
"I'm here, don't be afraid."

So, someone like Ethan Ainsley should also pursue power relentlessly.

Even though the two had their own domains and didn't interfere in each other's paths, Danny Sullivan was too obsessed. Everything, in his perspective, would be off-course if it didn't happen as he expected.

In his eyes, everything would be reasonable only if they followed his predestined path.

"Let her go." The tone of Ethan's voice was steady and powerful.

Danny Sullivan laughed heartily. "Lola, now, is my only shield. Do you think I would be so foolish to abandon my own shield?"

"All right, if that's your choice..." Ethan didn't hesitate anymore and directly walked toward them.

He didn't weigh the potential outcomes; his mind was already set on his decisions.

Danny's face remained unchanged, clenching his hand on Lola Hussey's neck.

But Ethan didn't pause for a second, quickly closing the gap between them. Finally, Danny said in a deep voice, "Ethan Ainsely, do you still want her alive?"
