
What I am, or am not

"Was it very dramatic?" 

Alina shot him a lopsided smile. "No. The opposite actually. But it was...upsetting."

Now Ivo was curious. He leaned in closer to Alina, his arms crossed over the tabletop. "What did she do?"

"It wasn't a single thing. It seemed small at first. Like she thought I spent a lot of time working. Which was true, I did. At one point Davi even encouraged me to unwind and spend some more time with her."

"That's kind of sweet." 

"I thought it was sweet too. Harmless. So I started spending more time at her place." She looked down into her drink and stirred the straw around. "Next thing I knew I was helping her out with her work. Making friends with her friends." She waved around. "Hanging out here."

Ivo couldn't see anything wrong with that, but Alina's gaze became intent. There was something she wanted him to understand.
