
Chapter 53 - Little Things

"Is everything alright with you?"

"Yes, your Majesty. I just---" her voice trailed off at the sound of a running boots from a guard rushing down the hallway towards them.

"Yo..ur M-majesty, yo...ur Majesty..." He called out breathlessly, then fell on a kneel. Before he could state his purpose, the King was already asking.

"Is it ready?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Leave." Then he turned his attention away from the guard that was already scurrying away, and back to Belladonna. "Important matters of the Kingdom."

He started walking down the hallway, making her follow.


She wondered what could be so urgent that made him immediately forget about what she wanted to speak to him about.

"I must attend to them."

He took the stairs and she followed. The lower they got, the more she worried about what a task it would be for her to get back up to her room. That would probably be where she would have dinner.
