
Chapter 8 Their new home

Evelyn runs to the armor car with a weary face, she watched the scene being broadcasted and listening to the teams being slaughtered. Lillian rushes from the armored car, she hugs her tightly and kiss each other passionately to where her mother smacks her butt.

" show the guest to a room to where they can shower, Sia hands the gun back to Lillian and follows the older woman inside. Ari collects all the weapons they've had at the hospital and makes sure to get the molatovs that Thea made.

" we will train you girls with weapons tomorrow and have kits made up for each one of you, go take a shower, eat and rest." Ari said while walking toward Len, she slowly takes the bag and weapon from Lens shaking hands.

" come let me show you to a room" Ari said holding her hand going up a flight of steps, Len stared at the their hands and couldn't help to smile at the feeling of love and safety with just a small gesture.

" Ari which room will you be staying in" Len asked while they walk through the second floor hallway. She points to a room that they walked by, Len wanted to stay in the room with Ari and was to shy to speak up.

" you all will share rooms, we want to keep everyone close just in case something happens and none of us get seperated" Ari said with a smile, she stops at a room next to hers and opens the door for Len. Lillians brother walks past them with the male orderly that escaped with them, Wei and him will be sharing a room.

He glances at Len, a blush went across his cheeks and gives her a shy smile, Ari glared at him. When she turned her face back to Len seeing the tips of her ears red, she had a small small smile on her face.

(" of course she likes him") Ari thought while quickly looking away from her, Len furrowed her brows in confusion of the now distant aura Ari gave off and Ari released her hand from her grip.

" I'll see you for dinner, go shower and Thea will be your roommate" Ari said walking away not even giving her a glance, Len watched her enter her own room and let out a sigh.

(" of course she doesn't like me, she was just doing her job and maybe pitied me") Len thought, she was quite angry now and that's fine if Ari doesn't like her.

Thea came out from the bathroom wearing a towel when Len entered the bedroom, she could tell that Len was in deep thought.

" I thought you were really brave you've saved alot of people" Thea said sitting down on her own bed, she takes the thin shirt and pants from the bed. Thea points to a drawer of one of the dressers, then drops her towel while putting undergarments on and could feel Lens eyes on her.

" there is different sizes in there, I think the red lace is your size" Thea said while Len nods her head, she picks them up and quickly goes to the bathroom.

(" ehh she is really cute, but that sweet little nurse Ashley has caught my attention") Thea said while staring at the floor with half lidded eyes.

An hour later everyone meets down in the dining room, The young orderly pulls out a chair for Len next to him.

" I haven't had a chance to introduce myself, I'm Taylor and you can call me Tay if you like" Taylor said with a small smile, Len returned the smile and glanced from the corner of her eyes at Ari standing in the walkway of the dining room and sitting room. Len blushed when she felt Aris eyes on her, except Ari and the young man thought she was blushing because of him.

Lillian was observing all three people, when Taylor pulled out her chair and spoke to her she had no reaction, only when Ari came in the room did the girl blush.

Lillian shakes her head at three clueless people, Evelyn watches her girlfriend in confusion. The atmosphere was heavy when Ari sat across the table from Len, she rubbed her temples for the headache that was starting.

Evelyn stated the rules of the house, also certain rules if broken they'd make you leave the grounds. Taylor kept glancing over at Len, while she kept stealing glances of Ari and vice versa. Evelyn pulled out some pictures of creatures she got from the web before it went dark, Thea handed her some quick sketches of the things they seen an including the humans who was now walking around eating people.

Evelyn was impressed with the girls sketches, but also horrified about them at the same time. The discussion continued about the creatures, giving them details that they noticed.
