
A good boy instead of a bad one

Alina's fingers sank into Ivo's wig and wrenched his head to the side. While her movements looked violent she was taking care not to hurt him. Ivo had no reaction beyond lowering his eyes in shame, as was expected of someone in his position.

"He's coming over," Yunmi said suddenly. "Of course a narcissist like him couldn't resist the opportunity to teach someone how it's done."

The other interested onlookers fell back with Kuroda's approach. He walked up to Alina with his hands inside the pockets of his pressed slacks. The thin white silk shirt he was wearing had been spattered with blood. It was unbuttoned almost down to his waist, leaving bare the geometry of the golden implants on his abdomen, which moved like gills with his breathing and revealed the flickering circuitry underneath.

"Miss, do you need help?" His voice was a smooth baritone, and cordial. But he stopped across the table from Alina, taking the measure of her.

He didn't think much of her -- not yet, at least -- but he was far too experienced to take unnecessary risks with an unknown quantity.

Alina shot him a glare. "I'm fine," she said, pulling Ivo by the hair against her leg. "Your concern is noted but unwarranted." She spoke with a marked accent, which Kuroda would be able to hear even through the translation software.

Kuroda smiled good-naturally and nodded, turning as if he was meant to leave before stopping at the last moment. "If you don't mind me asking, is he local?"

He pointed down at Ivo as if he was wondering about the brand of her shoes.

Alina scoffed. "No, he's from a Swiss company, local to me," she smirked derisively, "but not to you. They're very exclusive." She patted Ivo on the head like a dog.

"They bring them up from children to be docile. Clients can of course ask for specific modifications and behaviour enhancements, but most places do that already, this company is famous for creating their product in a perfect little bubble, completely unaware of society at large."

Kuroda's dark eyebrows rose in interest. "Is that so? That's very time-intensive. He must have cost a fortune."

Alina shrugged. "He was a gift from my father, I have no idea how much he cost, but I suppose he was expensive, yes."

"And their training methods don't involve physical punishment?"

"What would be the fun in that for the client? Who wants to buy damaged goods? All their products are conditioned without the use of pain. They are blank slates."

They already had Kuroda's interest, but now they got his attention. "In every sense?"

Alina inspected her nails, which had been filed and painted for the occasion, with a look of utter boredom. "Yes. They have a very popular line of geriatric virgins."

It took all of Ivo's composure not to crack a smile, especially with Yunmi guffawing freely in his ears. At least the moment served to snap him out of his terror. His panic helped no one.

Unlike Yunmi, Kuroda took Alina's words seriously. "That sounds fascinating. Do you happen to know the name of this company?"

Alina sighed again, this time sounding more annoyed than bored. "I could ask my father, but I don't see why I'd do that." She smiled thinly. "I think it's best we leave."

She nodded with her chin to Davi behind the sofa who stepped towards her. But Kuroda wasn't about to let the most exciting thing to happen to him all week to walk out just like that. He would talk Alina into giving him the name of that Swiss company.

Their whole plan was riding on that.

Giving you trouble, is he?" Kuroda asked, reaching towards Ivo as if he might scratch under his chin. "Good-looking, shy too. Shyness is a great quality in a product like him. You can buy good-looks, but you can't buy shyness. It can't be trained, it has to be natural."

Alina pulled him back. "He doesn't understand you, I turned off his translation software. Part of his punishment."

Kuroda clicked his tongue. "That's probably why you're having so much trouble with him. You bring him to a place like this, and he doesn't even understand what's happening?" He smiled and nodded towards the booth where the three men were still toying with the amputee. "He probably thinks you want to do the same to him."

Alina cast a dispassionate gaze in that direction, but Ivo could tell how much it cost her by the tightness of her fist, closed just out of Kuroda's sight. "That's too crass for me. I have no interest in disfiguring or maiming him."

He didn't say anything, but his fathomless golden gaze spelled out just what a waste Kuroda thought that was. By now he had neatly fit Alina, or rather Aliette, into a box labelled 'spoiled little heiress who doesn't know what to do with herself, let alone her newest living toy'.

"I have experience with making sure certain lessons stick," Kuroda said, his smile sharp as a blade. "Has he been a bad boy?"

Ivo was glad no one expected him to answer, because he wasn't sure he could hide how much Kuroda disgusted him.

"He's spoiled," Alina said simply.

Kuroda laughed. "Give me a few minutes alone with him, and I'll easily put an end to that."

Alina narrowed her eyes at him. "And what's in it for me?"

"You get a good boy instead of bad one, and maybe I persuade you to ask your father for the company's name."

Alina gave Ivo an appraising look. Ivo stared blankly up at her. Glad at least they were moving forward with their plan and everything would be over soon.

"Fine, but not here." She cast an haughty look around, at all the other patrons who were openly ogling them, waiting for that show her temper-tantrum had promised them. "Does this establishment have private rooms?"

Kuroda's grin could put many sharks to shame. "Right this way."

I have a special talent to write the kind of villains who make me curse at them as I'm writing their dialogue.

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