
Turbulent Undercurrent

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

Dorothy's POV:

However, I quickly thought it through. I shouldn't be fooled by their act of filial piety and loyalty. If they were truly one, they would be working together to overcome this crisis instead of fighting each other with ulterior motives.

To the Crown Prince, the president, and the other mayors and nobles who weren't present, the Elf King was more of a political symbol than their family or monarch. Whoever controlled his sleeping body would occupy the high ground of legitimacy.

Therefore, they would never agree to this plan. First, they were afraid that I would hurt the elven King. Second, they were afraid that this plan would work. In this way, the interim government with the group of elders as the core would undoubtedly gain more support and stronger legitimacy from the outside world. Then, wouldn't other forces that wanted to seize power lose their chance?
