
Ice Shower

Three months elapsed and Velora advanced with Ezra's help.

Now seven years old, Ezra's physique mirrored that of a ten-year-old.

He'd grown broad shouldered, holding a neat six pack abs and a height of 5 foot 2.

Right now, he was coughing out blood with his eyes bloodshot, yet the smile never left his lips.

'I'm almost there' he rejoiced.

The closer he got to clearing out all his impurities, the worse the backlash.

Normally, one would've cleaned such an amount of impurities only after hitting Expert-rank.

Yet here he was, doing the same at Adept-rank. Of course he would suffer, as his body went through deep changes each time impurities were expelled.

Change called for adaptation, which led to a transformation.

And since these changes weren't natural, his internals fell into chaos as they adapted, causing painful backlashes.

That aside, the potency of his blood poison increased.
