
11 Elements

Setting foot in class the next day, Eunice wasted no time in telling the boys about how her meditation and trying to use the breathing technique went.

On listening to her tale, the lads were tempted to make an outbursting laughter however they knew what the results could be as they held their laughter inside their intestines.

They had no other choice but to console her.

Eunice tried to be clingy on Scott but the guy made a run for it as he exchanged seats with Victor.

As soon as Victor sat on Scott's former seat, Eunice gave a very irritating look which made Victor regretful of his action.

Mr. Modred soon entered the class and the class went into a silence that was worse than a graveyard.

He brought a laptop and he projected the topic "Elements of Magic" on the board.

All the students became attentive because they knew that they could get one or more information from the topic in order for them to use it in the competition.

He began.


Elemental Magic is the basic form of Magic a Magi is born with, this Magic is awakened at the same time they awaken as a Magi. Elemental Magic is basically a Telekinetic ability to manipulate the element they are born with.


He paused as he looked at the students and he asked "I hope you know who Magis are".

The students affirmed to the question but he still explained to the them stating "Magis are people who tend to use magic after awakening them. But note, no everyone can or will be a Magi".

He continued.


The main idea about the system is to keep magic "magical", to give players the feeling that magic is a mysterious thing that can be adapted and changed by their own imaginations, yet still has some established ground rules in the background to support any ideas they might come up with.

The casting of spells seems to be like a type of music, more art than craft, where the rule system gives you the individual notes but you can choose to combine them and play a new, maybe even unique tune of your own creation.


He looked and the students and asked again "I hope you are getting where I am driving at".

The student assured him that they were following his teaching.

He continued the teaching.


When magical energy is produced from the soul, it is fundamentally pure, meaning that it is unaffiliated with any of the Elements.

This sort of energy, called pure or raw magic, is also alternatively known throughout different cultures and disciplines.

Pure magic can be utilized to perform virtually any conceivable function; however, it is also significantly volatile and difficult to access.

For this reason, unpracticed usage of pure magic is highly inefficient and impractical. Instead, most magic-users rely on the automatic function of their bodies to convert 'pure', 'unaffiliated' magical energy into that which is 'affiliated' with one of the Elements.

The most common process of using magic can be separated into three distinct steps: the production of magical energy, the conversion of the energy to one of the elemental affiliations, and the final application of the converted energy with its effects.

To achieve this we have invented elements of magic. Each of these elements - air, fire, water, earth, darkness, light, metal, nature and so many -stands for specific attributes, individual strands of reality and its own philosophical ideas.

One element already allows a player to achieve many things, but combining several of them makes everything even more interesting.


"Excuse me sir", a student called out to Mr. Modred as he was explaining about how Magic worked.

She asked "so you mean, one can actually use two elemental magic".

He answered "why not".

He continued "so I heard of a fight between two classmates in this class".


Adrian bowed his head immediately he heard that statement.


"One of the used Lava and the other Ice, can you remember", Mr. Modred asked.

The student answered "yes sir".

He explained saying "the lava style is the mixture of two magical elements which are Fire and Earth while the Ice is just pure water that was manipulated that became hardened".

These elements are also one of a kind.

"I will soon get to the elements then you will understand what I am saying", Mr. Modred said.

The girl replied "okay sir" and she took to her seat.

"Anymore questions", he asked

And everyone answered "No sir".

Mr. Modred said "Let's continue".


So the now, the next sub topic is "Awakening"

Awakening is the process of feeling world energy and actively letting it flow to one's mana core. At that point, the core becomes "awakened" from its dormant state and produces a mana flow that gets stronger over time along with the core, producing the effects of body refinement.

Awakened can manipulate their own mana cores, allowing them to use magic the same way magical beasts do, guiding it with the mind instead of the body, but also making possible to refine the mana core, drawing in the world energy and permanently adding it to their own.

Awakened are able to use all elements and spirit magic (or pure mana), and have their lifespans enhanced. They no longer consume their own life force, replacing it with world energy.

The secret of Awakening is fiercely guarded by the Awakened Council. Any attempts to publicize Awakening and true magic are met with deadly force, as various Magi have experienced in the past.

Awakened are jealous of their secret as it is not just as a matter of power, but longevity. If all mankind turned into Awakened, having children would eventually become a crime, and population culls would be needed time to time.

Due to long lifespans, however, most of the oldest Awakened ones end up isolating themselves. In the Awakened community, having children is one of the ways to keep ties with a world that becomes more alien to them by the decade.

Red cores are the cap for most Awakened; not everyone reaches the Black core. Undead Awakened have a much harder time refining their cores since blood cores are faulty - they absorb most of the light element, so Accumulation is very slow.


As Mr. Modred was still explaining, the bell rang and he said "your break is up, we will continue after the break".

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