

Arnik left Sido's home and immediately left for school. He had lot of information that he had to process and he needed to decide how to execute his plans so he could achieve his goals.

Even though he had a lot of new information and techniques he had to learn his goals remained the same.

"Power, I need enough power to be able to overcome any challenge or barrier in my way. I just become an overwhelming force , I won't settle for anything less" he muttered to himself to reassure his conviction.

He arrived at the school a little before six'o clock and immediately went back to his dorm.He brought out the scrolls as well as the training schedule for his body that Sido had given him earlier and began reviewing his schedule.

"I need to allocate a certain amount of time to different fields to efficiently balance my schedule" he muttered to himself as he tried to create a plan. It took some time, but he eventually created a schedule that could fit all his activities.
