
Louise Shelton

"I wanted Hailey Tyran and Louise Shelton to be included in the inspection team."

It made Leo grit his teeth. Is this what Jeremy was saying? About holding him and his team at his disposal? This isn't going to get good. In the long table, two women, one of which is Hailey in a blonde hair, and the other one is a brunette.

She must be Louise Shelton, the only child of President Tina Yunis.

Randall, sitting at Leo's left side, couldn't take his eyes off of Louise. Her glossy lips and smoldering eyes attracted Randall. He couldn't help but to wonder if she has a man.

Vincent, Etienne and Jon Cho seemed mesmerized by unfazed beauty of Hailey.

The three of them nudged at each other whenever Hailey turned in their direction.

Leo isn't interested at the two of them all. Letting Louise and Hailey under their team would be dangerous. Leo should transport Zella to another facility where she could be safe…

"They'll be temporary, Mr. Leo Luciano. You don't have to worry about moving around. President Yunis just wanted to be clear of spies. She doesn't need a whistleblower in the team of Calvorite spies. I know you're all surprised, but you'll just work with the two of them on a weekly basis."

It made Leo's tensed face softened. It was hard to say anything out of relief. He should be better off silent if Jeremy isn't done speaking.

"Now, Louise Shelton, the president's daughter, will be the head of the inspection team. Along with Hailey Tyran, my sister, they'll go through your plans with the fugitives, Mr. Luciano. If by then they reported us with no progress, a punishment should be ordered."

It was the hardest part of the job: the punishment. That meant no food, no leisurely, no technologies to use when you're on the mission. That's why everyone aimed for the lifeline guarantee, and even Randall wanted that.

Bring the head of Zella Albert, and they're going to live their life in luxury.

But his subconscious wouldn't be quiet if he slit his fake wife's throat.

Punishments were coerced, and they have no choice but to accept it. It's either to die or to live with bruises.

"Is that the job inspection team have in the memorandum? I'll agree if they wouldn't get in our way. Cassanos don't like to be disturbed, Jeremy. We like to move on our own, and look where we are: we're working hard to satisfy you and Madam President."

Jeremy smiled jokingly. He might have something to say, but dreaded that if he said it sooner, the knife on their back would get revealed. Jeremy isn't as clever as he was, but he knew how Leo's mind worked. If it gets out of the track Jeremy thought, he'll be able to drop something he shouldn't have said.

"We're not satisfied with your first mission, Leo. I heard you use the bullet bombs Vincent Bass invented." The long-haired guy looked up to their boss. Jeremy tilted his head to one side. Vincent's apologetic eyes came up again. He looked down immediately, and fidgeted with his fingers.

He was such a pure person no one can trample on. If he gets offended, Vincent's stunts and steadiness will be affected.

"Don't say anymore to Vincent. Just complain about the mission in general. You know what happens to Vincent if you say one more offending word, Mr. Tyran." Leo creased his forehead. He never abandoned his team members. They're always behind his back.

When he needed a cover on a fight, they'll be returning the favor. It's a give and take.

"How could you possibly recruit a member as soft as him? I think, someone is more suitable than Vincent Bass here who knows how to invent harmful weapons. I clearly said to you, Leo, that your mission should be CLEAN."

"Theo Rilop isn't a simple fugitive, Mr. Tyran," Leo cut through his words. He doesn't care if he's disrespectful. He had done it a multiple times. Leo pursed his lips, propping his elbows by the table, and scoffed.

"Did you even ask Mr. Sam Grobes about how the fugitives know us?" Leo would keep on pushing it in down his throat. The confidential section of their agreement towards the people they'll kill has been broken. How could Leo trust him even more?

"That's a private matter that shouldn't be put on the table to feast on with prying eyes, Mr. Luciano."

This enraged Leo even more. "Then I'll tell everyone here about what happened to Theo Rilop."

Randall turned to him. This is the secret he has been hiding for days? Nothing made sense.

"Mr. Luciano!" A woman's voice bawled out across the table as Jeremy and Leo exchanged heated gazes. Randall froze. It meant to be authoritative, but why does her voice sound sweet in his ears?

The three of the Cassanos turned to Louise surprisingly.

Leo, who had a staring contest with Jeremy, turned to the brunette.

"You disrespect the head sector of our country and you'll get to lose points. Losing points meant a punishment, too." Is this the way she's saying he'd stop? Leo isn't following orders unless it was Jeremy and the president ordered him to do.

Leo scoffed. "Disrespectful? For your knowledge, Ms. Louise Shelton, you just came here for you to know what is the agreement of---"

She cut off fast. "Clause 5, the spies' mission is confidential and couldn't be disclosed to everyone, including the staff of the Calvorite Hall, the politicians, the celebrities, or even the commoners."

Leo's tongue rolled back. He scrunched his nose.

Louise retrieved a paper inside her coat's pockets and threw it at the table. It was folded into fourths. So before she got introduced, Louise and Hailey can see through them?

"I read the agreement. It's the same as us. We're just like a step ahead from the spies. We're going to inspect every move you have, and the rest of the Cassanos. These are all applied to other spies, too." Louise stood up from the table, and Jeremy let her lead the meeting.

"What's the use of the inspection team? Of course, to provide modest and organization to the Calvorite spies, who would have known that in the near future, the five of you might blow the whistle?"

She's just afraid of her mother's deeds. A lot of injustices got faced by innocent people in the Telamur and Calvorite. Louise, as the prodigal and obedient daughter, would cover up her mother's tracks and stay by her side, even if it's wrong.

Leo tapped on his fingers, and leaned on the swiveling chair, observing Louise's steady built.

"We just have to prevent that to happen. We are tied with an agreement here, right?"

Etienne whispered something under his breath. "Tied, my foot."

Hailey caught him. Etienne didn't even care and rolled his eyes.

"Is there anyone who wanted to go against the inspection team?" Louise probed, ignoring Etienne's remark. She raised her hand, pursuing them to do the same. Leo hissed, and neglected her question.

Randall, who was enthusiastic and bewildered by Louise's presence, answered, "No, we don't. In fact, we can all agree this would be a big help for us to have a progress."

Leo knew what Randall was playing. Their minds have been the same since day one.

"We should keep an eye on the two sides of the coin. This is a great idea," Randall agreed.

Plans are dangerous if love is involved.

Kyrie_Sunbaecreators' thoughts