
The End of the First Term

When classes end, it almost feels as though they had barely just started. As I walk out of the ATC with Tobi and the rest, I can't help but feel like I am going to miss this place. I know I am going to be back next year's summer, but that is still so far away.

"Bye guys," I say to Tobi, Han, and Bella after spotting Drew and his team. "See you all next year."

"Next year?" Bella asks "We're having our exams next month, aren't we?"

"We are," Tobi confirms.

I let out a small laugh. "My bad, see you all next month. Till then, let us study like madmen so that next year we won't still be Apprentices." After saying my goodbyes, I join up with Drew and the rest, and we merge with the exodus of people leaving the Metorium.

"You know," I say to them, "I almost can't believe that after spending like two months here, I'll be going to normal school starting next week. It just feels so strange."

"Yeah, I understand the feeling," Drew says.

Lathia pipes up, "You know, I just realized that we wouldn't be seeing you as often anymore since we won't be coming to the Metorium every day. I think I'm going to miss you."

"We can still meet up outside," I suggest, "if you guys are down with it."

"Will you guys stop talking like it's going to be so difficult to meet up outside? Come on, even before you started your classes here we were all seeing each other, Ian. I mean, we go to the same school. I'm still going to have to see you on Monday."

I look at Drew out of the corner of my eyes. "I know. That's why I was talking to them, not you."

"Well, I wouldn't like to see you," David says.

"Am I supposed to be surprised by that?" I find myself asking before thinking. David and Daniel both turn to look at me. Ah Crap, I think, knowing I have offended them. Or at least thinking that. They both burst out laughing a second later leaving me a bit confused.

"He's finally starting to know us," Daniel says once they stop.

It is at that moment that I confirm to myself that those two, are very confused human beings. When I try to be normal they don't like me or they ignore me, but the moment I'm a bit rude they laugh. I am not even going to waste my brain cells trying to understand them.

We enter the In-between. All around us are people treading different paths, some walking upside down, and others walking straight up as they tread the glowing convoluted pathways that make up this place. As I look at this strangely fascinating sight, I am struck by a realization. I am someone who, after spending most of his life is normal, is now part of a global Order of magical protectors. I have spent the past few months learning how to wield magic, and although I am far from being a master, the changes I have undergone are nothing small. I am not who I was anymore. I am now a part of something much larger, and more fantastic than anything else I have ever seen.

With most people choosing to branch off, the path to the bookshop is almost lonely, and seeing how few people there are around us, I decided to ask Drew something I have been curious about for the past few days, ever since I had been in that meeting with the Five. "How is the search for you-know-who going?"

Drew doesn't answer me, choosing instead to glance around us. "Lathia, barrier."

A moment later we are all surrounded by a translucent barrier that blots out all outside noise. Drew then turns to me. "We have a lead. We found out that Hugo made a deal with a very important someone. 'Liam'. And from the deal, they found out something. The Majin is looking for someone, an Erhaz guy. Hugo found the guy not too long ago and they set up some stuff around him to notify them when the Majin comes. We managed to get his location from Hugo, so we're going to spend the next few days staking him out. That way, if the Majin appears, we'll be able to get to it first before Hugo comes."

I nod as I listen to their plan. To be honest, to me it sounds dangerous and tiring, but to Drew, it's probably worth it. I mean, if this works he could finally get to open his third eye. "Stay safe." I don't plan on asking him any questions like how he managed to get the person's location from Hugo, I doubt Hugo even knows they got it. Since they are so confident that they won't get themselves killed then the best I can do is trust them and hope they don't do anything stupid.

"I will. By the way, can I give you some quick advice? All the school books you read before Apprentice classes started, go through them again. If you do it now, you probably wouldn't need to read until the end of the term."

"Okay. Got it." I say gratefully. Now that I think about it, even my enhanced memory is beginning to get fuzzy on some subjects. To be honest, I'm a bit surprised that my memories remained this clear for this long. Normally all it would take for me to start forgetting things was a week. But this time it lasted longer than two months. That is impressive. It seems that magic is the greatest learning tool for all students out there.

After leaving the In-between we all hang out in Hugo's shop talking about random things until evening comes. After I clean the shop, as usual, we all finally leave and go our separate ways, with Lathia promising me that she would keep in touch.
