I am going to..."

Severus grabbed his door handle and Sirius Black came rolling down the floor. GAH! He tried to barge onto the door but failed. Severus saw several of his neighbors watching his door. "He's an idiot." The man said before closing the door.

"I am not," Sirius said as he scrambled to stand up.

"How old are you?" Severus frowned.

"You wouldn't open the door."

"So, you decided to roll yourself in?"

"I can't use magic in this area remember?" Sirius pouted. The man really pouted. Severus shook his head.

"Why are you here?"

Sirius paused. "Uh..."

"You disturb my peace for no reason?" Severus glared at him.

"Not entirely. But..." The man gave him a copy of the Daily Prophet with the title "NEW ANTI-WEREWOLF LEGISLATION2 APPROVED!".

"So? The ministry does this every year. It's nothing new."

"But the new legislation is restricting Remus' travel. He can't leave for his new book."

Remus Lupin is a werewolf and because of this, he finds it difficult to sustain a full-time job in the wizarding world due to current laws (that basically strip them of basic rights) and discrimination against them. Even if he does find one, he will earn very low wages and be in very dangerous working conditions, barely enough to help him survive and they could not own various assets including real estate property resulting in a very difficult life for every werewolf out there. Wizards who were turned into werewolves cannot have a wand unless they are sponsored by a wizard. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to find sponsors as most people frown against werewolves, and for Remus to keep his wand; Sirius Black sponsored him under his family. Dumbledore used to be his sponsor but after the fallout with the Potters, he lost that privilege.

While Remus considers himself among the lucky ones because of the Black Family's backing, he did not want to be a burden and wanted to earn his keep. He found himself a career as a children's book writer not just in the wizarding world but also in the muggle world (despite the protests by some anti-werewolf activists but they found a loophole in the law about this). But he has earned a lot from the muggle world as his books were popular and the exchange rate between muggle currency and wizarding gold is quite high. Even Severus knew that a lot of lords who claimed to be superior to muggles also invest in the muggle stock market to increase their already vast wealth.

"Shouldn't you be venting about this to him?"

"I can't find him right now. He is kind of upset. He'll show up later but..."

The men were quiet for a while. Remus probably went to the hideouts of the werewolves to discuss the issue and every wizard knows that they can't follow through there. It was too dangerous. Werewolves are already known to be hostile. Even then, none of them even knows where they are most of the time.

"You know what today is right?" Sirius broke the silence.


"I wonder if they are alright out there."

Severus could not say much. Today was July 31st, the Boy-Who-Lived's birthday, and just like every year, there is a celebration and even a charity benefit that has become a yearly tradition in the Potter household. Living in the muggle world, Severus was thankful not to hear and see all those celebrating wizards and witches. However, today is also the other Potter siblings' birthday, and without access to them, they don't know whether or not those two were treated well or even have a proper birthday. Their experience with Petunia Evans was not very good and they worry that the two children grew up in an abusive household.

Often, abused magical children in the most extreme cases have the potential to become Obscurial (A/N: To the readers who didn't watch Fantastic Beast and where to find them, its a kind of creature or force that happens when a magical child suppressed their magic mostly due to abuse and fear). The magical world does not have strong protection against child abuse as it is often common to put their children in danger to squeeze the magic out of them and there are not a lot of children from the muggle world coming from abused homes (or so they thought, the Ministry is very closed that they won't even accept considering using many of the muggle inventions. Even Severus found refuge on the use of the ink pens).

"I am just going to guess that the reason for your intrusion is because you are lonely without Lupin and you - lacking friends - decided that Severus Snape was available to be disturbed."

"Hey! I am not lacking friends!"

"You are in my house in the middle of a Tuesday. Shouldn't you be at work?!"
