
Chapter 32 - Going Brutal For Answers

It was all that filled her mind.

All day while Lady Kestra braided her hair and tried to chat with me, while also thanking her for covering up for her to the King some days ago, while she had gone down to the maids for her lunch and they had tried to have a conversation with her, it was all she thought about.

She had even gone to the bathroom a couple of times to check all where he had held her tightly in her dreams, just to see if she could feel a little strain or pain but her bias mind wasn't allowing her to get a straight answer.

She remembered all those times she had thought she saw something from her dream that always turned out not to be true.

Like her dampened hair and rainbow water stained nightgown a few mornings ago.

Right now, she was questioning everything.

Had it been true? All of it?

He had once asked her in her dream if she wanted all these to be true and she had answered in affirmative.

So, had he fulfilled her request without her knowing it?
