
Chapter 17: Yule Ball (II)

'Did I just get confessed too?'

His mind was spinning, the alcohol starting to affect his lightweight body.

He hadn't thought of Rayden in that way and only considered him to be rude and obnoxious.

But if he viewed the actions of Lord Rayden in a different way, it could simply be seen as an awkward attempt to gain his attention.

He sighed, remembering the dejected face when Rayden had let go of Kilian.

Honestly Kilian barely even noticed the scars when looking at Rayden, he had simply seemed mysterious and handsome, whenever he had shown up.

It was as if he was always there, when needed.

"Why is the Young Duke always around you?"

Dante spat the words out, and it seemed he was annoyed at something.


Kilian didn't know the title of Lord Rayden, and honestly realized he did not know anything about him at all. They had never formally been introduced to each other, during the few times they had met.

It hit him, he had not even thanked the man for helping him during the Gentleman's Club incident, and even if Kilian hadn't wanted it, Rayden had tried to help him, when Kilian fell at the store as well.

Yet he had simply found him...annoying.

"Lord Rayden is the heir to the Amarell Dukedom, it is the 2nd oldest noble family founded together with the country back in its founding days, The only family older is the Archduke's family in the north."

Dante didn't seem to know any more than that, but Kilian was already intrigued.

'Why did I have to be rude to the person, that could have helped me, with investigating the skills from the Dukes' lineages.'

"Let's go back out there".

Kilian got a hold of his cane, running his fingertips over the amber on the top, supporting himself as he walked back out to the grand hall.

The evening had mostly been a success, and there were several names in the grand hall, that would possibly be inviting Kilian to gatherings from now on, so he could slowly gain his own following and network of nobles, outside of house Heathgrave.

"Maybe it is time to retire".

"I think so too, little brother".

Kilian could hear the familiar voice he had heard several days prior, on a terrasse under the night sky.


Kilian saw his brother approach him with a person behind each of his shoulders, both of them carrying the insignia of a sword and shield, and was most likely his escort knights.

A few girls were following behind them as well, trying to get close to the knights and Lucien.

Ironically, Lucien was holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and Kilian remembered the feeling of choking in wine. It would be a while, before he would be able to drink red wine again.

Dante moved up next to Kilian.

"Keep your filthy dog on a leash".

Lucien spat out the words followed by a couple of girls, giggling behind their unfolded fans.


Kilian simply asked back.

"Why?.. How dare..."

Lucien's face seemed to want to say more, but curious people had turned their way towards the group, and a girl walked up next to Lucien, placing her hand on his forearm.

It seemed to calm Lucien down for a bit.

"I do not know who is helping you, but next time I'll make sure nothing is able to interfere".

Kilian made an obvious motion shrugging his shoulders at Lucien.

'Next time?... Did he have something to do with the kidnapping attempt?'

The music switched, the live band that had been playing a low tune so people could talk, changed the score to something more dramatic and fast, causing couples to meet on the dancefloor, getting together to dance a group dance.

'This is my cue to leave,' Kilian thought.

Several people walked past them, and some of the girls behind Lucien were eyeing Kilian in a curious way, most likely silently hoping he would ask one to dance.

The girl next to Lucien pulled rudely at Lucien's arm, leaning in against him with a pouting look.

"Luci let's dance, please".

Lucien gave Kilian a smirk, one of those, where one believed to have won in social attention over the other.

Kilian simply gave a fake smile back, happy that the annoying oaf was dealt with so easily.

The couple headed to the dancefloor, where an elaborate pompous dance began.

A corner of the room attracted Kilian's eyes, seeing a tall man towering over several young ladies, giving them all an apologetic look and a wave of denial.

For a second their eyes met, and Kilian looked away. Why was he being curious about that man now?

"Let's leave".

Kilian moved through the many people in the room, many of them turning their heads to follow his motion. He greeted his father per custom, who seemed more than happy that Kilian was leaving.

He then left through the same door he had entered from, nodding at the same guy, who still stood by it.

