
[The Fate of "Mankind"]

Water drenched Tilo's clothing from head to toe.

He looked down and noticed something horrifying.

To his dismay, the steam had ruined his battle discs aside from the three he waterproofed.

Tilo had stepped on a potentially lethal Charge Trigger circle Helix had modified for lower output.

The match was over.

Tilo couldn't care less, however.

He charged out of the mess of women around the waterfall.

The women chased him with jiggling breasts on all sides, giggling constantly.

They were shockingly fast and giggling up a storm.

It was an unbelievably comical sight.

"Sir Tilo! Come back!" Tyler giggled.

"Don't go back there!" Monica yelled.

Another minor explosion shot water into Tilo's eyes.

"Hahahaha! Helix Margrave!" He yelled between maniacal laughter.

"Your match is against us!" Catherine giggled.

"Fight us, big guy. Show us who the boss is!" Lisa giggled.

Another water explosion occurred when Tilo reached the other side of the geyser.
