
Research and Souls

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel collected his new golden ship into a pair of both gauntlets and a pair of golden sabatons for his feet.

The Revolutionaries had given him a lot of gold for that operation, it was a payment of sorts for the help he gave them.

Enel didn't bother to decline, as he saw nothing bad with having more resources to work with.

He also had plenty of thundercloud dials in both his staff, sabatons and gauntlets. Storing them was still just as easy.

The only problem with storing the dials in his gauntlets and sabatons was that if Enel was to clash with Kizaru(or any person at his level), most of the thundercloud dials would likely break on impact.

At least the dials in the parts that took part in the clash. It wasn't ideal, but that could be fixed as long as his Armament Haki got stronger.

'But before Armament comes Conquerors... I need to get on with my research, after that, I should also look into advanced Haki techniques.'

Robin had gone with the Archeology team, for now, she was likely going to be helping them for a while. Enel didn't forget about her, he still wanted to speak to her in private.

But for now, they both had plenty of work to deal with. Enel himself had countless issues in his mind and a lot of things that needed to be addressed quickly, but the one that he had been postponing was the one he needed to start with.

'Let's hope that the information Dragon gathered is useful for my situation...'

And so, Enel got to reading.

His eyes scanned through pages upon pages of information at impressive speeds, reading through the documents on his desk as quickly as he could, while also comprehending as much as possible.

Being able to minimize study time was something that he had been quite proficient at in his past life. Now he got to do it all over again.

It didn't take long for Enel to find a pattern in all of the information that was provided to him.

In all of the religions, there was a general consensus when it came to spirituality and souls in general.

'Souls are not one simple construct, they are supposedly a complex construct made of different parts...'

The more he read on, the more that hypothesis was mirrored in every religion he had information on.

After a mere few hours, Enel had gained quite a bit of comprehension regarding souls and the way they worked... At least from the information that he had been provided with.

There was obviously more than one theory on souls and they functioned.

One thing was clear though, 'Souls obviously are deeply ingrained into this world's history...'

Powers directly affecting one's soul weren't uncommon, and plenty of religions were based upon their powers as well.

It was rather fascinating for Enel to read that at some point in history someone with BigMom's fruit had created an entire religion based around that fruit.

It had been more than 400 years in the past, and most people had forgotten about it completely. The only reason the Revolutionaries were able to find out about it was that they had managed to find a mention of it in an extremely old book.

'Soul Society' It had been called, something akin to a utopia. No discrimination between races and powers, as to them only the soul mattered. Each individual was different in some way but in their differences, they had found strengths.

It was disbanded after gaining a bit too much strength though...

Most likely by the World Government. But there was no real mention of that either. So it was just a guess from Enel more so than anything... An educated guess as some would call it.

Regardless, Enel was able to compile the most believable theory from the information he had read.

Souls were specifically made out of three parts.

The first part was the mind, it dictated one's own reasoning.

The second part was the emotion, the spiritedness, often associated with bursts of rage or differing emotions.

The third and final part was the desire, the appetite, rather self-explanatory, making up one's own desires.

After compiling that information, Enel couldn't help but blink a few times, as he somewhat remembered the explanation.

He continued to read it over quite a few times before he finally remembered where he remembered it from.

'It's the platonic soul...'

The Platonic soul was a real theory that existed back in his own world, and it was eerily similar to the one that he was looking at right now.

Platos and Socrates, two greek philosophers, also theorized that the soul was of three parts.

The mind was called logos, or logistikon. The emotion was called thymos, or thumetikon. And finally, the desire was called eros, or epithumetikon.

One other part of each theory seemed to match. The concept of rebirth.

'Souls would inherently be immortal... This is agreed upon in both theories.

But an addition made by Aristotle also fits appears in the theory of this world...'

Only logos, the logical mind and the intellect were immortal. The emotion and the desire changed upon each incarnation of one soul, but the intellect always remained the same.

That led Enel to one question only...

'How exactly was my soul reincarnated into this world?'

Enel had all the reasons to believe that there was a soul in his body. Everything around him had a soul, everything alive and even not alive could have a soul, so his living and breathing flesh certainly had a soul behind the wheel.

Now, if the theory he uncovered was to be believed, and it certainly held some weight if it was present in both worlds, then only his mind could've been transferred over to Enel.

Only his intellect and his memories would've been transferred over if he were to listen to every single part of the theory and believe it as true.

'But I also have my desires still...

Wait... Do I really still have them?'

He and Enel had long since become the same person. He felt as if his desires were reflected in that world as well.

To find out the truth about the world and spread it to the entire world. His original soul's desires and interests were what sparked that goal...

"But did I have this goal before coming here?" Enel asked himself as he looked around his bleak and boring room. Filled with scattered books and documents.

"In my past life, I've never truly cared much for revealing the truth to the world... I only cared about learning for myself, I cared not for recognition or wealth... So why? Why did I suddenly feel differently?"

Enel spoke out loud, to no one in particular, as he tried to wrap his mind around the way his existence worked.

"Were Enel's desires and emotions simply twisted to fit my mind...?"

Enel said out loud as he had finally come to that realization. He blinked a few times before gulping a bit.

"The original Enel wouldn't have cared about the world... But he had a god complex, didn't he?"

It was at that point, that things became clearer, and more fleshed out in Enel's mind.

'The original Enel's god complex didn't allow him to think of himself as nothing other than righteous... That's how they always are.

But he never really had a strong set of morals or values... Which led to him basically being a third-rate villain at best.

So... His god complex mixed together with my morality, values and interests... Leading to this?'

The more he thought about it, the less he liked it, but it was the most logical conclusion he could come to... At least with the information, he had at hand.

'Well, this whole theory would certainly explain why I became so comfortable in my new skin so quickly...'

Enel felt that, with that revelation, some of his own questions had been answered.

'My soul... It's not that it's missing... It's just incomplete.'

His current soul was a patched-up work of bits and pieces of the original Enel's soul, stapled together to Alexander's Logos, or his mind and memories.

'... But every part of my soul was altered, as I also gained Enel's memories.

So it's more accurate to say that Enel never died. The original Enel just merged with me... Well, the parts of me that are here anyway.

My mind overpowered his, and it seems to have put me in charge, in a sense...

No, that isn't quite accurate. I am no longer either Alexander or Enel... I just became both.'

Their minds merged, but the other parts were different...

'What did the other parts of Enel's soul merge with? Mine should not exist anymore...'

It was a good question, after all, the 'God' that had sent him there didn't want him to learn a lot about his soul, he had even prevented Big Mom from seeing it.

'No, it's simply impossible to tell at this point...

I need to get in touch with Big Mom, she should hopefully be able to confirm or deny some of my findings...

If she agrees to help me that is.'

Enel simply threw the documents back into the pile with a sigh.

'Well, this certainly answers some of my questions... Though I've yet to find anything on how my soul affects my willpower...'

'... Which part of the soul would be related to one's will, or ambition, the most?'

Enel didn't take long to realize that the answer was a lot more complicated than that.

'Desire and emotion both make up someone's will in a sense, same for intellect... How am I supposed to pinpoint this?'

In the end, Enel just sighed and figured he'd speak more about it with Big Mom...

After he finished that train of thought, he rested his tired eyes for a few minutes, before hearing a knock on his door.

'... Robin?'


Hope you liked the chapter! Bit late, but that's kinda normal nowadays anyway

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