
Live performance

A van with Carambola's logo on the side was taking them to Kuroda's penthouse, which handled the issue of transportation nicely. Ivo understood why Davi and Alina usually went undercover as maintenance staff or service staff for most gigs. It was practical, even beyond the anonymity.

They were both sitting on the bench across from him, expressions unreadable. Thiago of course couldn't come, his chrome arm was too eye-catching, brought up too many questions. It was hard to pass it off as anything but black-market. So he was running point for this gig, monitoring from some place nearby.

The penthouse was the topmost floor of a shard of a building in the centre of Lapa. An area where the facades of original single-family houses had been preserved, and entire skyscrapers built on top of them. The result was jarring. The neighbourhood looked cramped to Ivo. 
