
Chapter 168: Rajshah

During the flight class, Kevin couldn't concentrate as his mind was occupied by thoughts of what Devilclaw said to him.

Is his source trustworthy and believable?

A male teacher was teaching them how to learn using the flying brooms, but Kevin wasn't listening. He was more worried about Devikclaws words than paying attention to the teaching.

As Kevin thought about the words that Devilclaws said about the forbidden forest, and the Triling book, his excitement to see them increased more than before.

He will be heading into the forest after completing Grace's stupid test. He swore in his mind to deal with grace once he's back.

And that reminded Kevin of his eight concubines. He promised to teach them how to cast Control spell. A promise is a debt, so he wrote down the process and steps to control the spell, afterwards he handed them to the eight during the flight practical.

The teacher wasn't like Grace, he was an old man, bald, soft and easy going.
