

He then kissed her and almost took her blouse off until I saw her and him and she was just surprised as if seeing a ghost from somewhere. I wasn't hurt nor shocked but I never loved Diana anyway. She was and is just my option and I hated myself getting involved with her but I was lonely and she was all ready to give her self all the way for me, maybe because of my money and popularity. But it made me really sad and now, I long for someone to love me with all their heart and soul. I don't want to say this but Elizabeth is my only option now to make me happy. Well….Victory seriously thinking now about what she wants to do with Liz and all when Diana woke and kissed her on the lips, Both are naked and Diana wanted to have sex one more time, for the nth time. Vic gave in and she can't help but be free for the only one who desired for her now. Sad as It may seem, will I be so choosy when a girl like Diana who's hot and so ready to give pleasure in so many ways is here to make me happy, why not?.

Liz went home on a ride of her life. But seeing Vic and that woman made her feel so inferior and less desirable. I only want Vic to look at me like she desired for me always and not a sexy bae who is all out for the taking. Well, she got the girl, my girl and maybe even went home with Vic. And that only means I llost the game. So I need to up my new game, "get Victory to fall in love with me". Rrriiiing!

Hello!, oh Georgie, nice to talk to oyu, Yeah it's pretty late and I'm parking at my condo now. Yeah, sure, tomorrow, you can visit me at the office and we can talk it over some coffee, Love ya and see you!, Liz's best gay friend called to ask her out. She is not going to be busy tomorrow anyway so she can free herself of work for a bit and get off thinking about Vic so much, hehe!,

Oh!, Wahh!, Oh. My God, my head is killing me and my body's all bruised and battered, I didn't know Diana can have sex 6 times. Wow, it was awesome but after several cummings, I think I want to vomit from all the excitement and taste of her….ah er…

Vic, hey, how's the date with Ms, Foxie? Chris asked pretty jealous shoving his arm on Vic's. Oh she's wonderful but I think I'll never do it again, maybe because we cooled off that she missed me, and never wanted to stop the lovemaking,

Oh, man, you're so lucky, aside from that hottie you also have another babe like Liz who fantasizes on you too, you know, ah, oh, Chris added but seemed to stop when he mentioned Liz's name and about the word fantasize. Are you sure ?, you think so, she likes me, like really like me that way? Vic asked very excited. Nah, just messing with you, hehe, Chris replied laughing. Vic then changed from happy to mad, you are a prick Chris, you know that!

Who's a prick again?, Veronica asked while bringing Chris and Vic coffee, All are in the cafeteria to eat some snacks there. Liz came in with the crowd since it's breakfast, Vic was eyeing her and looking how she walks, moves and gets her food. We have eggs, bacon and pancakes but she chose to have pancakes. I love pancakes so much. Liz saw me and my friends and smiled. I smiled at her and moved my head to join us at our table. Chris and Veronica excused themselves with Chris teasing Vic while tapping her shoulder to go get the girl.

Hi!, Liz said happily. Vic smiled again but since her body's so stiff she wanted to die. She felt like body spasms rampaging her nerves and wanted to just lie down the floor and rest. She twitched a bit and skimpered when her leg got the cramps. Ow, ow, ow, Vic complained holding her leg now. What wrong?, Liz very worried. Then she moved to check on Vic's leg, Do you want to lie down, wait, I'll help you back to your office. Liz never got the chance to eat now but she was truly worried about Vic now. Okay, thanks a mil, Liz!, Vic said then accidentally looked at Chris who is winking at her. I smiled at him but the truth is my leg is killing me now and it freaks me out, what if I can't walk anymore. So no more sex in the next six months, that would be so bad.

Liz helped me to lie down on my sofa bed in the office and gave me a rub on my leg. My body is aching and so she asked me about my medicines and told her they're on my cabinet below my table. She took a tab of pain reliever and for spasm, pouring water onto a glass and then advised me to take them. I lied down and she still kept on rubbing my leg. Liz is so beautiful inside out, I never saw this side of her because she always have that air in her. Then she always there to criticize or tease me. But now, she is very caring and sweet to me, now. Her face turned red when she caught me looking at her intently. What?

Oh, ah I didn't expect you to know first aids, thanks, really, Vic cried very thankful of Liz helping her out while reaching for Liz's hand and touching it. Really!

That's okay I know first aid treatments since I'm with the first aid facility in the states, I did trainings since I really wanted to become a life guard but it never happened so here I am with you, Liz added smiling. It is the sweetest smile ever. So, I think that woman yesterday did this?, she extended a hend on my arms then she said to flip my body and she'll massage my back. I learned physical therapy too, so it's a plus and I can do this now if you like, to ease your pains.

Ah well, she, Diana did, but I think I would love to feel you massaging me than to make out, er a well, you know with her again, hehe!, Vic said honestly and now embarrassed revealing what they did the whole night. That's okay, I felt jealous because she is with you, um, I mean, she can get to talk with you and far more, be with you, Liz added now touching her back cautiously. Then Vic felt Liz's hand wanting to touch her skin. May I, do you have a liniment or some ointment so I can massage your back and all to help you with the pain?, Liz said very concerned. Yes, I have white flower, it's on the right side of my table near my desk lamp.
