
Chapter 55 - Pretend, Maybe?

For everything that begins must end.

This was the last night of the Trade Feast and a winner must be declared. Everyone was gathered at the Village Square with their kills from the morning hunt mounted unto one another, right in front of each family. The torches provided light for the arena, ensuring that the cloak of darkness that was decorated by the stars above, wouldn't act as an obstacle to their celebration.

The success at different stages were being calculated, as each judge went around with a small slate and chalk in their hands, recording whatever it was they needed to. Belladonna could see Jazliy from where she was standing next to GrandPapi, but she ignored her gaze knowingly while battling a smile. Eli was in front of Sazey's family along with the representative. Belladonna could see his back from here and the little smirk he sent her way when he turned and caught her watching, only reminded her that she couldn't run forever.
