
Chapter 29: Unlocking the Way

Caine gaped at her. “Or what, Vix?”

“Oh, come on, Caine!” Vix’s face flushed with excitement. “We’ve got a magic door that will take us anywhere! You don’t think we could make use of that somehow?”

“We’ve got no idea how it works!” Caine protested.

“I’ve got the hang of it! I opened the door back to our little hideout, didn’t I? If something goes wrong, we could always go back there!”

“I’d much rather get back there right now.”

“We’ll never get a chance like this again!” Vix ran her hands through her hair, desperate to make him see. “We stumbled on this place by complete accident. If we went looking through that blasted jungle for weeks, we probably wouldn’t find it again. We’ve got to take advantage of it now, while we can!”

Caine began to pace, distress plain on his face. “I... I see what you’re saying, but... it’s just too risky, Vix!”
