

—Three weeks after Tyrene's funeral pyre—

"Wait… is that—" Helix asked with narrowed eyes.

"Whatcha looking at, Hellie?" Charlotte asked with excitement.

She was particularly fascinated whenever Helix pointed out a landmark, plant, or creature they passed.

"Hmmm? Is it something important?" Marie asked while stretching her arms.

Everyone was lounging around.

The group was traveling by wagon to Alzeria.

It was a boring trip along a trade route, so most of the time was spent lying around and playing games Tilo had in his item storage.

They had been on the road for three weeks, so their desire to play games was long gone.

Helix spent a lot of time reading to himself or the group.

"No way…." Helix gasped while pointing in the distance.

"The wagon around the bend?" Riley asked after a cute yawn.

Helix gave everyone an evil grin.

"That's right." He chuckled.

"What's so special about it? Wait…." Charlotte commented with narrowed eyes.
