
A legendary Tale that foreshadows (a)

There was a branch of the merchant association in the County. It was a circular building of a pristine white color, quite showy but pretty old. It was built many years ago, but it was properly maintained over the years, and thus it retained its original shape. It didn't need to undergo renovation as it was unique the way it was. 

Many lockers could be found inside. Standing before one of them was Delilah. 

The idea of storing everything precious in one's inter-spatial ring has never been to her liking.

Wouldn't everything be stolen by the person who killed them? 

That's why she liked to deposit her things in secure places like this one with wills that state who they should be given to if one day she suddenly died.

"Click!" This was the sound of a valued customer's private locker opening. 

She pulled out a black briefcase from it, which was quite heavy as it was full of gold, but because she was a strong woman, it wasn't hard for her to hold and walk with it.
