
Chapter 106: The Naked panther girl

"Groarrr!!" A black panther cat suddenly appeared from his right side and jumped on him.

Kevin shrieked with fear as he saw the beast all of a sudden. He tried using his lightning magic but he couldn't lift his hands as they were stepped on by the panther.

The panther was on top of him and he couldn't do anything since his hands were trampled on by the beast.

The sharp fangs of the panther snarled at him and Kevin could see the saliva from the beast's mouth dropping on his face.

Disgusted by the drooling saliva of the beast, Kevin tried to push the beast by summoning his Triling wings.

The wings appeared at his back but the weight of the panther clamped him down that he couldn't lift himself into the air.

"God damn this beast, why the hell did I come here in the first place," Kevin said in regret.