Kilian sat by his desk, and let his legs up so they would be elevated, helping to release some of the tension he was feeling in them.

Dante had left for the night, and he had let Stella leave as well, not wanting any help to get out of his clothes.

The evening was dark, and the room was only illuminated with a small lamp on the desk where he sat. The letter from Rayden laid between the many books on magic, and Kilian decided to pick up a new piece of paper taking his time to write a proper reply.

'To Rayden'

Kilian paused, he was unsure if he should put down the last name, they had still to be formally introduced.

He decided not to and continued with the letter.

'I wanted to thank you for the help at the Gentleman's club, it seems Lord Rayden was the one to come and help me after the… incident... The lesson you taught my brother will hopefully humble him for a while.'

He paused, then decided to ask something.

'What kind of magic did you use to move him?'

He had once hoped it had been his own magic, but he really had no magical abilities at all, so he assumed it must have been Rayden's.

Kilian ran his free hand up through his hair, ruffling it up. Why was it so hard to ask for a favor? He still wanted to know more.

He had made a clear denial to this man, but he also wanted to at least thank him for his help, as well as get some information regarding the Duke's inherited skills.

'As to the invitation to dance, I hope my denial was not rude, it is just that I do not know how to dance, and did not want to be an embarrassment to the Lord'.

Was this ok? He kept reading over the last sentence. Maybe he shouldn't apologize for not dancing, but he wanted to not come off as a cold jerk.

Writing the letter took more time than he thought, as he kept stopping to question every word he placed down on the paper.

The ink had fallen from the pen and created many small splotches, but Kilian had no knowledge about how to write neatly.

In his old life, computers had not helped him learn how to write neatly with a pen, and in this world, the young Kilian had learned how to read and write when very young, but had since then had no experience with it.

'Can we meet?'

He removed a small section where he had asked about the Duke's family. It came off as too much, as they barely knew each other, and decided meeting and talking about it, would be better.

He finally finished the letter after signing it, and looked up from the desk.

There was one more person he wanted to meet. His mother.

She had been beautiful in the few memories that were occupying his mind, and she had seemed to be happy when she was with the young Kilian. So why had she not shown herself for so long?

"Do I really have to ask that man"?

Kilian felt a creepy chill climb his spine, knowing he had to ask his father, to figure out anything else about her.

He started undressing in the small light, cast from the lamp, he had moved over next to the bed.

The clothes were intricate and had several buttons and layers from the shirt and vest to the jacket and pants.

'At least I stood out, I should get at least a few invitations after tonight'.

This look of his was the only asset he really had, and he did not feel any shame in using it.

His goal had been met this time, and even Lucien had not posed any trouble, though he was still unsure if the remark Lucien had made, was a testament to him having something to do with the attempted kidnapping.

If Lucien, one of the heirs to the estate had been backing up the head maid, and the treatment of Kilian, it would explain more as to why they had not seemed to be worried about any repercussions after treating him so horribly.

He started undoing the shirt letting it slide down to the floor when a small thud sound was heard outside his room.

He looked over, noticing that in the dark, the door had been opened just enough for someone to peek in, and the creepy chill came back.

It took him a second to resolve himself to pretend not to notice, hoping the small light had not betrayed him, and shown his startled face.

Kilian sat on the bed.

'Is it more kidnappers? Seriously already?'

He was getting tired of the many inconveniences the people in this place threw at him,

While pretending to still be undressing as if nothing had happened, Kilian started undoing his pants but made sure his cane was right next to his side on the bed.

His back was against the door, and the faint flicker of the fire in the lamp, let him know the door had been opened more, bringing a subtle amount of new air to fill the room, barely recognizable.

The pants fell to the floor, and he was basically mostly naked, knowing someone was behind him.

There were no footsteps, something even with these wooden floors were a feat, and it felt as if the person were holding their breath, as the only sound in the room had been the slight inhale and exhale of Kilian while exerting himself to undress, not counting the fast-beating heart in his chest.

dun dun dun...

Rain_Corncreators' thoughts