
Chapter 26

Theo POV

Walking into the bedroom, Liam helping me with the bags, I freeze a bit, taking in the sight. Rowan and Grant are both laying in the bed, with Rowan curled into his chest. The light sprays over them, giving them this lovely grow across their skin. Grant hands absently moves, rubbing Rowan's back.

Quietly, I put the bags on the table, Liam following suit. We stand there for a moment more, taking the sight in before leaving the room. Seeing Katherine carrying Silas, Elizabeth and Lilith right behind her, I warn," They are sleep."

"Thanks," Lilith grins. "We'll be quick."

Katherine takes Silas to his room, staying with him. Since Rowan's dropped, we kept silas from him. We don't want to cause Rowan to stress out, or to panic, if he sees Silas see him like that. Silas honestly didn't take it hard, however he does miss Rowan terribly, but he settled for one or more of us staying with him all the time. The boy is stronger than he seems.

Coming back with more bags, I see a drowsy Rowan sit up, rubbing his eyes. Grant grunts a bit, kissing Rowan's forehead. Lilith coos from the side, lightly pinching Rowan's cheeks.

"You're such a cutie," she smiles. "Yes you are."

Rowan moves his hand, immediately blushing when he meets Lilith's eyes. He jerks under the covers, hidding away. Grants pats his head, softly.

"Aww Bubs, don't be shy," he teases. "Lilith is nice too."

"Really," Rowan mumbles, only an eye peaking from the cover.

"I promise," Grant gives him a smile, reasuuring him. "And this is Theo" pointing to me. "That's Liam,"pointing to Liam.

"Rowan looks around to us, before slowly coming from the covers, still holding them around his shoulders. His hair is everywhere, having fallen from his messy bun. He blows the hair from his eyes, and gives a small smile.


Lilith literally squeals, happiness all over her face. She keeps going like this, and she might just pass out, or have a major nosebleed...Probably both .

She scoops him in her arms, burrying his face into her chest. Rowan struggles to get from her grasp, spooked for the most part.

"Help! She's killing me," He gasped.

"Lilith let him go," Grant chuckles. "You're going to give the boy a heart attack."

Calming down, she eases back, kissing his cheek, smiling. " You're just too cute."

Rowan blushes, lowering his head.

While Lilith settles with Rowan, Liam joining them, I turn to Grant.

"How's the day been?"

"I set some ground rules, though I think we'll have to go over them when he's bigger too," He recaps. "We had some breakfast, although he was put in timeout and given a few pops to the butt. It was good for the most part."

"You found out how deep he is?"

"He was able to tell me that he was seven. I think he may have aged up in between the time he fell deep into subspace, to him waking up."

"I was thinking the same thing," I nod. "How are we going to handle this?"

"I think we need to get him to age up, first, before trying anything else," Grant suggests.

Grant walks over to Rowan and the others," We need Big Rowan, Bubs."

Rowan shakes his head.

"I know, I know," Grant coos. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Rowan starts to pout.

"Oh don't cry," Lilith rocks him. "We just need to have a grownup talk. That's all baby bear."

Rowan pouts even more, however doesn't rebuke. Lilith stands him up, and through the bond, guiding Rowan out. It's difficult to explain. Rowan is here already, but almost as if his mind is split, and the Rowan that Lilith is reaching for is the one we need. Rowan gives a bit of resistant, shutting his walls down, but with the help of Liam, Grant , and I, we ease him out, slowly letting him surface.

"Fuck," Rowan groans, holding his head with one hand. Suddenly, a jolt is sent through him, his back rod-straight before he slowly looks at Grant. "Oops."

Grant chuckles, nodding 'it's alright.'

Rowan relaxes, turning to us. "I remember somethings, but it's a bit hazey."

"You dropped," Lilith answers.


"You went into Littlespace, deep," I pick up. "We think it's because you were keeping us out and holding so much in, that when you did let go, you just 'dropped' so to speak, hard."

"Ahh," he nods.

"There's nothing to worry about," Liam steps in. "We took care of everything. Katherine is with Silas and Elizabeth right now."

"Did he-"

"No, Silas didn't see you like that. And even if he did, he would be fine," Lilith reassures. " We're all a family, and we like you just the way you are, little or not."

Rowan sighs, seeming to have dropped alot of heavy weights from his shoulder.

"I know."

"Let's just focus on the now," I speak up. "How you feeling?"

". . mmm. . I bit sort, but that's to be expected. I think that liquid they put on thw whips causes me to heal only a little faster than a human."

"You think you'll be ready for a trial in the next few days, if we were to have one," Grants questions.

"I should be fine," Rowan nods. "Maybe a bit stiff, but nothing to much."

"Let's all just relax," Lilith smiles. "I'll get the others so we cam all be together."

Soon everyone is in the room, just chilling. Silas curls into Rowan, a few tears coming from his eyes in the begin, but soon they're replaced with giggles and smiles. Elizabeth jumps on the bed and joins in tickling Silas, tears now starting to flow from his eyes, harder.

"Help," he laughs.

"I'm coming, dear Prince," I joke, jumping onto the bed, tickling Elizabeth and Rowan, giving Silas some relief. He takes a quick breath and helps me in tickling these two. Now the tables are turned, but it's only a matter of time that everyone jumps on the bed, everyone getting tickled. Eventually, Silas hits Liam with a pillow, shocking Liam. A whole new game has now started, everyone having fun, running around fighting with pillows. Feathers fly everywhere, lots of them getting stuck in everyone's hair.

Everyone comes back to the bed, all stretched out, trying to catch our breathe.

"HEhe," Silas giggles. "Look at papa."


Silas points at Grant, which everyone turns to look at, soon laughing their eyes out. Grant somehow is covered in feathers from head to toes. He tried to dust them off, but they seem to stick to him like a plague, seeming to add more to what he has already.

"Need some help," I tease.

Grant huffs, then sudden lunges on top of me, getting feathers everywhere on me. Like a deer caught in headlights, I look just. . shocked, and everyone cracks up again.

It's not long after that orange rays filter through the windows of the room, signaling the setting of the sun. Everyone starts to take their bath together, now repaired into a pool of sorts. Rowan sits back, letting everyone go first, however a knock on the door, alerts us, us turning to each other.

"Yes," I call.

"Mistress Camilla has asked for Sir Rowan's presence, privately," A deep, rough voice sounds from the door. "Immediately, she requested."

"We'll be right there," I answer.

". . .She only wants Sir Rowan," he hesistates.

"Thank you," Rowans voices.

Silence is his only answer.


Rowan starts to get up from his position on the bed, tugging on some sweat, that look to be too baggy an a loose dark blue shirt. He slides on some black shoes with black socks, heading towards the door.

"That's the name of the Matriarch," I explain. "Camilla Diana De'Clare."

"Hmmm. . ." his hand turn the knob.

"Be careful," I start.

"I will, Theo," he smiles. "Don't let them worry, please. I'll be back before you even know it."

Giving a firm nod, he walks out the door, shutting it softly behind him as he follows a short pale looking man, dressed in a butler outfit.
