
Chapter 144: Back into Shape (1)

Placing a kiss on Riku's brow, I smiled warmly at my daughter as I handed her off to Anko, who pursed her lips as she stared at me.

Strapping on my vest, I checked my pouches a few times before giving my wife a kiss as well, taking a few steps back lest I lose this urge to exercise again.

"Don't take too long, Koko. Be careful!"

Chuckling, I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I looked into Anko's brown eyes, my heart warming at her obvious worry.

"Anko, really, I'll be fine! I can't be that rusty~! Besides, shouldn't I be the one wishing you luck? This'll be the first time you'll be alone with Riku after all~!"

Frowning slightly, she looked down at out daughter, who had only grown confused during the exchange.

"I... Yeah, I guess you're right. Really though, Koko, be careful..."

Smiling at her, I nodded as I turned around, raising a hand as I waved goodbye to Anko and Riku.

Recently I had gotten the urge to go out into the field again, so I had taken a B Ranked Bandit Extermination off in the forest to the East, where a few of the Samurai from the Land of Fire had defected to.

The pay was good, the prey decent, and the urge to slake my thirst for blood high; I had been feeling pent up recently, what with needing to raise Riku, as had Kurenai.

However, we had both come up with different ways to take the edge off; Kurenai was going shopping with Cameia, searching for a few things for Akari and Riku whilst also splurging on herself, taking Cameia along as a bag holder, while I decided I wanted to stretch my muscles in the all too familiar Shinobi way.

Mikoto was watching over Akari with Karin, which left Anko to watch Riku on her own whilst I went out, so for the time being...

Resisting the urge to turn and look at the waving Anko and Riku, I exited the compound, alone, for the first time in a few months.

My twin swords were strapped to my back, both right beside one another, while my bow was stored away in my scroll, waiting to be summoned out.

Additionally, my senbon and kunai pouches were filled, and I had an abundance of explosive tags to use if the need arises.

It was... odd, being back in my old gear again, fully kitted out; when I was teaching at the Academy, I often wore my vest and pouches, but they weren't always filled.

Obviously, I kept a few kunai and senbon on me at all times - my hair was still done up with three senbon - but I didn't carry around my swords or bow all the time, instead only taking them when I remembered.

That... was both a comforting, and worrying sign.

Comforting because it meant I was adapting to this laid back, leisurely lifestyle much quicker then I had thought I would, but worrying because I knew my edge was dulling all that much faster as well.

And, as a Shinobi through and through, that thought scared me; it scared me to the point that I was going back out to regain some of that edge.

My body had recovered by this point, and I had joined Anko in some basic conditioning to regain my previous form, whilst also managing to improve a little with the frequent teachings of the students who came to visit.

So, I exited Konoha and made my way East, venturing through the forest with quick, quiet movements as I leapt from tree to tree.

The feeling of the wind on my face, the scent of the forest in the air, and the sounds of wildlife and melodies of birds put me at ease, the familiarity of it all comforting.

Like usual, as I made the journey towards the target location, I began to review all the information I had available to me from the scroll I had gotten.

Four confirmed Samurai defectors, each decently talented with their katana and wakizashi, and trained in non-Shinobi warfare.

Eight confirmed Goshi defectors, which were soldiers aspiring to reach the rank of Samurai; they were outfitted with katana or yari spears.

They were believed to have stolen a few weapons and artifacts from the Samurai General's residence in the capital, each of which were valued in the hundreds of thousands of Ryo.

The mission was a simple one; kill the defectors and secure the heirloom weapons and artifacts, all for the price of 150,000 Ryo.

The price matched the ordeal, and the promise of a bonus depending on the amount of items returned only sweetened the deal.

Besides, these kinds of people tended to have a few extra items on their persons that would be worth some Ryo; after all, they were defecting to another country to live a lavish life, so they likely were traveling with all their Ryo and precious items on their persons.

Which meant a rather large payday waiting to be earned, all while doing a service to the Daimyo.

Smirking, I continued through the forest of the Land of Fire, slowly closing in on the last known location of the defectors.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts